885 research outputs found

    Shared Beliefs in Operative Teams: A Social Network Analysis

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    The constructs of shared mental models and situation awareness are highlighted as influential for team processes and team outcomes. In interdependent teams collaborating to solve tasks, social dynamics are likely involved in such processes. The aim of the current analysis was to explore whether there is a relationship between social dynamics and shared beliefs in emergency response teams, using the approach of social network analysis. Data on communication and reliance dynamics in 11 teams was gathered from scenario training sessions. The data was graphed as networks displaying communication and reliance patterns. Communication and reliance, measured both on individual and team level was assessed as predictors of variance for the measured outcome variables of situation awareness and shared mental models. Further, the applicability of social network analysis for investigating social dynamics related to team functions in our sample was evaluated. The analysis revealed strong associations between network density and degree of shared beliefs, on a team level, but did not display significant covariance between communication or reliance networks and shared beliefs on the individual level.Delte mentale modeller og situasjonsbevissthet er sentrale elementer i teamprosesser og har implikasjoner for mÄlbare utfall av teams funksjoner. I team hvor arbeidsmÄten preges av gjensidig avhengighet og tett samarbeid, kan underliggende sosial dynamikk trolig pÄvirke slike prosesser. Denne studien hadde til hensikt Ä utforske hvorvidt sosial nettverksanalyse kan brukes til Ä avdekke eventuelle sammenhenger mellom teammedlemmers sosiale samhandling og grad av delte oppfatninger om den aktuelle arbeidssituasjonen. Selvrapporterte mÄl pÄ kommunikasjon og tillit ble hentet fra scenariobaserte treningsÞvelser hos 11 beredskapsteam. MÄlene ble brukt til Ä danne grafiske nettverk som avbildet sosial dynamikk pÄ de mÄlte parametrene, for hvert team. Kommunikasjon og tillit ble kartlagt bÄde pÄ individ- og teamnivÄ. MÄlene ble brukt som prediktorer for varians i utfallsvariablene delte mentale modeller og situasjonsbevissthet. Videre ble sosial nettverksanalyse evaluert som tilnÊrming for Ä kartlegge sosial samhandling knyttet til teamfunksjoner i den gjeldende settingen. Analysen avdekket sammenhenger mellom nettverk med hÞy tetthet av kommunikasjon og tillit, og delte mentale modeller og situasjonsbevissthet, pÄ teamnivÄ. Tilsvarende sammenhenger ble ikke funnet pÄ individnivÄ.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK33

    Coopetition in an open-source way : lessons from mobile and cloud computing infrastructures

