27 research outputs found

    Proof of Latency Using a Verifiable Delay Function

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    In this thesis I present an interactive public-coin protocol called Proof of Latency (PoL) that aims to improve connections in peer-to-peer networks by measuring latencies with logical clocks built from verifiable delay functions (VDF). PoL is a tuple of three algorithms, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e), and Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup creates a vector commitment (VC), from which a vector commitment opening corresponding to a collaborator's public key is taken in VCOpen, which then gets used to create a common reference string used in Measure. If no collusion gets detected by neither party, a signed proof is ready for advertising. PoL is agnostic in terms of the individual implementations of the VC or VDF used. This said, I present a proof of concept in the form of a state machine implemented in Rust that uses RSA-2048, Catalano-Fiore vector commitments and Wesolowski's VDF to demonstrate PoL. As VDFs themselves have been shown to be useful in timestamping, they seem to work as a measurement of time in this context as well, albeit requiring a public performance metric for each peer to compare to during the measurement. I have imagined many use cases for PoL, like proving a geographical location, working as a benchmark query, or using the proofs to calculate VDFs with the latencies between peers themselves. As it stands, PoL works as a distance bounding protocol between two participants, considering their computing performance is relatively similar. More work is needed to verify the soundness of PoL as a publicly verifiable proof that a third party can believe in.Tässä tutkielmassa esitän interaktiivisen protokollan nimeltä Proof of latency (PoL), joka pyrkii parantamaan yhteyksiä vertaisverkoissa mittaamalla viivettä todennettavasta viivefunktiosta rakennetulla loogisella kellolla. Proof of latency koostuu kolmesta algoritmista, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e) ja Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup luo vektorisitoumuksen, josta luodaan avaus algoritmissa VCOpen avaamalla vektorisitoumus indeksistä, joka kuvautuu toisen mittaavan osapuolen julkiseen avaimeen. Tätä avausta käytetään luomaan yleinen viitemerkkijono, jota käytetään algoritmissa Measure alkupisteenä molempien osapuolien todennettavissa viivefunktioissa mittaamaan viivettä. Jos kumpikin osapuoli ei huomaa virheitä mittauksessa, on heidän allekirjoittama todistus valmis mainostettavaksi vertaisverkossa. PoL ei ota kantaa sen käyttämien kryptografisten funktioiden implementaatioon. Tästä huolimatta olen ohjelmoinut protokollasta prototyypin Rust-ohjelmointikielellä käyttäen RSA-2048:tta, Catalano-Fiore--vektorisitoumuksia ja Wesolowskin todennettavaa viivefunktiota protokollan esittelyyn. Todistettavat viivefunktiot ovat osoittaneet hyödyllisiksi aikaleimauksessa, mikä näyttäisi osoittavan niiden soveltumisen myös ajan mittaamiseen tässä konteksissa, huolimatta siitä että jokaisen osapuolen tulee ilmoittaa julkisesti teholukema, joka kuvaa niiden tehokkuutta viivefunktioiden laskemisessa. Toinen osapuoli käyttää tätä lukemaa arvioimaan valehteliko toinen viivemittauksessa. Olen kuvitellut monta käyttökohdetta PoL:lle, kuten maantieteellisen sijainnin todistaminen, suorituskykytestaus, tai itse viivetodistuksien käyttäminen uusien viivetodistusten laskemisessa vertaisverkon osallistujien välillä. Tällä hetkellä PoL toimii etäisyydenmittausprotokollana kahden osallistujan välillä, jos niiden suorituskyvyt ovat tarpeeksi lähellä toisiaan. Protokolla tarvitsee lisätutkimusta sen suhteen, voiko se toimia uskottavana todistuksena kolmansille osapuolille kahden vertaisverkon osallistujan välisestä viiveestä

    Walking Onions: Scaling Distribution of Information Safely in Anonymity Networks

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    Scaling anonymity networks offers unique security challenges, as attackers can exploit differing views of the network’s topology to perform epistemic and route capture attacks. Anonymity networks in practice, such as Tor, have opted for security over scalability by requiring participants to share a globally consistent view of all relays to prevent these kinds of attacks. Such an approach requires each user to maintain up-to-date information about every relay, causing the total amount of data each user must download every epoch to scale linearly with the number of relays. As the number of clients increases, more relays must be added to provide bandwidth, further exacerbating the total load on the network. In this work, we present Walking Onions, a set of protocols improving scalability for anonymity networks. Walking Onions enables constant-size scaling of the information each user must download in every epoch, even as the number of relays in the network grows. Furthermore, we show how relaxing the clients’ bandwidth growth from constant to logarithmic can enable an outsized improvement to relays’ bandwidth costs. Notably, Walking Onions offers the same security properties as current designs that require a globally consistent network view. We present two protocol variants. The first requires minimal changes from current onion-routing systems. The second presents a more significant design change, thereby reducing the latency required to establish a path through the network while providing better forward secrecy than previous such constructions. We evaluate Walking Onions against a generalized onion-routing anonymity network and discuss tradeoffs among the approaches

