1,820 research outputs found

    Reversibility and Adiabatic Computation: Trading Time and Space for Energy

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    Future miniaturization and mobilization of computing devices requires energy parsimonious `adiabatic' computation. This is contingent on logical reversibility of computation. An example is the idea of quantum computations which are reversible except for the irreversible observation steps. We propose to study quantitatively the exchange of computational resources like time and space for irreversibility in computations. Reversible simulations of irreversible computations are memory intensive. Such (polynomial time) simulations are analysed here in terms of `reversible' pebble games. We show that Bennett's pebbling strategy uses least additional space for the greatest number of simulated steps. We derive a trade-off for storage space versus irreversible erasure. Next we consider reversible computation itself. An alternative proof is provided for the precise expression of the ultimate irreversibility cost of an otherwise reversible computation without restrictions on time and space use. A time-irreversibility trade-off hierarchy in the exponential time region is exhibited. Finally, extreme time-irreversibility trade-offs for reversible computations in the thoroughly unrealistic range of computable versus noncomputable time-bounds are given.Comment: 30 pages, Latex. Lemma 2.3 should be replaced by the slightly better ``There is a winning strategy with n+2n+2 pebbles and m1m-1 erasures for pebble games GG with TG=m2nT_G= m2^n, for all m1m \geq 1'' with appropriate further changes (as pointed out by Wim van Dam). This and further work on reversible simulations as in Section 2 appears in quant-ph/970300

    Understanding Space in Proof Complexity: Separations and Trade-offs via Substitutions

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    For current state-of-the-art DPLL SAT-solvers the two main bottlenecks are the amounts of time and memory used. In proof complexity, these resources correspond to the length and space of resolution proofs. There has been a long line of research investigating these proof complexity measures, but while strong results have been established for length, our understanding of space and how it relates to length has remained quite poor. In particular, the question whether resolution proofs can be optimized for length and space simultaneously, or whether there are trade-offs between these two measures, has remained essentially open. In this paper, we remedy this situation by proving a host of length-space trade-off results for resolution. Our collection of trade-offs cover almost the whole range of values for the space complexity of formulas, and most of the trade-offs are superpolynomial or even exponential and essentially tight. Using similar techniques, we show that these trade-offs in fact extend to the exponentially stronger k-DNF resolution proof systems, which operate with formulas in disjunctive normal form with terms of bounded arity k. We also answer the open question whether the k-DNF resolution systems form a strict hierarchy with respect to space in the affirmative. Our key technical contribution is the following, somewhat surprising, theorem: Any CNF formula F can be transformed by simple variable substitution into a new formula F' such that if F has the right properties, F' can be proven in essentially the same length as F, whereas on the other hand the minimal number of lines one needs to keep in memory simultaneously in any proof of F' is lower-bounded by the minimal number of variables needed simultaneously in any proof of F. Applying this theorem to so-called pebbling formulas defined in terms of pebble games on directed acyclic graphs, we obtain our results.Comment: This paper is a merged and updated version of the two ECCC technical reports TR09-034 and TR09-047, and it hence subsumes these two report

    Quantum Circuits for Toom-Cook Multiplication

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    In this paper, we report efficient quantum circuits for integer multiplication using Toom-Cook algorithm. By analysing the recursive tree structure of the algorithm, we obtained a bound on the count of Toffoli gates and qubits. These bounds are further improved by employing reversible pebble games through uncomputing the intermediate results. The asymptotic bounds for different performance metrics of the proposed quantum circuit are superior to the prior implementations of multiplier circuits using schoolbook and Karatsuba algorithms

    On Characterizing the Data Movement Complexity of Computational DAGs for Parallel Execution

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    Technology trends are making the cost of data movement increasingly dominant, both in terms of energy and time, over the cost of performing arithmetic operations in computer systems. The fundamental ratio of aggregate data movement bandwidth to the total computational power (also referred to the machine balance parameter) in parallel computer systems is decreasing. It is there- fore of considerable importance to characterize the inherent data movement requirements of parallel algorithms, so that the minimal architectural balance parameters required to support it on future systems can be well understood. In this paper, we develop an extension of the well-known red-blue pebble game to develop lower bounds on the data movement complexity for the parallel execution of computational directed acyclic graphs (CDAGs) on parallel systems. We model multi-node multi-core parallel systems, with the total physical memory distributed across the nodes (that are connected through some interconnection network) and in a multi-level shared cache hierarchy for processors within a node. We also develop new techniques for lower bound characterization of non-homogeneous CDAGs. We demonstrate the use of the methodology by analyzing the CDAGs of several numerical algorithms, to develop lower bounds on data movement for their parallel execution