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    An increasing amount of technology is no longer developed in-house. Instead, we are in a new age where technology is developed by a networked community of individuals and organizations, who base their relations to each other on mutual interest. Advances arising from research in platforms, ecosystems, and infrastructures can provide valuable knowledge for better understanding and explaining technology development among a network of firms. More surprisingly, recent research suggests that technology can be jointly developed by rival competing firms in an open-source way. For instance, it is known that the mobile device makers Apple and Samsung continued collaborating in open-source projects while running expensive patent wars in the courts. On top of multidisciplinary theory in open-source software, cooperation among competitors (aka coopetition) and digital infrastructures, I (and my coauthors) explored how rival firms cooperate in the joint development of open-source infrastructures. While assimilating a wide variety of paradigms and analytical approaches, this doctoral research combined the qualitative analysis of naturally occurring data (QA) with the mining of software repositories (MSR) and social network analysis (SNA) within a set of case studies. By turning to the mobile and cloud computing industries in general, and the WebKit and OpenStack opensource infrastructures in particular, we found out that qualitative ethnographic materials, combined with social network visualizations, provide a rich medium that enables a better understanding of competitive and cooperative issues that are simultaneously present and interconnected in open-source infrastructures. Our research contributes back to managerial literature in coopetition strategy, but more importantly to Information Systems by addressing both cooperation and competition within the development of high-networked open-source infrastructures.YhĂ€ suurempaa osaa teknologiasta ei enÀÀ kehitetĂ€ organisaatioiden omasta toimesta. Sen sijaan, olemme uudella aikakaudella jossa teknologiaa kehitetÀÀn verkostoituneessa yksilöiden ja organisaatioiden yhteisössĂ€, missĂ€ toimitaan perustuen yhteiseen tavoitteeseen. Alustojen, ekosysteemien ja infrastruktuurien tutkimuksen tulokset voivat tuottaa arvokasta tietĂ€mystĂ€ teknologian kehittĂ€misestĂ€ yritysten verkostossa. Erityisesti tuore tutkimustieto osoittaa ettĂ€ kilpailevat yritykset voivat yhdessĂ€ kehittÀÀ teknologiaa avoimeen lĂ€hdekoodiin perustuvilla kĂ€ytĂ€nnöillĂ€. Esimerkiksi tiedetÀÀn ettĂ€ mobiililaitteiden valmistajat Apple ja Samsung tekivĂ€t yhteistyötĂ€ avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin projekteissa ja kĂ€vivĂ€t samaan aikaan kalliita patenttitaistoja eri oikeusfoorumeissa. Perustuen monitieteiseen teoriaan avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin ohjelmistoista, yhteistyöstĂ€ kilpailijoiden kesken (coopetition) sekĂ€ digitaalisista infrastruktuureista, minĂ€ (ja kanssakirjoittajani) tutkimme miten kilpailevat yritykset tekevĂ€t yhteistyötĂ€ avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin infrastruktuurien kehityksessĂ€. Sulauttaessaan runsaan joukon paradigmoja ja analyyttisiĂ€ lĂ€hestymistapoja case-joukon puitteissa, tĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjatutkimus yhdisti luonnollisesti esiintyvĂ€n datan kvantitatiivisen analyysin ohjelmapakettivarastojen louhintaan ja sosiaalisten verkostojen analyysiin. Tutkiessamme mobiili- ja pilvipalveluiden teollisuudenaloja yleisesti, ja WebKit ja OpenStack avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin infrastruktuureja erityisesti, havaitsimme ettĂ€ kvalitatiiviset etnografiset materiaalit yhdistettyinĂ€ sosiaalisten verkostojen visualisointiin tuottavat rikkaan aineiston joka mahdollistaa avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin infrastruktuuriin samanaikaisesti liittyvien kilpailullisten ja yhteistyökuvioiden hyvĂ€n ymmĂ€rtĂ€misen. Tutkimuksemme antaa oman panoksensa johdon kirjallisuuteen coopetition strategy -alueella, mutta sitĂ€kin enemmĂ€n tietojĂ€rjestelmĂ€tieteeseen, lĂ€pikĂ€ymĂ€llĂ€ sekĂ€ yhteistyötĂ€ ettĂ€ kilpailua tiiviisti verkostoituneessa avoimen lĂ€hdekoodin infrastruktuurien kehitystoiminnassaUma crescente quantidade de tecnologia nĂŁo Ă© desenvolvida internamente por uma sĂł organização. Em vez disso, estamos em uma nova era em que a tecnologia Ă© desenvolvida por uma comunidade de indivĂ­duos e organizaçÔes que baseiam suas relaçÔes umas com as outras numa rede de interesse mĂștuo. Os avanços teĂłrico decorrentes da pesquisa em plataformas computacionais, ecossistemas e infraestruturas digitais fornecem conhecimentos valiosos para uma melhor compreensĂŁo e explicação do desenvolvimento tecnolĂłgico por uma rede de multiplas empresas. Mais surpreendentemente, pesquisas recentes sugerem que tecnologia pode ser desenvolvida conjuntamente por empresas rivais concorrentes e de uma forma aberta (em cĂłdigo aberto). Por exemplo, sabe-se que os fabricantes de dispositivos mĂłveis Apple e Samsung continuam a colaborar em projetos de cĂłdigo aberto ao mesmo tempo que se confrontam em caras guerras de patentes nos tribunais. Baseados no conhecimento cientĂ­fico de software de cĂłdigo aberto, de cooperação entre concorrentes (tambĂ©m conhecida como coopetição) e de infraestruturas digitais, eu e os meus co-autores exploramos como empresas concorrentes cooperam no desenvolvimento conjunto de infraestruturas de cĂłdigo aberto. Ao utilizar uma variedade de paradigmas e abordagens analĂ­ticas, esta pesquisa de doutoramento combinou a anĂĄlise qualitativa de dados de ocorrĂȘncia natural (QA) com a anĂĄlise de repositĂłrios de softwares (MSR) e a anĂĄlise de redes sociais (SNA) dentro de um conjunto de estudos de casos. Ao investigar as industrias de technologias mĂłveis e de computação em nuvem em geral, e as infraestruturas em cĂłdigo aberto WebKit e OpenStack, em particular, descobrimos que o material etnogrĂĄfico qualitativo, combinado com visualizaçÔes de redes sociais, fornece um meio rico que permite uma melhor compreensĂŁo das problemas competitivos e cooperativos que estĂŁo simultaneamente presentes e interligados em infraestruturas de cĂłdigo aberto. A nossa pesquisa contribui para a literatura em gestĂŁo estratĂ©gica e coompetição, mas mais importante para literatura em Sistemas de Informação, abordando a cooperação e concorrĂȘncia no desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de cĂłdigo aberto por uma rede the indivĂ­duos e organizaçÔes em interesse mĂștuo

