8 research outputs found

    Improved Distance Oracles and Spanners for Vertex-Labeled Graphs

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    Consider an undirected weighted graph G=(V,E) with |V|=n and |E|=m, where each vertex v is assigned a label from a set L of \ell labels. We show how to construct a compact distance oracle that can answer queries of the form: "what is the distance from v to the closest lambda-labeled node" for a given node v in V and label lambda in L. This problem was introduced by Hermelin, Levy, Weimann and Yuster [ICALP 2011] where they present several results for this problem. In the first result, they show how to construct a vertex-label distance oracle of expected size O(kn^{1+1/k}) with stretch (4k - 5) and query time O(k). In a second result, they show how to reduce the size of the data structure to O(kn \ell^{1/k}) at the expense of a huge stretch, the stretch of this construction grows exponentially in k, (2^k-1). In the third result they present a dynamic vertex-label distance oracle that is capable of handling label changes in a sub-linear time. The stretch of this construction is also exponential in k, (2 3^{k-1}+1). We manage to significantly improve the stretch of their constructions, reducing the dependence on k from exponential to polynomial (4k-5), without requiring any tradeoff regarding any of the other variables. In addition, we introduce the notion of vertex-label spanners: subgraphs that preserve distances between every node v and label lambda. We present an efficient construction for vertex-label spanners with stretch-size tradeoff close to optimal

    Color-Distance Oracles and Snippets

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    In the snippets problem we are interested in preprocessing a text T so that given two pattern queries P_1 and P_2, one can quickly locate the occurrences of the patterns in T that are the closest to each other. A closely related problem is that of constructing a color-distance oracle, where the goal is to preprocess a set of points from some metric space, in which every point is associated with a set of colors, so that given two colors one can quickly locate two points associated with those colors, that are as close as possible to each other. We introduce efficient data structures for both color-distance oracles and the snippets problem. Moreover, we prove conditional lower bounds for these problems from both the 3SUM conjecture and the Combinatorial Boolean Matrix Multiplication conjecture

    The Nearest Colored Node in a Tree

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    We start a systematic study of data structures for the nearest colored node problem on trees. Given a tree with colored nodes and weighted edges, we want to answer queries (v,c) asking for the nearest node to node v that has color c. This is a natural generalization of the well-known nearest marked ancestor problem. We give an O(n)-space O(log log n)-query solution and show that this is optimal. We also consider the dynamic case where updates can change a node\u27s color and show that in O(n) space we can support both updates and queries in O(log n) time. We complement this by showing that O(polylog n) update time implies Omega(log n log log n) query time. Finally, we consider the case where updates can change the edges of the tree (link-cut operations). There is a known (top-tree based) solution that requires update time that is roughly linear in the number of colors. We show that this solution is probably optimal by showing that a strictly sublinear update time implies a strictly subcubic time algorithm for the classical all pairs shortest paths problem on a general graph. We also consider versions where the tree is rooted, and the query asks for the nearest ancestor/descendant of node v that has color c, and present efficient data structures for both variants in the static and the dynamic setting

    On the Complexity of the (Approximate) Nearest Colored Node Problem

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    Given a graph G=(V,E) where each vertex is assigned a color from the set C={c_1, c_2, .., c_sigma}. In the (approximate) nearest colored node problem, we want to query, given v in V and c in C, for the (approximate) distance dist^(v, c) from v to the nearest node of color c. For any integer 1 <= k <= log n, we present a Color Distance Oracle (also often referred to as Vertex-label Distance Oracle) of stretch 4k-5 using space O(kn sigma^{1/k}) and query time O(log{k}). This improves the query time from O(k) to O(log{k}) over the best known Color Distance Oracle by Chechik [Chechik, 2012]. We then prove a lower bound in the cell probe model showing that even for unweighted undirected paths any static data structure that uses space S requires at least Omega (log (log{sigma} / log(S/n)+log log{n})) query time to give a distance estimate of stretch O(polylog(n)). This implies for the important case when sigma = Theta(n^{epsilon}) for some constant 0 < epsilon < 1, that our Color Distance Oracle has asymptotically optimal query time in regard to k, and that recent Color Distance Oracles for trees [Tsur, 2018] and planar graphs [Mozes and Skop, 2018] achieve asymptotically optimal query time in regard to n. We also investigate the setting where the data structure additionally has to support color-reassignments. We present the first Color Distance Oracle that achieves query times matching our lower bound from the static setting for large stretch yielding an exponential improvement over the best known query time [Chechik, 2014]. Finally, we give new conditional lower bounds proving the hardness of answering queries if edge insertions and deletion are allowed that strictly improve over recent bounds in time and generality

    Near-Optimal Distance Oracles for Vertex-Labeled Planar Graphs

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    Conditional Lower Bounds for Space/Time Tradeoffs

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    In recent years much effort has been concentrated towards achieving polynomial time lower bounds on algorithms for solving various well-known problems. A useful technique for showing such lower bounds is to prove them conditionally based on well-studied hardness assumptions such as 3SUM, APSP, SETH, etc. This line of research helps to obtain a better understanding of the complexity inside P. A related question asks to prove conditional space lower bounds on data structures that are constructed to solve certain algorithmic tasks after an initial preprocessing stage. This question received little attention in previous research even though it has potential strong impact. In this paper we address this question and show that surprisingly many of the well-studied hard problems that are known to have conditional polynomial time lower bounds are also hard when concerning space. This hardness is shown as a tradeoff between the space consumed by the data structure and the time needed to answer queries. The tradeoff may be either smooth or admit one or more singularity points. We reveal interesting connections between different space hardness conjectures and present matching upper bounds. We also apply these hardness conjectures to both static and dynamic problems and prove their conditional space hardness. We believe that this novel framework of polynomial space conjectures can play an important role in expressing polynomial space lower bounds of many important algorithmic problems. Moreover, it seems that it can also help in achieving a better understanding of the hardness of their corresponding problems in terms of time

    The Power of Dynamic Distance Oracles: Efficient Dynamic Algorithms for the Steiner Tree

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    In this paper we study the Steiner tree problem over a dynamic set of terminals. We consider the model where we are given an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with positive real edge weights, and our goal is to maintain a tree which is a good approximation of the minimum Steiner tree spanning a terminal set SVS \subseteq V, which changes over time. The changes applied to the terminal set are either terminal additions (incremental scenario), terminal removals (decremental scenario), or both (fully dynamic scenario). Our task here is twofold. We want to support updates in sublinear o(n)o(n) time, and keep the approximation factor of the algorithm as small as possible. We show that we can maintain a (6+ε)(6+\varepsilon)-approximate Steiner tree of a general graph in O~(nlogD)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \log D) time per terminal addition or removal. Here, DD denotes the stretch of the metric induced by GG. For planar graphs we achieve the same running time and the approximation ratio of (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon). Moreover, we show faster algorithms for incremental and decremental scenarios. Finally, we show that if we allow higher approximation ratio, even more efficient algorithms are possible. In particular we show a polylogarithmic time (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximate algorithm for planar graphs. One of the main building blocks of our algorithms are dynamic distance oracles for vertex-labeled graphs, which are of independent interest. We also improve and use the online algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to STOC'1