2,114 research outputs found

    Implicit High-Order Flux Reconstruction Solver for High-Speed Compressible Flows

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    The present paper addresses the development and implementation of the first high-order Flux Reconstruction (FR) solver for high-speed flows within the open-source COOLFluiD (Computational Object-Oriented Libraries for Fluid Dynamics) platform. The resulting solver is fully implicit and able to simulate compressible flow problems governed by either the Euler or the Navier-Stokes equations in two and three dimensions. Furthermore, it can run in parallel on multiple CPU-cores and is designed to handle unstructured grids consisting of both straight and curved edged quadrilateral or hexahedral elements. While most of the implementation relies on state-of-the-art FR algorithms, an improved and more case-independent shock capturing scheme has been developed in order to tackle the first viscous hypersonic simulations using the FR method. Extensive verification of the FR solver has been performed through the use of reproducible benchmark test cases with flow speeds ranging from subsonic to hypersonic, up to Mach 17.6. The obtained results have been favorably compared to those available in literature. Furthermore, so-called super-accuracy is retrieved for certain cases when solving the Euler equations. The strengths of the FR solver in terms of computational accuracy per degree of freedom are also illustrated. Finally, the influence of the characterizing parameters of the FR method as well as the the influence of the novel shock capturing scheme on the accuracy of the developed solver is discussed

    3d Surface Registration Using Geometric Spectrum Of Shapes

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    Morphometric analysis of 3D surface objects are very important in many biomedical applications and clinical diagnoses. Its critical step lies in shape comparison and registration. Considering that the deformations of most organs such as heart or brain structures are non-isometric, it is very difficult to find the correspondence between the shapes before and after deformation, and therefore, very challenging for diagnosis purposes. To solve these challenges, we propose two spectral based methods. The first method employs the variation of the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the shape and optimize a quadratic equation in order to minimize the distance between two shapes’ eigenvalues. This method can determine multi-scale, non-isometric deformations through the variation of Laplace-Beltrami spectrum of two shapes. Given two triangle meshes, the spectra can be varied from one to another with a scale function defined on each vertex. The variation is expressed as a linear interpolation of eigenvalues of the two shapes. In each iteration step, a quadratic programming problem is constructed, based on our derived spectrum variation theorem and smoothness energy constraint, to compute the spectrum variation. The derivation of the scale function is the solution of such a problem. Therefore, the final scale function can be solved by integral of the derivation from each step, which, in turn, quantitatively describes non-isometric deformations between two shapes. However, this method can not find the point to point correspondence between two shapes. Our second method, extends the first method and uses some feature points generated from the eigenvectors of two shapes to minimize the difference between two eigenvectors of the shapes in addition to their eigenvalues. In order to register two surfaces, we map both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplace-Beltrami of the shapes by optimizing an energy function. The function is defined by the integration of a smooth term to align the eigenvalues and a distance term between the eigenvectors at feature points to align the eigenvectors. The feature points are generated using the static points of certain eigenvectors of the surfaces. By using both the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors on these feature points, the computational efficiency is improved considerably without losing the accuracy in comparison to the approaches that use the eigenvectors for all vertices. The variation of the shape is expressed using a scale function defined at each vertex. Consequently, the total energy function to align the two given surfaces can be defined using the linear interpolation of the scale function derivatives. Through the optimization the energy function, the scale function can be solved and the alignment is achieved. After the alignment, the eigenvectors can be employed to calculate the point to point correspondence of the surfaces. Therefore, the proposed method can accurately define the displacement of the vertices. For both methods, we evaluate them by conducting some experiments on synthetic and real data using hippocampus and heart data. These experiments demonstrate the advantages and accuracy of our methods. We then integrate our methods to a workflow system named DataView. Using this workflow system, users can design, save, run, and share their workflow using their web-browsers without the need of installing any software and regardless of the power of their computers. We have also integrated Grid to this system therefore the same task can be executed on up to 64 different cases which will increase the performance of the system enormously

    Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction Diffusion Systems on Arbitrary Surfaces