    Alignment of Partnering with Construction IT: Exploration and Synthesis of network strategies to integrate BIM-enabled Supply Chains

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are seen as innovations that can manage complexities in construction by focusing on integrating processes and products respectively. Whereas these two innovations have been considered compatible, their practical combi-nation has been mainly anecdotal. The Netherlands was the locale of this study, where both SCM and BIM have been popular approaches. The research objective is to explore their real-world combination and propose strategies for the alignment of SCM and BIM, by viewing Supply Chain (SC) partnering as the inter-organisational proxy of SCM. The main question is: ñ€ƓHow to align the SCM philosophy with BIM technologies to achieve integration in the construction industry? What aspects contribute to this alignment?ñ€. The methodology was mixed and both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The overarching method was case study research and the unit of analysis was the firm, also referred to as ñ€˜actorñ€ℱ. After a semi-chronological review of the relevant literature, the two constructs of SCM and BIM were found interdependent in product-, process-, and actor-related (P/P/A) dimensions. The study consisted of four other consecutive studies. First, empirical insights into the practical implementation of SC partnering and BIM were obtained via the exploration of five cases. Second, a conceptual model for the quantitative analysis of the product-, process-, and actor-related dimensions was designed. Third, this model and mixed methods were applied to two polar (ex-treme) cases to analyse the contractual (typically SC-related), digital (typically BIM-related), and informal interactions among the involved actors. Fourth, an additional theoretical exploration of the BIM-enabled SC partnerships took place with focusing also on intra-organisational relations within the involved firms. After the four studies, the findings were systematically combined to cre-ate the theoretical synthesis, i.e. generate theory. Three consecutive steps of ñ€˜constructñ€ℱ, ñ€˜internalñ€ℱ, and ñ€˜externalñ€ℱ validity took place after the synthesis, to define the transferability of findings. The systematic combination of findings deduced two routes to achieve SC integration in construction: (a) product-related (emphasis on BIM tools), and (b) actor-related (emphasis on SCM philosophy). The two observed routes to SC integration emerged from the data of the polar cases. Two com-plementary sets of strategies for SC integration were derived afterwards. These strategies could ease the identification of which route is the ñ€˜closest fitñ€ℱ to SC integration, and then support the decision-making of how to pursue it. As the concept of BIM is currently a hot topic, it might be wise to undertake a ñ€˜product-relatedñ€ℱ route to integration and gradually introduce strategies from the ñ€˜actor-relatedñ€ℱ route. However, the ñ€˜actor-relatedñ€ℱ route could attain long-term integration and thus, long-lasting relations among the multi-actor networks. The key aspects of the alignment of partnering with construction IT for BIM-enabled SC partnerships are: - The identification of whether the SC complexity is of process-, product- or actor-related nature;- The deployed BIM collaboration patterns, i.e. ad-hoc, linear or distributed;- The SC coordination mechanisms, e.g. centralised or decentralised;- The relation between formal and informal aspects, e.g. symmetric or asymmetric;- The emerging intra-organisational relations due to BIM and SCM implementation;- The hierarchical level that BIM-enabled SC partnership decision-making pertains. As the construction industry evolves into an information-driven sector, the alignment of construc-tion IT with inter-organisational management is preeminent for managing the inherent com-plexities of the industry. In parallel, embracing inter-organisational approaches for information management such as BIM is a promisingway forward for SCM and construction management

