158 research outputs found

    Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Methods for Nonconvex Optimization

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    We study Frank-Wolfe methods for nonconvex stochastic and finite-sum optimization problems. Frank-Wolfe methods (in the convex case) have gained tremendous recent interest in machine learning and optimization communities due to their projection-free property and their ability to exploit structured constraints. However, our understanding of these algorithms in the nonconvex setting is fairly limited. In this paper, we propose nonconvex stochastic Frank-Wolfe methods and analyze their convergence properties. For objective functions that decompose into a finite-sum, we leverage ideas from variance reduction techniques for convex optimization to obtain new variance reduced nonconvex Frank-Wolfe methods that have provably faster convergence than the classical Frank-Wolfe method. Finally, we show that the faster convergence rates of our variance reduced methods also translate into improved convergence rates for the stochastic setting

    Catalyst Acceleration for Gradient-Based Non-Convex Optimization

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    We introduce a generic scheme to solve nonconvex optimization problems using gradient-based algorithms originally designed for minimizing convex functions. Even though these methods may originally require convexity to operate, the proposed approach allows one to use them on weakly convex objectives, which covers a large class of non-convex functions typically appearing in machine learning and signal processing. In general, the scheme is guaranteed to produce a stationary point with a worst-case efficiency typical of first-order methods, and when the objective turns out to be convex, it automatically accelerates in the sense of Nesterov and achieves near-optimal convergence rate in function values. These properties are achieved without assuming any knowledge about the convexity of the objective, by automatically adapting to the unknown weak convexity constant. We conclude the paper by showing promising experimental results obtained by applying our approach to incremental algorithms such as SVRG and SAGA for sparse matrix factorization and for learning neural networks

    Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Minibatch Proximal Gradient: Less-Than-Single-Pass Optimization with Nearly Optimal Generalization

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    Stochastic variance-reduced gradient (SVRG) algorithms have been shown to work favorably in solving large-scale learning problems. Despite the remarkable success, the stochastic gradient complexity of SVRG-type algorithms usually scales linearly with data size and thus could still be expensive for huge data. To address this deficiency, we propose a hybrid stochastic-deterministic minibatch proximal gradient (HSDMPG) algorithm for strongly-convex problems that enjoys provably improved data-size-independent complexity guarantees. More precisely, for quadratic loss F(θ)F(\theta) of nn components, we prove that HSDMPG can attain an ϵ\epsilon-optimization-error E[F(θ)F(θ)]ϵ\mathbb{E}[F(\theta)-F(\theta^*)]\leq\epsilon within O(κ1.5ϵ0.75log1.5(1ϵ)+1ϵ(κnlog1.5(1ϵ)+nlog(1ϵ)))\mathcal{O}\Big(\frac{\kappa^{1.5}\epsilon^{0.75}\log^{1.5}(\frac{1}{\epsilon})+1}{\epsilon}\wedge\Big(\kappa \sqrt{n}\log^{1.5}\big(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\big)+n\log\big(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\big)\Big)\Big) stochastic gradient evaluations, where κ\kappa is condition number. For generic strongly convex loss functions, we prove a nearly identical complexity bound though at the cost of slightly increased logarithmic factors. For large-scale learning problems, our complexity bounds are superior to those of the prior state-of-the-art SVRG algorithms with or without dependence on data size. Particularly, in the case of ϵ=O(1/n)\epsilon=\mathcal{O}\big(1/\sqrt{n}\big) which is at the order of intrinsic excess error bound of a learning model and thus sufficient for generalization, the stochastic gradient complexity bounds of HSDMPG for quadratic and generic loss functions are respectively O(n0.875log1.5(n))\mathcal{O} (n^{0.875}\log^{1.5}(n)) and O(n0.875log2.25(n))\mathcal{O} (n^{0.875}\log^{2.25}(n)), which to our best knowledge, for the first time achieve optimal generalization in less than a single pass over data. Extensive numerical results demonstrate the computational advantages of our algorithm over the prior ones

    On the fast convergence of minibatch heavy ball momentum

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    Simple stochastic momentum methods are widely used in machine learning optimization, but their good practical performance is at odds with an absence of theoretical guarantees of acceleration in the literature. In this work, we aim to close the gap between theory and practice by showing that stochastic heavy ball momentum retains the fast linear rate of (deterministic) heavy ball momentum on quadratic optimization problems, at least when minibatching with a sufficiently large batch size. The algorithm we study can be interpreted as an accelerated randomized Kaczmarz algorithm with minibatching and heavy ball momentum. The analysis relies on carefully decomposing the momentum transition matrix, and using new spectral norm concentration bounds for products of independent random matrices. We provide numerical illustrations demonstrating that our bounds are reasonably sharp

    The Practicality of Stochastic Optimization in Imaging Inverse Problems

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    In this work we investigate the practicality of stochastic gradient descent and recently introduced variants with variance-reduction techniques in imaging inverse problems. Such algorithms have been shown in the machine learning literature to have optimal complexities in theory, and provide great improvement empirically over the deterministic gradient methods. Surprisingly, in some tasks such as image deblurring, many of such methods fail to converge faster than the accelerated deterministic gradient methods, even in terms of epoch counts. We investigate this phenomenon and propose a theory-inspired mechanism for the practitioners to efficiently characterize whether it is beneficial for an inverse problem to be solved by stochastic optimization techniques or not. Using standard tools in numerical linear algebra, we derive conditions on the spectral structure of the inverse problem for being a suitable application of stochastic gradient methods. Particularly, we show that, for an imaging inverse problem, if and only if its Hessain matrix has a fast-decaying eigenspectrum, then the stochastic gradient methods can be more advantageous than deterministic methods for solving such a problem. Our results also provide guidance on choosing appropriately the partition minibatch schemes, showing that a good minibatch scheme typically has relatively low correlation within each of the minibatches. Finally, we propose an accelerated primal-dual SGD algorithm in order to tackle another key bottleneck of stochastic optimization which is the heavy computation of proximal operators. The proposed method has fast convergence rate in practice, and is able to efficiently handle non-smooth regularization terms which are coupled with linear operators