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    In this paper we present computational techniques to investigate the solutions of two-component, nonlinear reaction-diffusion (RD) systems on arbitrary surfaces. We build on standard techniques for linear and nonlinear analysis of RD systems, and extend them to operate on large-scale meshes for arbitrary surfaces. In particular, we use spectral techniques for a linear stability analysis to characterize and directly compose patterns emerging from homogeneities. We develop an implementation using surface finite element methods and a numerical eigenanalysis of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on surface meshes. In addition, we describe a technique to explore solutions of the nonlinear RD equations using numerical continuation. Here, we present a multiresolution approach that allows us to trace solution branches of the nonlinear equations efficiently even for large-scale meshes. Finally, we demonstrate the working of our framework for two RD systems with applications in biological pattern formation: a Brusselator model that has been used to model pattern development on growing plant tips, and a chemotactic model for the formation of skin pigmentation patterns. While these models have been used previously on simple geometries, our framework allows us to study the impact of arbitrary geometries on emerging patterns.Comment: This paper was submitted at the Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer on 07th July 2015, in its current form (barring image references on the last page and cosmetic changes owning to rebuild for arXiv). The complete body of work presented here was included and defended as a part of my PhD thesis in Nov 2015 at the University of Ber

    Application of Strand-Cartesian Interfaced Solver on Flows Around Various Geometries

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    This work examines the application of a high-order numerical method to strand-based grids to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. Coined Flux Correction , this method eliminates error terms in the fluxes of traditional second-order finite volume Galerkin methods. Flux Correction is first examined for applications to the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations to compute turbulent flows on a strictly strand-based domain. Flow over three geometries are examined to demonstrate the method’s capabilities: a three-dimensional bump, an infinite wing, and a hemisphere-cylinder configuration. Comparison to results obtained from established codes show that the turbulent Flux Correction scheme accurately predicts flow properties such as pressure, velocity profiles, shock location and strength. However, it can be seen that an overset Cartesian solver is necessary to more accurately capture certain flow properties in the wake region. The Strand-Cartesian Interface Manager(SCIM) uses a combination of second-order trilinear interpolation and mixed-order Lagrange interpolation to establish domain connectivity between the overset grids. Verification of the high-order SCIM code are conducted through the method of manufactured solutions. Steady and unsteady flow around a sphere are used to validate the SCIM library. The method is found to be have a combined order of accuracy of approximately 2.5, and has improved accuracy for steady cases. However, for unsteady cases the method fails to accurately predict the time-dependent flow field

    A continuous analogue of the tensor-train decomposition

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    We develop new approximation algorithms and data structures for representing and computing with multivariate functions using the functional tensor-train (FT), a continuous extension of the tensor-train (TT) decomposition. The FT represents functions using a tensor-train ansatz by replacing the three-dimensional TT cores with univariate matrix-valued functions. The main contribution of this paper is a framework to compute the FT that employs adaptive approximations of univariate fibers, and that is not tied to any tensorized discretization. The algorithm can be coupled with any univariate linear or nonlinear approximation procedure. We demonstrate that this approach can generate multivariate function approximations that are several orders of magnitude more accurate, for the same cost, than those based on the conventional approach of compressing the coefficient tensor of a tensor-product basis. Our approach is in the spirit of other continuous computation packages such as Chebfun, and yields an algorithm which requires the computation of "continuous" matrix factorizations such as the LU and QR decompositions of vector-valued functions. To support these developments, we describe continuous versions of an approximate maximum-volume cross approximation algorithm and of a rounding algorithm that re-approximates an FT by one of lower ranks. We demonstrate that our technique improves accuracy and robustness, compared to TT and quantics-TT approaches with fixed parameterizations, of high-dimensional integration, differentiation, and approximation of functions with local features such as discontinuities and other nonlinearities

    Differential formulation of discontinuous Galerkin and related methods for compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    A new approach to high-order accuracy for the numerical solution of conservation laws introduced by Huynh and extended to simplexes by the current work is renamed CPR (correction procedure or collocation penalty via reconstruction). The CPR approach employs the differential form of the equation and accounts for the jumps in flux values at the cell boundaries by a correction procedure. In addition to being simple and economical, it unifies several existing methods including discontinuous Galerkin (DG), staggered grid, spectral volume (SV), and spectral difference (SD). The approach is then extended to diffusion equation and Navier-Stokes equations. In the discretization of the diffusion terms, the BR2 (Bassi and Rebay), interior penalty, compact DG (CDG), and I-continuous approaches are used. The first three of these approaches, originally derived using the integral formulation, were recast here in the CPR framework, whereas the I-continuous scheme, originally derived for a quadrilateral mesh, was extended to a triangular mesh. The current work also includes a study of high-order curve boundaries representations. A new boundary representation based on the Bezier curve is then developed and analyzed, which is shown to have several advantages for complicated geometries. To further enhance the efficiency, the capability of h/p mesh adaptation is developed for the CPR solver. The adaptation is driven by an efficient multi-p a posteriori error estimator. P-adaptation is applied to smooth regions of the flow field while h-adaptation targets the non-smooth regions, identified by accuracy-preserving TVD marker. Several numerical tests are presented to demonstrate the capability of the technique