    Social network analysis and festival relationships:personal, organisational and strategic connections

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    Alignment of Partnering with Construction IT

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are seen as innovations that can manage complexities in construction by focusing on integrating processes and products respectively. Whereas these two innovations have been considered compatible, their practical combination has been mainly anecdotal. The Netherlands was the locale of this study, where both SCM and BIM have been popular approaches. The research objective is to explore their real-world combination and propose strategies for the alignment of SCM and BIM, by viewing Supply Chain (SC) partnering as the inter-organisational proxy of SCM. The main question is: “How to align the SCM philosophy with BIM technologies to achieve integration in the construction industry? What aspects contribute to this alignment?”. The methodology was mixed and both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The overarching method was case study research and the unit of analysis was the firm, also referred to as ‘actor’.After a semi-chronological review of the relevant literature, the two constructs of SCM and BIM were found interdependent in product-, process-, and actor-related (P/P/A) dimensions. The study consisted of four other consecutive studies. First, empirical insights into the practical implementation of SC partnering and BIM were obtained via the exploration of five cases. Second, a conceptual model for the quantitative analysis of the product-, process-, and actor-related dimensions was designed. Third, this model and mixed methods were applied to two polar (extreme) cases to analyse the contractual (typically SC-related), digital (typically BIM-related), and informal interactions among the involved actors. Fourth, an additional theoretical exploration of the BIM-enabled SC partnerships took place with focusing also on intra-organisational relations within the involved firms. After the four studies, the findings were systematically combined to create the theoretical synthesis, i.e. generate theory. Three consecutive steps of ‘construct’, ‘internal’, and ‘external’ validity took place after the synthesis, to define the transferability of findings. The systematic combination of findings deduced two routes to achieve SC integration in construction: (a) product-related (emphasis on BIM tools), and (b) actor-related (emphasis on SCM philosophy).The two observed routes to SC integration emerged from the data of the polar cases. Two complementary sets of strategies for SC integration were derived afterwards. These strategies could ease the identification of which route is the ‘closest fit’ to SC integration, and then support the decision-making of how to pursue it. As the concept of BIM is currently a hot topic, it might be wise to undertake a ‘product-related’ route to integration and gradually introduce strategies from the ‘actor-related’ route. However, the ‘actor-related’ route could attain long-term integration and thus, long-lasting relations among the multi-actor networks. The key aspects of the alignment of partnering with construction IT for BIM-enabled SC partnerships are: - The identification of whether the SC complexity is of process-, product- or actor-related nature; - The deployed BIM collaboration patterns, i.e. ad-hoc, linear or distributed; - The SC coordination mechanisms, e.g. centralised or decentralised; - The relation between formal and informal aspects, e.g. symmetric or asymmetric; - The emerging intra-organisational relations due to BIM and SCM implementation; - The hierarchical level that BIM-enabled SC partnership decision-making pertains. As the construction industry evolves into an information-driven sector, the alignment of construction IT with inter-organisational management is preeminent for managing the inherent complexities of the industry. In parallel, embracing inter-organisational approaches for information management such as BIM is a promisingway forward for SCM and construction management

