68 research outputs found

    Survey analysis for optimization algorithms applied to electroencephalogram

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    This paper presents a survey for optimization approaches that analyze and classify Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The automatic analysis of EEG presents a significant challenge due to the high-dimensional data volume. Optimization algorithms seek to achieve better accuracy by selecting practical features and reducing unwanted features. Forty-seven reputable research papers are provided in this work, emphasizing the developed and executed techniques divided into seven groups based on the applied optimization algorithm particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony (ABC), grey wolf optimizer (GWO), Bat, Firefly, and other optimizer approaches). The main measures to analyze this paper are accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score assessment. Several datasets have been utilized in the included papers like EEG Bonn University, CHB-MIT, electrocardiography (ECG) dataset, and other datasets. The results have proven that the PSO and GWO algorithms have achieved the highest accuracy rate of around 99% compared with other techniques

    Slime Mold Optimization with Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Big Data Classification on Apache Spark Environment

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    Lately, Big Data (BD) classification has become an active research area in different fields namely finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and so on. Feature Selection (FS) is a crucial task for text classification challenges. Text FS aims to characterize documents using the most relevant feature. This method might reduce the dataset size and maximize the efficiency of the machine learning method. Various researcher workers focus on elaborating effective FS techniques. But most of the presented techniques are assessed for smaller datasets and validated by a single machine. As textual data dimensionality becomes high, conventional FS methodologies should be parallelized and improved to manage textual big datasets. This article develops a Slime Mold Optimization based FS with Optimal Relational Graph Convolutional Network (SMOFS-ORGCN) for BD Classification in Apache Spark Environment. The presented SMOFS-ORGCN model mainly focuses on the classification of BD accurately and rapidly. To handle BD, the SMOFS-ORGCN model uses an Apache Spark environment. In the SMOFS-ORGCN model, the SMOFS technique gets executed for reducing the profanity of dimensionality and to improve classification accuracy. In this article, the RGCN technique is employed for BD classification. In addition, Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) technique is utilized as a hyperparameter optimizer of the RGCN technique to enhance the classification achievement. To exhibit the better achievement of the SMOFS-ORGCN technique, a far-reaching experiments were conducted. The comparison results reported enhanced outputs of the SMOFS-ORGCN technique over current models

    Advances in optimisation algorithms and techniques for deep learning

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    In the last decade, deep learning(DL) has witnessed excellent performances on a variety of problems, including speech recognition, object recognition, detection, and natural language processing (NLP) among many others. Of these applications, one common challenge is to obtain ideal parameters during the training of the deep neural networks (DNN). These typical parameters are obtained by some optimisation techniques which have been studied extensively. These research have produced state-of-art(SOTA) results on speed and memory improvements for deep neural networks(NN) architectures. However, the SOTA optimisers have continued to be an active research area with no compilations of the existing optimisers reported in the literature. This paper provides an overview of the recent advances in optimisation algorithms and techniques used in DNN, highlighting the current SOTA optimisers, improvements made on these optimisation algorithms and techniques, alongside the trends in the development of optimisers used in training DL based models. The results of the search of the Scopus database for the optimisers in DL provides the articles reported as the summary of the DL optimisers. From what we can tell, there is no comprehensive compilation of the optimisation algorithms and techniques so far developed and used in DL research and applications, and this paper summarises these facts

    A Modified LeNet CNN for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively utilized in medical image processing to automatically extract meaningful features and classify various medical conditions, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses. In this paper, LeNet, a classic CNN architecture, has been successfully applied to breast cancer data analysis. It demonstrates its ability to extract discriminative features and classify malignant and benign tumors with high accuracy, thereby supporting early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. LeNet with corrected Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), a modification of the traditional ReLU activation function, has been found to improve the performance of LeNet in breast cancer data analysis tasks via addressing the “dying ReLU” problem and enhancing the discriminative power of the extracted features. This has led to more accurate, reliable breast cancer detection and diagnosis and improved patient outcomes. Batch normalization improves the performance and training stability of small and shallow CNN architecture like LeNet. It helps to mitigate the effects of internal covariate shift, which refers to the change in the distribution of network activations during training. This classifier will lessen the overfitting problem and reduce the running time. The designed classifier is evaluated against the benchmarking deep learning models, proving that this has produced a higher recognition rate. The accuracy of the breast image recognition rate is 89.91%. This model will achieve better performance in segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and breast cancer tumor detection

    Medical Image Classification Using Transfer Learning and Chaos Game Optimization on the Internet of Medical Things

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    The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has dramatically benefited medical professionals that patients and physicians can access from all regions. Although the automatic detection and prediction of diseases such as melanoma and leukemia is still being researched and studied in IoMT, existing approaches are not able to achieve a high degree of efficiency. Thus, with a new approach that provides better results, patients would access the adequate treatments earlier and the death rate would be reduced. Therefore, this paper introduces an IoMT proposal for medical images classification that may be used anywhere, i.e. it is an ubiquitous approach. It was design in two stages: first, we employ a Transfer Learning (TL)-based method for feature extraction, which is carried out using MobileNetV3; second, we use the Chaos Game Optimization (CGO) for feature selection, with the aim of excluding unnecessary features and improving the performance, which is key in IoMT. Our methodology was evaluated using ISIC-2016, PH2, and Blood-Cell datasets. The experimental results indicated that the proposed approach obtained an accuracy of 88.39% on ISIC-2016, 97.52% on PH2, and 88.79% on Blood-cell. Moreover, our approach had successful performances for the metrics employed compared to other existing methods.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, journa

