18,675 research outputs found

    A Multi-Implicit Neural Representation for Fonts

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    Fonts are ubiquitous across documents and come in a variety of styles. They are either represented in a native vector format or rasterized to produce fixed resolution images. In the first case, the non-standard representation prevents benefiting from latest network architectures for neural representations; while, in the latter case, the rasterized representation, when encoded via networks, results in loss of data fidelity, as font-specific discontinuities like edges and corners are difficult to represent using neural networks. Based on the observation that complex fonts can be represented by a superposition of a set of simpler occupancy functions, we introduce \textit{multi-implicits} to represent fonts as a permutation-invariant set of learned implict functions, without losing features (e.g., edges and corners). However, while multi-implicits locally preserve font features, obtaining supervision in the form of ground truth multi-channel signals is a problem in itself. Instead, we propose how to train such a representation with only local supervision, while the proposed neural architecture directly finds globally consistent multi-implicits for font families. We extensively evaluate the proposed representation for various tasks including reconstruction, interpolation, and synthesis to demonstrate clear advantages with existing alternatives. Additionally, the representation naturally enables glyph completion, wherein a single characteristic font is used to synthesize a whole font family in the target style

    An adaptive Cartesian embedded boundary approach for fluid simulations of two- and three-dimensional low temperature plasma filaments in complex geometries

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    We review a scalable two- and three-dimensional computer code for low-temperature plasma simulations in multi-material complex geometries. Our approach is based on embedded boundary (EB) finite volume discretizations of the minimal fluid-plasma model on adaptive Cartesian grids, extended to also account for charging of insulating surfaces. We discuss the spatial and temporal discretization methods, and show that the resulting overall method is second order convergent, monotone, and conservative (for smooth solutions). Weak scalability with parallel efficiencies over 70\% are demonstrated up to 8192 cores and more than one billion cells. We then demonstrate the use of adaptive mesh refinement in multiple two- and three-dimensional simulation examples at modest cores counts. The examples include two-dimensional simulations of surface streamers along insulators with surface roughness; fully three-dimensional simulations of filaments in experimentally realizable pin-plane geometries, and three-dimensional simulations of positive plasma discharges in multi-material complex geometries. The largest computational example uses up to 800800 million mesh cells with billions of unknowns on 40964096 computing cores. Our use of computer-aided design (CAD) and constructive solid geometry (CSG) combined with capabilities for parallel computing offers possibilities for performing three-dimensional transient plasma-fluid simulations, also in multi-material complex geometries at moderate pressures and comparatively large scale.Comment: 40 pages, 21 figure

    AI-based design methodologies for hot form quench (HFQ®)

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    This thesis aims to develop advanced design methodologies that fully exploit the capabilities of the Hot Form Quench (HFQ®) stamping process in stamping complex geometric features in high-strength aluminium alloy structural components. While previous research has focused on material models for FE simulations, these simulations are not suitable for early-phase design due to their high computational cost and expertise requirements. This project has two main objectives: first, to develop design guidelines for the early-stage design phase; and second, to create a machine learning-based platform that can optimise 3D geometries under hot stamping constraints, for both early and late-stage design. With these methodologies, the aim is to facilitate the incorporation of HFQ capabilities into component geometry design, enabling the full realisation of its benefits. To achieve the objectives of this project, two main efforts were undertaken. Firstly, the analysis of aluminium alloys for stamping deep corners was simplified by identifying the effects of corner geometry and material characteristics on post-form thinning distribution. New equation sets were proposed to model trends and design maps were created to guide component design at early stages. Secondly, a platform was developed to optimise 3D geometries for stamping, using deep learning technologies to incorporate manufacturing capabilities. This platform combined two neural networks: a geometry generator based on Signed Distance Functions (SDFs), and an image-based manufacturability surrogate model. The platform used gradient-based techniques to update the inputs to the geometry generator based on the surrogate model's manufacturability information. The effectiveness of the platform was demonstrated on two geometry classes, Corners and Bulkheads, with five case studies conducted to optimise under post-stamped thinning constraints. Results showed that the platform allowed for free morphing of complex geometries, leading to significant improvements in component quality. The research outcomes represent a significant contribution to the field of technologically advanced manufacturing methods and offer promising avenues for future research. The developed methodologies provide practical solutions for designers to identify optimal component geometries, ensuring manufacturing feasibility and reducing design development time and costs. The potential applications of these methodologies extend to real-world industrial settings and can significantly contribute to the continued advancement of the manufacturing sector.Open Acces