    A Data Science approach to behavioural change: large scale interventions on physical activity and weight loss

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    This PhD thesis is a quantitative investigation combining Behaviour Change Science with a Data Science approach in search of more effective large scale, multi-component behavioural interventions for health and well-being. There is limited evidence about how technology-based interventions (including those using wearable physical activity monitors and apps) are efficacious for increasing physical activity and nutrition. The relevance of this research is the systematic approach to overcome previous studies’ limitations in method and measurement: restricted research about multi-component interventions, limited analysis about the impact of social networking, the inclusion of components without sufficient evidence about the components’ effectiveness, the absence of a control group(s), small sample sizes, subjective physical activity reporting, among other limitations. The research was done in conjunction with Tictrac Ltd as the industrial partner, and the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change. Tictrac Ltd builds platforms for the collection and aggregation of personal data generated by the users’ devices and mobile apps. The collaboration with the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change has been instrumental to design, implement, evaluate and analyse behaviour change interventions that impact wellbeing and health. The thesis comprises three areas of research: 1. Computational platforms for large scale behavioural interventions. To support this research, computational platforms were designed, built, deployed and used for randomised behavioural interventions with control groups. The interventions were implemented as experiments related to the behavioural impact on physical activity, weight loss and change in diet. / 2. Behaviour change experiments. The two experiments use the Behaviour Change Wheel framework for behaviour change, intervention design and evaluation. A Data Science approach was used to test hypotheses, determine and quantify the effect of the fundamental intervention components and their interactions. The effective use of tracking devices and apps was determined by comparing the results of ‘structured intervention’ –vs- those of the control group. / Experiment 1: Large scale intervention in a corporate wellness setting. Multi-component behavioural intervention with: control group, self-defined goals, choice architecture and personal dashboards for physical activity and weight loss. The analysis covers network effects of social interactions, the role of being explicit about a type of goal, the impact of making part of team, among other relevant outcomes. / Experiment 2: Identification of critical factors of a technology-based intervention. Multi-component behavioural intervention with simultaneous target behaviours related to weight loss and physical activity, inspired by factorial design for the determination of critical factors and effective components. The analysis comprises: components’ interactions (coach, challenge, team, action plans, forum), non-linear relationships (BMI, change in diet habit), five personality traits, among other relevant results. / 3. Frameworks for future large scale interventions in behaviour change. The implementation of both experiments required an applied use of theoretical and practical principles for the design of the experimental computational platforms. As a result, two frameworks were suggested for future interventions: an implementation framework and a data strategy framework

    A Stochastic Multiple Players Multi-Issues Bargaining Model for the Piave River Basin

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the usefulness of non-cooperative bargaining theory for the analysis of negotiations on water allocation and management. We explore the impacts of different economic incentives, a stochastic environment and varying individual preferences on players’ strategies and equilibrium outcomes through numerical simulations of a multilateral, multiple issues, non-cooperative bargaining model of water allocation in the Piave River Basin, in the North East of Italy. Players negotiate in an alternating-offer manner over the sharing of water resources (quantity and quality). Exogenous uncertainty over the size of the negotiated amount of water is introduced to capture the fact that water availability is not known with certainty to negotiating players. We construct the players’ objective function with their direct input. We then test the applicability of our multiple players, multi-issues, stochastic framework to a specific water allocation problem and conduct comparative static analyses to assess sources of bargaining power. Finally, we explore the implications of different attitudes and beliefs over water availability.Bargaining, Non-Cooperative Game Theory, Simulation Models, Uncertainty
