480 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Qubit Mapping Toward Quantum Advantage

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    Qubit Mapping is a pivotal stage in quantum compilation flow. Its goal is to convert logical circuits into physical circuits so that a quantum algorithm can be executed on real-world non-fully connected quantum devices. Qubit Mapping techniques nowadays still lack the key to quantum advantage, scalability. Several studies have proved that at least thousands of logical qubits are required to achieve quantum computational advantage. However, to our best knowledge, there is no previous research with the ability to solve the qubit mapping problem with the necessary number of qubits for quantum advantage in a reasonable time. In this work, we provide the first qubit mapping framework with the scalability to achieve quantum advantage while accomplishing a fairly good performance. The framework also boasts its flexibility for quantum circuits of different characteristics. Experimental results show that the proposed mapping method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on quantum circuit benchmarks by improving over 5% of the cost complexity in one-tenth of the program running time. Moreover, we demonstrate the scalability of our method by accomplishing mapping of an 11,969-qubit Quantum Fourier Transform within five hours

    Reducing the CNOT count for Clifford+T circuits on NISQ architectures

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    While mapping a quantum circuit to the physical layer one has to consider the numerous constraints imposed by the underlying hardware architecture. Connectivity of the physical qubits is one such constraint that restricts two-qubit operations such as CNOT to "connected" qubits. SWAP gates can be used to place the logical qubits on admissible physical qubits, but they entail a significant increase in CNOT-count, considering the fact that each SWAP gate can be implemented by 3 CNOT gates. In this paper we consider the problem of reducing the CNOT-count in Clifford+T circuits on connectivity constrained architectures such as noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) (Preskill, 2018) computing devices. We "slice" the circuit at the position of Hadamard gates and "build" the intermediate portions. We investigated two kinds of partitioning - (i) a simple method of partitioning the gates of the input circuit based on the locality of H gates and (ii) a second method of partitioning the phase polynomial of the input circuit. The intermediate {CNOT,T} sub-circuits are synthesized using Steiner trees, significantly improving on the methods introduced by Nash, Gheorghiu, Mosca[2020] and Kissinger, de Griend[2019]. We compared the performance of our algorithms while mapping different benchmark circuits as well as random circuits to some popular architectures such as 9-qubit square grid, 16-qubit square grid, Rigetti 16-qubit Aspen, 16-qubit IBM QX5 and 20-qubit IBM Tokyo. We found that for both the benchmark and random circuits our first algorithm that uses the simple slicing technique dramatically reduces the CNOT-count compared to naively using SWAP gates. Our second slice-and-build algorithm also performs very well for benchmark circuits.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Added appendix with example

    Mathematical formulation of quantum circuit design problems in networks of quantum computers

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    In quantum circuit design, the question arises how to distribute qubits, used in algorithms, over the various quantum computers, and how to order them within a quantum computer. In order to evaluate these problems, we define the global and local reordering problems for distributed quantum computing. We formalise the mathematical problems and model them as integer linear programming problems, to minimise the number of SWAP gates or the number of interactions between different quantum computers. For global reordering, we analyse the problem for various geometries of networks: completely connected networks, general networks, linear arrays and grid-structured networks. For local reordering, in networks of quantum computers, we also define the mathematical optimisation problem

    Computational Capabilities and Compiler Development for Neutral Atom Quantum Processors: Connecting Tool Developers and Hardware Experts

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    Neutral Atom Quantum Computing (NAQC) emerges as a promising hardware platform primarily due to its long coherence times and scalability. Additionally, NAQC offers computational advantages encompassing potential long-range connectivity, native multi-qubit gate support, and the ability to physically rearrange qubits with high fidelity. However, for the successful operation of a NAQC processor, one additionally requires new software tools to translate high-level algorithmic descriptions into a hardware executable representation, taking maximal advantage of the hardware capabilities. Realizing new software tools requires a close connection between tool developers and hardware experts to ensure that the corresponding software tools obey the corresponding physical constraints. This work aims to provide a basis to establish this connection by investigating the broad spectrum of capabilities intrinsic to the NAQC platform and its implications on the compilation process. To this end, we first review the physical background of NAQC and derive how it affects the overall compilation process by formulating suitable constraints and figures of merit. We then provide a summary of the compilation process and discuss currently available software tools in this overview. Finally, we present selected case studies and employ the discussed figures of merit to evaluate the different capabilities of NAQC and compare them between two hardware setups.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Circuit Transformations for Quantum Architectures

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    Quantum computer architectures impose restrictions on qubit interactions. We propose efficient circuit transformations that modify a given quantum circuit to fit an architecture, allowing for any initial and final mapping of circuit qubits to architecture qubits. To achieve this, we first consider the qubit movement subproblem and use the ROUTING VIA MATCHINGS framework to prove tighter bounds on parallel routing. In practice, we only need to perform partial permutations, so we generalize ROUTING VIA MATCHINGS to that setting. We give new routing procedures for common architecture graphs and for the generalized hierarchical product of graphs, which produces subgraphs of the Cartesian product. Secondly, for serial routing, we consider the TOKEN SWAPPING framework and extend a 4-approximation algorithm for general graphs to support partial permutations. We apply these routing procedures to give several circuit transformations, using various heuristic qubit placement subroutines. We implement these transformations in software and compare their performance for large quantum circuits on grid and modular architectures, identifying strategies that work well in practice