    A CutFEM method for two-phase flow problems

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    In this article, we present a cut finite element method for two-phase Navier-Stokes flows. The main feature of the method is the formulation of a unified continuous interior penalty stabilisation approach for, on the one hand, stabilising advection and the pressure-velocity coupling and, on the other hand, stabilising the cut region. The accuracy of the algorithm is enhanced by the development of extended fictitious domains to guarantee a well defined velocity from previous time steps in the current geometry. Finally, the robustness of the moving-interface algorithm is further improved by the introduction of a curvature smoothing technique that reduces spurious velocities. The algorithm is shown to perform remarkably well for low capillary number flows, and is a first step towards flexible and robust CutFEM algorithms for the simulation of microfluidic devices

    A coupled level set and volume of fluid method for automotive exterior water management applications

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    Motivated by the need for practical, high fidelity, simulation of water over surface features of road vehicles a Coupled Level Set Volume of Fluid (CLSVOF) method has been implemented into a general purpose CFD code. It has been implemented such that it can be used with unstructured and non-orthogonal meshes. The interface reconstruction step needed for CLSVOF has been implemented using an iterative ‘clipping and capping’ algorithm for arbitrary cell shapes and a reinitialisation algorithm suitable for unstructured meshes is also presented. Successful verification tests of interface capturing on orthogonal and tetrahedral meshes are presented. Two macroscopic contact angle models have been implemented and the method is seen to give very good agreement with experimental data for a droplet impinging on a flat plate for both orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes. Finally the flow of a droplet over a round edged channel is simulated in order to demonstrate the ability of the method developed to simulate surface flows over the sort of curved geometry that makes the use of a non-orthogonal grid desirable

    DC-DFFN: Densely Connected Deep Feature Fusion Network With Sign Agnostic Learning for Implicit Shape Representation

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    Reconstructing 3D surfaces from raw point cloud data is still a challenging and complex problem in computer vision and graphics. Recently emerged neural implicit representations model 3D surfaces implicitly in arbitrary resolution and diverse topologies. In this domain, most of the studies have so far used a single latent code-based variational auto-encoder (VAE) or auto-decoder (AD) architectures, or architectures similar to UNets. Due to the deep architectures of the existing approaches, gradients and/or input information can vanish while passing through the layers, which can cause suboptimal learning at training time and consequently low performance at test time. As a countermeasure, skip connections and feature fusion have been used in related application fields of convolutional neural networks. In this study, we embrace this idea and propose a novel densely connected deep feature fusion network, DC-DFFN, architecture for implicit shape representation. In the experimental results we show that DC-DFFN outperforms baseline approaches in terms visual reconstruction quality and quantitatively based on several measures. In addition, the proposed approach provides faster convergence during training compared to the baseline approaches. The DC-DFFN architecture has been implemented in PyTorch and is available as open source.©2023 The Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Effect on signal-to-noise ratio of splitting the continuous contacts of cuff electrodes into smaller recording areas.

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    BackgroundCuff electrodes have been widely used chronically in different clinical applications. This neural interface has been dominantly used for nerve stimulation while interfering noise is the major issue when employed for recording purposes. Advancements have been made in rejecting extra-neural interference by using continuous ring contacts in tripolar topologies. Ring contacts provide an average of the neural activity, and thus reduce the information retrieved. Splitting these contacts into smaller recording areas could potentially increase the information content. In this study, we investigate the impact of such discretization on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). The effect of contacts positioning and an additional short circuited pair of electrodes were also addressed.MethodsDifferent recording configurations using ring, dot, and a mixed of both contacts were studied in vitro in a frog model. An interfering signal was induced in the medium to simulate myoelectric noise. The experimental setup was design in such a way that the only difference between recordings was the configuration used. The inter-session experimental differences were taken care of by a common configuration that allowed normalization between electrode designs.ResultsIt was found that splitting all contacts into small recording areas had negative effects on noise rejection. However, if this is only applied to the central contact creating a mixed tripole configuration, a considerable and statistically significant improvement was observed. Moreover, the signal to noise ratio was equal or larger than what can be achieved with the best known configuration, namely the short circuited tripole. This suggests that for recording purposes, any tripole topology would benefit from splitting the central contact into one or more discrete contacts.ConclusionsOur results showed that a mixed tripole configuration performs better than the configuration including only ring contacts. Therefore, splitting the central ring contact of a cuff electrode into a number of dot contacts not only provides additional information but also an improved SNR. In addition, the effect of an additional pair of short circuited electrodes and the "end effect" observed with the presented method are in line with previous findings by other authors
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