43,547 research outputs found

    Anticipatory Buffer Control and Quality Selection for Wireless Video Streaming

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    Video streaming is in high demand by mobile users, as recent studies indicate. In cellular networks, however, the unreliable wireless channel leads to two major problems. Poor channel states degrade video quality and interrupt the playback when a user cannot sufficiently fill its local playout buffer: buffer underruns occur. In contrast to that, good channel conditions cause common greedy buffering schemes to pile up very long buffers. Such over-buffering wastes expensive wireless channel capacity. To keep buffering in balance, we employ a novel approach. Assuming that we can predict data rates, we plan the quality and download time of the video segments ahead. This anticipatory scheduling avoids buffer underruns by downloading a large number of segments before a channel outage occurs, without wasting wireless capacity by excessive buffering. We formalize this approach as an optimization problem and derive practical heuristics for segmented video streaming protocols (e.g., HLS or MPEG DASH). Simulation results and testbed measurements show that our solution essentially eliminates playback interruptions without significantly decreasing video quality

    Constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network and heuristics combined approaches for generalized job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ 2000 IEEEThis paper presents a constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network, together with several heuristics, to solve the generalized job-shop scheduling problem, one of NP-complete constraint satisfaction problems. The proposed neural network can be easily constructed and can adaptively adjust its weights of connections and biases of units based on the sequence and resource constraints of the job-shop scheduling problem during its processing. Several heuristics that can be combined with the neural network are also presented. In the combined approaches, the neural network is used to obtain feasible solutions, the heuristic algorithms are used to improve the performance of the neural network and the quality of the obtained solutions. Simulations have shown that the proposed neural network and its combined approaches are efficient with respect to the quality of solutions and the solving speed.This work was supported by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation under Grant 69684005 and the Chinese National High-Tech Program under Grant 863-511-9609-003, the EPSRC under Grant GR/L81468

    A new adaptive neural network and heuristics hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ 2001 Elsevier Science LtdA new adaptive neural network and heuristics hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling is presented. The neural network has the property of adapting its connection weights and biases of neural units while solving the feasible solution. Two heuristics are presented, which can be combined with the neural network. One heuristic is used to accelerate the solving process of the neural network and guarantee its convergence, the other heuristic is used to obtain non-delay schedules from the feasible solutions gained by the neural network. Computer simulations have shown that the proposed hybrid approach is of high speed and efficiency. The strategy for solving practical job-shop scheduling problems is provided.This work is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation (No. 69684005) and National High -Tech Program of P. R. China (No. 863-511-9609-003)

    Genetic algorithm and neural network hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ 1998 ACTA PressThis paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) and constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network (CSANN) hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling problems. In the hybrid approach, GA is used to iterate for searching optimal solutions, CSANN is used to obtain feasible solutions during the iteration of genetic algorithm. Simulations have shown the valid performance of the proposed hybrid approach for job-shop scheduling with respect to the quality of solutions and the speed of calculation.This research is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation and National High -Tech Program of P. R. China

    CSP channels for CAN-bus connected embedded control systems

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    Closed loop control system typically contains multitude of sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So they are parallel and distributed in its essence. But when mapping this parallelism to software, lot of obstacles concerning multithreading communication and synchronization issues arise. To overcome this problem, the CT kernel/library based on CSP algebra has been developed. This project (TES.5410) is about developing communication extension to the CT library to make it applicable in distributed systems. Since the library is tailored for control systems, properties and requirements of control systems are taken into special consideration. Applicability of existing middleware solutions is examined. A comparison of applicable fieldbus protocols is done in order to determine most suitable ones and CAN fieldbus is chosen to be first fieldbus used. Brief overview of CSP and existing CSP based libraries is given. Middleware architecture is proposed along with few novel ideas

    Feedback and time are essential for the optimal control of computing systems

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    The performance, reliability, cost, size and energy usage of computing systems can be improved by one or more orders of magnitude by the systematic use of modern control and optimization methods. Computing systems rely on the use of feedback algorithms to schedule tasks, data and resources, but the models that are used to design these algorithms are validated using open-loop metrics. By using closed-loop metrics instead, such as the gap metric developed in the control community, it should be possible to develop improved scheduling algorithms and computing systems that have not been over-engineered. Furthermore, scheduling problems are most naturally formulated as constraint satisfaction or mathematical optimization problems, but these are seldom implemented using state of the art numerical methods, nor do they explicitly take into account the fact that the scheduling problem itself takes time to solve. This paper makes the case that recent results in real-time model predictive control, where optimization problems are solved in order to control a process that evolves in time, are likely to form the basis of scheduling algorithms of the future. We therefore outline some of the research problems and opportunities that could arise by explicitly considering feedback and time when designing optimal scheduling algorithms for computing systems
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