12,003 research outputs found

    FPGA-Based Tracklet Approach to Level-1 Track Finding at CMS for the HL-LHC

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    During the High Luminosity LHC, the CMS detector will need charged particle tracking at the hardware trigger level to maintain a manageable trigger rate and achieve its physics goals. The tracklet approach is a track-finding algorithm based on a road-search algorithm that has been implemented on commercially available FPGA technology. The tracklet algorithm has achieved high performance in track-finding and completes tracking within 3.4 μ\mus on a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. An overview of the algorithm and its implementation on an FPGA is given, results are shown from a demonstrator test stand and system performance studies are presented.Comment: Submitted to proceedings of Connecting The Dots/Intelligent Trackers 2017, Orsay, Franc

    Improved Fast Neutron Spectroscopy via Detector Segmentation

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    Organic scintillators are widely used for fast neutron detection and spectroscopy. Several effects complicate the interpretation of results from detectors based upon these materials. First, fast neutrons will often leave a detector before depositing all of their energy within it. Second, fast neutrons will typically scatter several times within a detector, and there is a non-proportional relationship between the energy of, and the scintillation light produced by, each individual scatter; therefore, there is not a deterministic relationship between the scintillation light observed and the neutron energy deposited. Here we demonstrate a hardware technique for reducing both of these effects. Use of a segmented detector allows for the event-by-event correction of the light yield non-proportionality and for the preferential selection of events with near-complete energy deposition, since these will typically have high segment multiplicities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Multichannel FPGA based MVT system for high precision time (20~ps~RMS) and charge measurement

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    In this article it is presented an FPGA based MMulti-VVoltage TThreshold (MVT) system which allows of sampling fast signals (1−21-2 ns rising and falling edge) in both voltage and time domain. It is possible to achieve a precision of time measurement of 2020 ps RMS and reconstruct charge of signals, using a simple approach, with deviation from real value smaller than 10%\%. Utilization of the differential inputs of an FPGA chip as comparators together with an implementation of a TDC inside an FPGA allowed us to achieve a compact multi-channel system characterized by low power consumption and low production costs. This paper describes realization and functioning of the system comprising 192-channel TDC board and a four mezzanine cards which split incoming signals and discriminate them. The boards have been used to validate a newly developed Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography system based on plastic scintillators. The achieved full system time resolution of σ\sigma(TOF) ≈68\approx 68 ps is by factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in JINST, 10 pages, 8 figure

    Evaluating Rapid Application Development with Python for Heterogeneous Processor-based FPGAs

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    As modern FPGAs evolve to include more het- erogeneous processing elements, such as ARM cores, it makes sense to consider these devices as processors first and FPGA accelerators second. As such, the conventional FPGA develop- ment environment must also adapt to support more software- like programming functionality. While high-level synthesis tools can help reduce FPGA development time, there still remains a large expertise gap in order to realize highly performing implementations. At a system-level the skill set necessary to integrate multiple custom IP hardware cores, interconnects, memory interfaces, and now heterogeneous processing elements is complex. Rather than drive FPGA development from the hardware up, we consider the impact of leveraging Python to ac- celerate application development. Python offers highly optimized libraries from an incredibly large developer community, yet is limited to the performance of the hardware system. In this work we evaluate the impact of using PYNQ, a Python development environment for application development on the Xilinx Zynq devices, the performance implications, and bottlenecks associated with it. We compare our results against existing C-based and hand-coded implementations to better understand if Python can be the glue that binds together software and hardware developers.Comment: To appear in 2017 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'17

    Optimization of multi-gigabit transceivers for high speed data communication links in HEP Experiments

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    The scheme of the data acquisition (DAQ) architecture in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments consist of data transport from the front-end electronics (FEE) of the online detectors to the readout units (RU), which perform online processing of the data, and then to the data storage for offline analysis. With major upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN, the data transmission rates in the DAQ systems are expected to reach a few TB/sec within the next few years. These high rates are normally associated with the increase in the high-frequency losses, which lead to distortion in the detected signal and degradation of signal integrity. To address this, we have developed an optimization technique of the multi-gigabit transceiver (MGT) and implemented it on the state-of-the-art 20nm Arria-10 FPGA manufactured by Intel Inc. The setup has been validated for three available high-speed data transmission protocols, namely, GBT, TTC-PON and 10 Gbps Ethernet. The improvement in the signal integrity is gauged by two metrics, the Bit Error Rate (BER) and the Eye Diagram. It is observed that the technique improves the signal integrity and reduces BER. The test results and the improvements in the metrics of signal integrity for different link speeds are presented and discussed

    A Monolithic Time Stretcher for Precision Time Recording

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    Identifying light mesons which contain only up/down quarks (pions) from those containing a strange quark (kaons) over the typical meter length scales of a particle physics detector requires instrumentation capable of measuring flight times with a resolution on the order of 20ps. In the last few years a large number of inexpensive, multi-channel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) chips have become available. These devices typically have timing resolution performance in the hundreds of ps regime. A technique is presented that is a monolithic version of ``time stretcher'' solution adopted for the Belle Time-Of-Flight system to address this gap between resolution need and intrinsic multi-hit TDC performance.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections made, to appear as JINST_008

    Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) as novel photodetectors for PET

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    Next generation PET scanners should fulfill very high requirements in terms of spatial, energy and timing resolution. Modern scanner performances are inherently limited by the use of standard photomultiplier tubes. The use of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) is proposed for the construction of a 4D-PET module of 4.8×4.8 cm2 aimed to replace the standard PMT based PET block detector. The module will be based on a LYSO continuous crystal read on two faces by Silicon Photomultipliers. A high granularity detection surface made by SiPM matrices of 1.5 mm pitch will be used for the x–y photon hit position determination with submillimetric accuracy, while a low granularity surface constituted by 16 mm2 SiPM pixels will provide the fast timing information (t) that will be used to implement the Time of Flight technique (TOF). The spatial information collected by the two detector layers will be combined in order to measure the Depth of Interaction (DOI) of each event (z). The use of large area multi-pixel Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) detectors requires the development of a multichannel Data Acquisition system (DAQ) as well as of a dedicated front-end in order not to degrade the intrinsic detector capabilities and to manage many channels. The paper describes the progress made on the development of the proof of principle module under construction at the University of Pisa
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