147,906 research outputs found

    Importation and Innovation

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    Importation of drugs into the U.S. would result in a decline in U.S. drug prices. The purpose of this paper is to assess the consequences of importation for new drug development. A simple theoretical model of drug development suggests that the elasticity of innovation with respect to the expected price of drugs should be at least as great as the elasticity of innovation with respect to expected market size (disease incidence). I examine the cross-sectional relationship between pharmaceutical innovation and market size among a set of diseases (different types of cancer) exhibiting substantial exogenous variation in expected market size. I analyze two different measures of pharmaceutical innovation: the number of distinct chemotherapy regimens for treating a cancer site, and the number of articles published in scientific journals pertaining to drug therapy for that cancer site. Both analyses indicate that the amount of pharmaceutical innovation increases with disease incidence. The elasticity of the number of chemotherapy regimens with respect to the number of cases is 0.53. The elasticity of MEDLINE drug cites with respect to cancer incidence throughout the world is 0.60. In the long run, a 10% decline in drug prices would therefore be likely to cause at least a 5-6% decline in pharmaceutical innovation.

    Gray Market Goods: A Lighter Shade of Black Symposium: The Controversy over the Importation of Gray Market Goods: Is a Resolution Forthcoming

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    If a street vendor offers a famous brand-name product for a substantially lower price than one would expect, the average consumer\u27s initial reaction might be that the product had been stolen or was hot - a product of the black market. While such discounted goods might indeed be stolen, sophisticated consumers have come to expect similar discounts in stores and mail-order houses throughout the country on goods not from the black market but rather from the gray market. These products, naturally enough, are called gray market goods or simply gray goods. Gray goods are brand-name products manufactured abroad which bear an authentic trademark authorized by the owner of the trademark in the market for which the goods are intended. The owner of the trademark is usually foreign. These goods are normally intended for markets outside the United States at the time of manufacture. At some point, however, the gray goods are diverted or imported into the United States for the purpose of competing with the U.S. trademark owner\u27s authorized goods. Historically, the importation of gray goods was rare and sporadic. As a consequence, the U.S. Customs Service\u27s regulations which permit their importation were ignored. Gray goods, as a legal topic, were confined to the backwaters of antitrust and intellectual property law. In the last few years, however, the importation of gray goods has become a growth industry and has generated numerous lawsuits and commentaries. While the initial growth in the gray market was spurred by the very high value of the U.S. dollar in international currency markets, it appears that now a permanent gray market network has developed that will make the subject of gray-goods importation one of importance for years to come regardless of the value of the dollar

    A failed invasion? Commercially introduced pollinators in Southern France

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    The natural diversity of Bombus terrestris subspecies could be under threat from the commercialisation of bumblebees. Therefore, to determine whether commercially imported bumblebees are able to establish and spread, we carried out long-term observations of bumblebees in southern France. Our surveys occurred before, during, and after the importation (between 1989 and 1996) of thousands of colonies of the Sardinian subspecies B. t. sassaricus. Queens and males of B. t. sassaricus were observed foraging outside commercial greenhouses in 1991, 1993, and 1994 and feral workers were observed foraging on native vegetation nearly two years after the importation of B. t. sassaricus ceased. However, no B. t. sassaricus, or F1 hybrids were observed after 1998. We conclude that B. t. sassaricus remains inconspicuous in France and competition from the three native subspecies may have prevented it from becoming invasive. However, genetic interference through introgression cannot be ruled out

    First Occurrence of \u3ci\u3eHippodamia Variegata\u3c/i\u3e (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Ohio

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    (excerpt) Ladybird beetles, or coccinellids (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), are significant arthropod predators in a variety of terrestrial ecosystems. Numerous classical biological control projects undertaken over the last 120 years in North America have involved importation of exotic ladybird beetle species for the control of invasive insect species in annual and perennial agricultural production systems

    Four recent cases on VAT and importation; some reflections on the future

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    This thesis deals with VAT on importation, how it works, when and where the chargeable event occurs, who pays and what rate. The question of preventing double taxation or non-taxation in light of implementing VAT on import will also be discussed. The problem with VAT on importation in relation to centralized customs clearance and areas which need to be improved as mentioned in the Green Paper will be described at the end of the thesis. The aim of this study is to investigate four recent cases on VAT and importation (Case C-7/08; Case C-230/08; Case C-435/03; Case C-305/03) and future prospects. To examine the VAT situation for temporary importation arrangements, rules on importation under TIR (Transport International Routier), exemptions of small consignments in the EU in terms of liability, exemption, possibility to deduct and movement of goods from the place of importation. A distinction between ATA Carnet (Admission Temporaire – Temporary Admission) and TIR Carnet will be provided, as well as a taxation of confiscated and stolen goods (the example given is that at cigarettes and tobacco products) The purpose is to determine whether the rules and VAT rates for importation distort or threaten to distort competition vis-à-vis local manufacturers. In this thesis the author will try to summarise, systematize and analyse provisions from RVD which deal with VAT on importation, especially the rules on temporary admission/importation, rules on importation under TIR and exemptions of small consignments

    Harnessing the Power of Music & Sound Design in Interactive Media

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    The history of the development of sound on film offers us lessons for the development of sound and music for interactive artforms. Now that technological developments have enabled almost unrestricted importation of audio into interactive platforms, the time has come for us to ask: is the content of the audio good enough

    Parallel importation in a supply Chain:The impact of gray market structure

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    With the rapid development of global economic integration, the size of gray markets continues to expand. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of different structures of gray markets on supply chain decisions and profits. Using game theory, we comprehensively analyze pricing and quantity decisions under monopoly parallel importation (either third-party parallel importation or retailer parallel importation), and duopoly parallel importation, including three different structures in which the retailer and the third-party parallel importation coexist in gray markets with different power structures. We obtain equilibrium results for each structure, compare the optimal strategies of these structures, and develop valuable insights

    California shellfish importation and planting report 1975-1976 season

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    The amount of shellfishes imported and planted in State waters is enumerated by species and compared with the previous season. Total giant Pacific oyster seed shipments were equivalent to 5,249 standard cases, compared with 11,884 standard cases the previous season. Sources of these seed oysters were Japan, Washington State and British Columbia, Canada. Adult Eastern oyster shipments from New York State totaled 442 bushels. (5pp.

    Parallel Imports, Drag Price Control and Pharmaceutical Innovation

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    This paper examines how parallel importation influences pharmaceutical innovation and the welfare of the economy, when crossnational drug price differentials occur not only because of demand elasticity based factors, but also governmental drug price control based factors. By explicitly considering the governmental drug price control baaed factors, this paper shows that parallel importation may enhance pharmaceutical innovation, when the bargaining power of a foreign government is strong and the price elasticity of demand in the foreign market is small. We also show that the increase in R&D induced by parallel imports may even increase the consumer surplus of a country with high demand elasticities and which could face relatively low drug prices, if parallel imports were not allowed.Parallel Imports, Pharmaceutical Innovation, Drug Price Control
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