    Binary Multi-Verse Optimization (BMVO) Approaches for Feature Selection

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    Multi-Verse Optimization (MVO) is one of the newest meta-heuristic optimization algorithms which imitates the theory of Multi-Verse in Physics and resembles the interaction among the various universes. In problem domains like feature selection, the solutions are often constrained to the binary values viz. 0 and 1. With regard to this, in this paper, binary versions of MVO algorithm have been proposed with two prime aims: firstly, to remove redundant and irrelevant features from the dataset and secondly, to achieve better classification accuracy. The proposed binary versions use the concept of transformation functions for the mapping of a continuous version of the MVO algorithm to its binary versions. For carrying out the experiments, 21 diverse datasets have been used to compare the Binary MVO (BMVO) with some binary versions of existing metaheuristic algorithms. It has been observed that the proposed BMVO approaches have outperformed in terms of a number of features selected and the accuracy of the classification process

    Hybrid feature selection based on principal component analysis and grey wolf optimizer algorithm for Arabic news article classification

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    The rapid growth of electronic documents has resulted from the expansion and development of internet technologies. Text-documents classification is a key task in natural language processing that converts unstructured data into structured form and then extract knowledge from it. This conversion generates a high dimensional data that needs further analusis using data mining techniques like feature extraction, feature selection, and classification to derive meaningful insights from the data. Feature selection is a technique used for reducing dimensionality in order to prune the feature space and, as a result, lowering the computational cost and enhancing classification accuracy. This work presents a hybrid filter-wrapper method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a filter approach to select an appropriate and informative subset of features and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) as wrapper approach (PCA-GWO) to select further informative features. Logistic Regression (LR) is used as an elevator to test the classification accuracy of candidate feature subsets produced by GWO. Three Arabic datasets, namely Alkhaleej, Akhbarona, and Arabiya, are used to assess the efficiency of the proposed method. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method based on PCA-GWO outperforms the baseline classifiers with/without feature selection and other feature selection approaches in terms of classification accuracy

    Intelligent human action recognition using an ensemble model of evolving deep networks with swarm-based optimization.

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    Automatic interpretation of human actions from realistic videos attracts increasing research attention owing to its growing demand in real-world deployments such as biometrics, intelligent robotics, and surveillance. In this research, we propose an ensemble model of evolving deep networks comprising Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) networks for human action recognition. A swarm intelligence (SI)-based algorithm is also proposed for identifying the optimal hyper-parameters of the deep networks. The SI algorithm plays a crucial role for determining the BLSTM network and learning configurations such as the learning and dropout rates and the number of hidden neurons, in order to establish effective deep features that accurately represent the temporal dynamics of human actions. The proposed SI algorithm incorporates hybrid crossover operators implemented by sine, cosine, and tanh functions for multiple elite offspring signal generation, as well as geometric search coefficients extracted from a three-dimensional super-ellipse surface. Moreover, it employs a versatile search process led by the yielded promising offspring solutions to overcome stagnation. Diverse CNN–BLSTM networks with distinctive hyper-parameter settings are devised. An ensemble model is subsequently constructed by aggregating a set of three optimized CNN–BLSTM​ networks based on the average prediction probabilities. Evaluated using several publicly available human action data sets, our evolving ensemble deep networks illustrate statistically significant superiority over those with default and optimal settings identified by other search methods. The proposed SI algorithm also shows great superiority over several other methods for solving diverse high-dimensional unimodal and multimodal optimization functions with artificial landscapes

    Intelligent Computing for Big Data

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    Recent advances in artificial intelligence have the potential to further develop current big data research. The Special Issue on ‘Intelligent Computing for Big Data’ highlighted a number of recent studies related to the use of intelligent computing techniques in the processing of big data for text mining, autism diagnosis, behaviour recognition, and blockchain-based storage

    Sparsity by Redundancy: Solving L1L_1 with a Simple Reparametrization

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    We identify and prove a general principle: L1L_1 sparsity can be achieved using a redundant parametrization plus L2L_2 penalty. Our results lead to a simple algorithm, \textit{spred}, that seamlessly integrates L1L_1 regularization into any modern deep learning framework. Practically, we demonstrate (1) the efficiency of \textit{spred} in optimizing conventional tasks such as lasso and sparse coding, (2) benchmark our method for nonlinear feature selection of six gene selection tasks, and (3) illustrate the usage of the method for achieving structured and unstructured sparsity in deep learning in an end-to-end manner. Conceptually, our result bridges the gap in understanding the inductive bias of the redundant parametrization common in deep learning and conventional statistical learning.Comment: preprin