74,746 research outputs found

    Deterministic Graph Exploration with Advice

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    We consider the task of graph exploration. An nn-node graph has unlabeled nodes, and all ports at any node of degree dd are arbitrarily numbered 0,
,d−10,\dots, d-1. A mobile agent has to visit all nodes and stop. The exploration time is the number of edge traversals. We consider the problem of how much knowledge the agent has to have a priori, in order to explore the graph in a given time, using a deterministic algorithm. This a priori information (advice) is provided to the agent by an oracle, in the form of a binary string, whose length is called the size of advice. We consider two types of oracles. The instance oracle knows the entire instance of the exploration problem, i.e., the port-numbered map of the graph and the starting node of the agent in this map. The map oracle knows the port-numbered map of the graph but does not know the starting node of the agent. We first consider exploration in polynomial time, and determine the exact minimum size of advice to achieve it. This size is log⁥log⁥log⁥n−Θ(1)\log\log\log n -\Theta(1), for both types of oracles. When advice is large, there are two natural time thresholds: Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) for a map oracle, and Θ(n)\Theta(n) for an instance oracle, that can be achieved with sufficiently large advice. We show that, with a map oracle, time Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) cannot be improved in general, regardless of the size of advice. We also show that the smallest size of advice to achieve this time is larger than nÎŽn^\delta, for any ÎŽ<1/3\delta <1/3. For an instance oracle, advice of size O(nlog⁥n)O(n\log n) is enough to achieve time O(n)O(n). We show that, with any advice of size o(nlog⁥n)o(n\log n), the time of exploration must be at least nÏ”n^\epsilon, for any Ï”<2\epsilon <2, and with any advice of size O(n)O(n), the time must be Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2). We also investigate minimum advice sufficient for fast exploration of hamiltonian graphs

    A Certified Universal Gathering Algorithm for Oblivious Mobile Robots

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    We present a new algorithm for the problem of universal gathering mobile oblivious robots (that is, starting from any initial configuration that is not bivalent, using any number of robots, the robots reach in a finite number of steps the same position, not known beforehand) without relying on a common chirality. We give very strong guaranties on the correctness of our algorithm by proving formally that it is correct, using the COQ proof assistant. To our knowledge, this is the first certified positive (and constructive) result in the context of oblivious mobile robots. It demonstrates both the effectiveness of the approach to obtain new algorithms that are truly generic, and its managability since the amount of developped code remains human readable

    Time Versus Cost Tradeoffs for Deterministic Rendezvous in Networks

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    Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of a network at possibly different times, have to meet at the same node. This problem is known as rendezvous\mathit{rendezvous}. Agents move in synchronous rounds. Each agent has a distinct integer label from the set {1,
,L}\{1,\dots,L\}. Two main efficiency measures of rendezvous are its time\mathit{time} (the number of rounds until the meeting) and its cost\mathit{cost} (the total number of edge traversals). We investigate tradeoffs between these two measures. A natural benchmark for both time and cost of rendezvous in a network is the number of edge traversals needed for visiting all nodes of the network, called the exploration time. Hence we express the time and cost of rendezvous as functions of an upper bound EE on the time of exploration (where EE and a corresponding exploration procedure are known to both agents) and of the size LL of the label space. We present two natural rendezvous algorithms. Algorithm Cheap\mathtt{Cheap} has cost O(E)O(E) (and, in fact, a version of this algorithm for the model where the agents start simultaneously has cost exactly EE) and time O(EL)O(EL). Algorithm Fast\mathtt{Fast} has both time and cost O(Elog⁥L)O(E\log L). Our main contributions are lower bounds showing that, perhaps surprisingly, these two algorithms capture the tradeoffs between time and cost of rendezvous almost tightly. We show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm of cost asymptotically EE (i.e., of cost E+o(E)E+o(E)) must have time Ω(EL)\Omega(EL). On the other hand, we show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm with time complexity O(Elog⁥L)O(E\log L) must have cost Ω(Elog⁥L)\Omega (E\log L)

    Leader Election in Anonymous Rings: Franklin Goes Probabilistic

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    We present a probabilistic leader election algorithm for anonymous, bidirectional, asynchronous rings. It is based on an algorithm from Franklin, augmented with random identity selection, hop counters to detect identity clashes, and round numbers modulo 2. As a result, the algorithm is finite-state, so that various model checking techniques can be employed to verify its correctness, that is, eventually a unique leader is elected with probability one. We also sketch a formal correctness proof of the algorithm for rings with arbitrary size

    Exploration of Finite 2D Square Grid by a Metamorphic Robotic System

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    We consider exploration of finite 2D square grid by a metamorphic robotic system consisting of anonymous oblivious modules. The number of possible shapes of a metamorphic robotic system grows as the number of modules increases. The shape of the system serves as its memory and shows its functionality. We consider the effect of global compass on the minimum number of modules necessary to explore a finite 2D square grid. We show that if the modules agree on the directions (north, south, east, and west), three modules are necessary and sufficient for exploration from an arbitrary initial configuration, otherwise five modules are necessary and sufficient for restricted initial configurations