    Approximating Cumulative Pebbling Cost Is Unique Games Hard

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    The cumulative pebbling complexity of a directed acyclic graph GG is defined as cc(G)=minPiPi\mathsf{cc}(G) = \min_P \sum_i |P_i|, where the minimum is taken over all legal (parallel) black pebblings of GG and Pi|P_i| denotes the number of pebbles on the graph during round ii. Intuitively, cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) captures the amortized Space-Time complexity of pebbling mm copies of GG in parallel. The cumulative pebbling complexity of a graph GG is of particular interest in the field of cryptography as cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) is tightly related to the amortized Area-Time complexity of the Data-Independent Memory-Hard Function (iMHF) fG,Hf_{G,H} [AS15] defined using a constant indegree directed acyclic graph (DAG) GG and a random oracle H()H(\cdot). A secure iMHF should have amortized Space-Time complexity as high as possible, e.g., to deter brute-force password attacker who wants to find xx such that fG,H(x)=hf_{G,H}(x) = h. Thus, to analyze the (in)security of a candidate iMHF fG,Hf_{G,H}, it is crucial to estimate the value cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) but currently, upper and lower bounds for leading iMHF candidates differ by several orders of magnitude. Blocki and Zhou recently showed that it is NP\mathsf{NP}-Hard to compute cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G), but their techniques do not even rule out an efficient (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. We show that for any constant c>0c > 0, it is Unique Games hard to approximate cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) to within a factor of cc. (See the paper for the full abstract.)Comment: 28 pages, updated figures and corrected typo

    Inapproximability of the Standard Pebble Game and Hard to Pebble Graphs

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    Pebble games are single-player games on DAGs involving placing and moving pebbles on nodes of the graph according to a certain set of rules. The goal is to pebble a set of target nodes using a minimum number of pebbles. In this paper, we present a possibly simpler proof of the result in [CLNV15] and strengthen the result to show that it is PSPACE-hard to determine the minimum number of pebbles to an additive n1/3ϵn^{1/3-\epsilon} term for all ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, which improves upon the currently known additive constant hardness of approximation [CLNV15] in the standard pebble game. We also introduce a family of explicit, constant indegree graphs with nn nodes where there exists a graph in the family such that using constant kk pebbles requires Ω(nk)\Omega(n^k) moves to pebble in both the standard and black-white pebble games. This independently answers an open question summarized in [Nor15] of whether a family of DAGs exists that meets the upper bound of O(nk)O(n^k) moves using constant kk pebbles with a different construction than that presented in [AdRNV17].Comment: Preliminary version in WADS 201

    RiffleScrambler - a memory-hard password storing function

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    We introduce RiffleScrambler: a new family of directed acyclic graphs and a corresponding data-independent memory hard function with password independent memory access. We prove its memory hardness in the random oracle model. RiffleScrambler is similar to Catena -- updates of hashes are determined by a graph (bit-reversal or double-butterfly graph in Catena). The advantage of the RiffleScrambler over Catena is that the underlying graphs are not predefined but are generated per salt, as in Balloon Hashing. Such an approach leads to higher immunity against practical parallel attacks. RiffleScrambler offers better efficiency than Balloon Hashing since the in-degree of the underlying graph is equal to 3 (and is much smaller than in Ballon Hashing). At the same time, because the underlying graph is an instance of a Superconcentrator, our construction achieves the same time-memory trade-offs.Comment: Accepted to ESORICS 201

    Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity

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    We separate monotone analogues of L and NL by proving that any monotone switching network solving directed connectivity on nn vertices must have size at least n(Ω(lg(n)))n^(\Omega(\lg(n))).Comment: 49 pages, 12 figure