13,199 research outputs found

    Improved Cheeger's Inequality: Analysis of Spectral Partitioning Algorithms through Higher Order Spectral Gap

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    Let \phi(G) be the minimum conductance of an undirected graph G, and let 0=\lambda_1 <= \lambda_2 <=... <= \lambda_n <= 2 be the eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian matrix of G. We prove that for any graph G and any k >= 2, \phi(G) = O(k) \lambda_2 / \sqrt{\lambda_k}, and this performance guarantee is achieved by the spectral partitioning algorithm. This improves Cheeger's inequality, and the bound is optimal up to a constant factor for any k. Our result shows that the spectral partitioning algorithm is a constant factor approximation algorithm for finding a sparse cut if \lambda_k$ is a constant for some constant k. This provides some theoretical justification to its empirical performance in image segmentation and clustering problems. We extend the analysis to other graph partitioning problems, including multi-way partition, balanced separator, and maximum cut

    Relaxation-Based Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Multilevel partitioning methods that are inspired by principles of multiscaling are the most powerful practical hypergraph partitioning solvers. Hypergraph partitioning has many applications in disciplines ranging from scientific computing to data science. In this paper we introduce the concept of algebraic distance on hypergraphs and demonstrate its use as an algorithmic component in the coarsening stage of multilevel hypergraph partitioning solvers. The algebraic distance is a vertex distance measure that extends hyperedge weights for capturing the local connectivity of vertices which is critical for hypergraph coarsening schemes. The practical effectiveness of the proposed measure and corresponding coarsening scheme is demonstrated through extensive computational experiments on a diverse set of problems. Finally, we propose a benchmark of hypergraph partitioning problems to compare the quality of other solvers

    Partitioning into Expanders

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    Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph, lambda_k be the k-th smallest eigenvalue of the normalized laplacian matrix of G. There is a basic fact in algebraic graph theory that lambda_k > 0 if and only if G has at most k-1 connected components. We prove a robust version of this fact. If lambda_k>0, then for some 1\leq \ell\leq k-1, V can be {\em partitioned} into l sets P_1,\ldots,P_l such that each P_i is a low-conductance set in G and induces a high conductance induced subgraph. In particular, \phi(P_i)=O(l^3\sqrt{\lambda_l}) and \phi(G[P_i]) >= \lambda_k/k^2). We make our results algorithmic by designing a simple polynomial time spectral algorithm to find such partitioning of G with a quadratic loss in the inside conductance of P_i's. Unlike the recent results on higher order Cheeger's inequality [LOT12,LRTV12], our algorithmic results do not use higher order eigenfunctions of G. If there is a sufficiently large gap between lambda_k and lambda_{k+1}, more precisely, if \lambda_{k+1} >= \poly(k) lambda_{k}^{1/4} then our algorithm finds a k partitioning of V into sets P_1,...,P_k such that the induced subgraph G[P_i] has a significantly larger conductance than the conductance of P_i in G. Such a partitioning may represent the best k clustering of G. Our algorithm is a simple local search that only uses the Spectral Partitioning algorithm as a subroutine. We expect to see further applications of this simple algorithm in clustering applications

    Algorithmic and Statistical Perspectives on Large-Scale Data Analysis

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    In recent years, ideas from statistics and scientific computing have begun to interact in increasingly sophisticated and fruitful ways with ideas from computer science and the theory of algorithms to aid in the development of improved worst-case algorithms that are useful for large-scale scientific and Internet data analysis problems. In this chapter, I will describe two recent examples---one having to do with selecting good columns or features from a (DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) data matrix, and the other having to do with selecting good clusters or communities from a data graph (representing a social or information network)---that drew on ideas from both areas and that may serve as a model for exploiting complementary algorithmic and statistical perspectives in order to solve applied large-scale data analysis problems.Comment: 33 pages. To appear in Uwe Naumann and Olaf Schenk, editors, "Combinatorial Scientific Computing," Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 201