    Security and Privacy for Mobile Social Networks

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    With the ever-increasing demands of people's social interactions, traditional online social networking applications are being shifted to the mobile ones, enabling users' social networking and interactions anywhere anytime. Due to the portability and pervasiveness of mobile devices, such as smartphones, wearable devices and tablets, Mobile Social Network (MSN), as a promising social network platform, has become increasingly popular and brought immense benefits. In MSN, users can easily discover and chat with social friends in the vicinity even without the Internet; vehicle drivers and passengers can exchange traffic information, videos or images with other vehicles on the road; customers in a shopping mall can share sale information and recommend it to their friends. With MSNs, massive opportunities are created to facilitate people's social interactions and enlarge the inherent social circle. However, the flourish of MSNs also hinges upon fully understanding and managing the challenges, such as security threats and privacy leakage. Security and privacy concerns rise as the boom of MSN applications comes up, but few users have paid adequate attentions to protect their privacy-sensitive information from disclosing. First of all, to initiate social interactions, users sometimes exchange their social interests or preferences with each other (including strangers in the vicinity) without sufficient protections. As such, some private information may be inferred from the exchanged social interests by attackers and untrusted users. Secondly, some malicious attackers might forge fake identities or false contents, such as spam and advertisements, to disrupt MSNs or mislead other users. These attackers could even collude and launch a series of security threats to MSNs. In addition, massive social network data are usually stored in untrusted cloud servers, where data confidentiality, authentication, access control and privacy are of paramount importance. Last but not least, the trade-off between data availability and privacy should be taken into account when the data are stored, queried and processed for various MSN applications. Therefore, novel security and privacy techniques become essential for MSN to provide sufficient and adjustable protections. In this thesis, we focus on security and privacy for MSNs. Based on the MSN architecture and emerging applications, we first investigate security and privacy requirements for MSNs and introduce several challenging issues, i.e., spam, misbehaviors and privacy leakage. To tackle these problems, we propose efficient security and privacy preservation schemes for MSNs. Specifically, the main contributions of this thesis can be three-fold. Firstly, to address the issues of spam in autonomous MSNs, we propose a personalized fine-grained spam filtering scheme (PIF), which exploits social characteristics during data delivery. The PIF allows users to create personalized filters according to their social interests, and enables social friends to hold these filters, discarding the unwanted data before delivery. We also design privacy-preserving coarse-grained and fine-grained filtering mechanisms in the PIF to not only enable the filtering but also prevent users' private information included in the filters from disclosing to untrusted entities. Secondly, to detect misbehaviors during MSN data sharing, we propose a social-based mobile Sybil detection scheme (SMSD). The SMSD detects Sybil attackers by differentiating the abnormal pseudonym changing and contact behaviors, since Sybil attackers frequently or rapidly change their pseudonyms to cheat legitimate users. As the volume of contact data from users keeps increasing, the SMSD utilizes local cloud servers to store and process the users' contact data such that the burden of mobile users is alleviated. The SMSD also detects the collusion attacks and prevents user's data from malicious modification when employing the untrusted local cloud server for the detection. Thirdly, to achieve the trade-off between privacy and data availability, we investigate a centralized social network application, which exploits social network to enhance human-to-human infection analysis. We integrate social network data and health data to jointly analyze the instantaneous infectivity during human-to-human contact, and propose a novel privacy-preserving infection analysis approach (PIA). The PIA enables the collaboration among different cloud servers (i.e., social network cloud server and health cloud server). It employs a privacy-preserving data query method based on conditional oblivious transfer to enable data sharing and prevent data from disclosing to untrusted entities. A privacy-preserving classification-based infection analysis method is also proposed to enable the health cloud server to infer infection spread but preserve privacy simultaneously. Finally, we summarize the thesis and share several open research directions in MSNs. The developed security solutions and research results in this thesis should provide a useful step towards better understanding and implementing secure and privacy-preserving MSNs

    Improving Dependability of Networks with Penalty and Revocation Mechanisms

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    Both malicious and non-malicious faults can dismantle computer networks. Thus, mitigating faults at various layers is essential in ensuring efficient and fair network resource utilization. In this thesis we take a step in this direction and study several ways to deal with faults by means of penalties and revocation mechanisms in networks that are lacking a centralized coordination point, either because of their scale or design. Compromised nodes can pose a serious threat to infrastructure, end-hosts and services. Such malicious elements can undermine the availability and fairness of networked systems. To deal with such nodes, we design and analyze protocols enabling their removal from the network in a fast and a secure way. We design these protocols for two different environments. In the former setting, we assume that there are multiple, but independent trusted points in the network which coordinate other nodes in the network. In the latter, we assume that all nodes play equal roles in the network and thus need to cooperate to carry out common functionality. We analyze these solutions and discuss possible deployment scenarios. Next we turn our attention to wireless edge networks. In this context, some nodes, without being malicious, can still behave in an unfair manner. To deal with the situation, we propose several self-penalty mechanisms. We implement the proposed protocols employing a commodity hardware and conduct experiments in real-world environments. The analysis of data collected in several measurement rounds revealed improvements in terms of higher fairness and throughput. We corroborate the results with simulations and an analytic model. And finally, we discuss how to measure fairness in dynamic settings, where nodes can have heterogeneous resource demands

    Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3: A Performance Study

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    The potential development of large-scale quantum computers is raising concerns among IT and security research professionals due to their ability to solve (elliptic curve) discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems in polynomial time. All currently used public key algorithms would be deemed insecure in a post-quantum (PQ) setting. In response, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has initiated a process to standardize quantum-resistant crypto algorithms, focusing primarily on their security guarantees. Since PQ algorithms present significant differences over classical ones, their overall evaluation should not be performed out-of-context. This work presents a detailed performance evaluation of the NIST signature algorithm candidates and investigates the imposed latency on TLS 1.3 connection establishment under realistic network conditions. In addition, we investigate their impact on TLS session throughput and analyze the trade-off between lengthy PQ signatures and computationally heavy PQ cryptographic operations. Our results demonstrate that the adoption of at least two PQ signature algorithms would be viable with little additional overhead over current signature algorithms. Also, we argue that many NIST PQ candidates can effectively be used for less time-sensitive applications, and provide an in-depth discussion on the integration of PQ authentication in encrypted tunneling protocols, along with the related challenges, improvements, and alternatives. Finally, we propose and evaluate the combination of different PQ signature algorithms across the same certificate chain in TLS. Results show a reduction of the TLS handshake time and a significant increase of a server\u27s TLS tunnel connection rate over using a single PQ signature scheme

    Private Federated Analytics At Scale

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    Collecting distributed data from millions of individuals for the purpose of analytics is a common scenario – from Apple collecting typed words and emojis to improve its keyboard suggestions, to Google collecting location data to see how busy restaurants and businesses are. This data is often sensitive, and can be overly revealing about the individuals and communities whose data is being analyzed en masse. Differential privacy has become the gold-standard method to give strong individual privacy guarantees while releasing aggregate statistics about sensitive data. However, the process of computing such statistics can itself be a privacy risk. For instance, a simple approach would be to collect all the raw data at a single central entity, which then computes and releases the statistics. This entity then has to be trusted to not abuse the raw data; in practice, it can be difficult to find an entity with the requisite level of trust. In this thesis, we describe a new approach that uses cryptographic techniques to collect data privately and safely, without placing trust in any party. Although the natural candidates, such as secure multiparty computation (MPC) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) do not scale to millions of parties on their own, our key insight is that there are ways to refactor computations in such a way that they can be done using simpler techniques that do scale, such as additively homomorphic encryption. Our solution restructures centralized computations into distributed protocols that can be executed efficiently at scale. The systems we design based on this approach can support billions of participants and can handle a variety of real queries from the literature, including machine learning tasks, Pregel-style graph queries, and queries over large categorical data. We automate the distributed refactoring so that analysts can write the query as if the data were centralized without understanding how the rewriting works, and we protect against malicious parties who aim to poison or bias the results

    Extension and hardware implementation of the comprehensive integrated security system concept

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    Merged with duplicate record (10026.1/700) on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.The current strategy to computer networking is to increase the accessibility that legitimate users have to their respective systems and to distribute functionality. This creates a more efficient working environment, users may work from home, organisations can make better use of their computing power. Unfortunately, a side effect of opening up computer systems and placing them on potentially global networks is that they face increased threats from uncontrolled access points, and from eavesdroppers listening to the data communicated between systems. Along with these increased threats the traditional ones such as disgruntled employees, malicious software, and accidental damage must still be countered. A comprehensive integrated security system ( CISS ) has been developed to provide security within the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and Open Distributed Processing (ODP) environments. The research described in this thesis investigates alternative methods for its implementation and its optimisation through partial implementation within hardware and software and the investigation of mechanismsto improve its security. A new deployment strategy for CISS is described where functionality is divided amongst computing platforms of increasing capability within a security domain. Definitions are given of a: local security unit, that provides terminal security; local security servers that serve the local security units and domain management centres that provide security service coordination within a domain. New hardware that provides RSA and DES functionality capable of being connected to Sun microsystems is detailed. The board can be used as a basic building block of CISS, providing fast cryptographic facilities, or in isolation for discrete cryptographic services. Software written for UNIX in C/C++ is described, which provides optimised security mechanisms on computer systems that do not have SBus connectivity. A new identification/authentication mechanism is investigated that can be added to existing systems with the potential for extension into a real time supervision scenario. The mechanism uses keystroke analysis through the application of neural networks and genetic algorithms and has produced very encouraging results. Finally, a new conceptual model for intrusion detection capable of dealing with real time and historical evaluation is discussed, which further enhances the CISS concept