63 research outputs found

    The Benefit of Hydrodynamic Model As an Assessment of the Hydro-Environment Engineering in Decision Support System for the Sustainable Mariculture Development in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has a great potential for developing the mariculture industry. However, during the operation faced a lot of problems due to hydrodynamic environment engineering fields. The main case was the misplaced location of the mariculture development with respect to the weak sea current in the vicinity area. Meanwhile, the accomplishment of sustainable practices and management systems to preserve coastal environments is still in its infancy. Therefore, it is vital to improve aquaculture technology and to develop management tools. This problem can be determined by an implementation of the numeric mathematical model of the sea current flow which illustrates the physical process of domain area. At this manuscript, the assessment utilized 2-dimensional numerical models in Decision Support System (DSS) at the Ekas Bay, Lombok Indonesia. Simulations were carried out by applying the open source of Delft3D modeling system which was fully integrated with modeling framework for the simulation, among others of flow and waves. The outcomes prove that hydrodynamic model can be used as an initial assessment for decision maker for future development of sustainable mariculture industry in Indonesia

    Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the Curriculum

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    AHP model as one of the most efficient techniques and as a comprehensive system designed to the multi-criteria decisions possibility of formulating provides natural complex to hierarchy. This model is a simple calculation on the matrix that begins for identifying and prioritizing the elements of decision making. Curriculum is a process including: identifying goals, choosing content, teaching, and learning strategies. The programmer is inevitable to decision making in each of these stages. In many of stages of the curriculum, to considering political, social and economic factors, decision making is become difficult. We can use the AHP model in these situations (or normal) and also convert them to adapting with humans mind and nature in simple form. In other words, Analytical Hierarchy Process calculates levels of decisions adjusting and judge about being good and bad or acceptable and unacceptable choices. Thus, this article study application of AHP model in curriculum and introduces it as an adequate way for decision-making in curriculum process. At last this study indicates application of AHP model in an example according to teaching-learning strategy. Keywords: Curriculum, Analytical Hierarchy Process, selecting content, teaching - learning strategies, identifying goal

    Site Locating For Inspection Posts of Freight Cars in Railway Network Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) (CaseStudy: Iranian Railway Network)

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    Freight car inspection and maintenance system have an undeniable role in total costs imposed on system for repair and rehabilitation process of different components of it. This issue shows its importance when railway transportation comes to competition with other modes of transportation. In this competition, lower total cost means more demands and more benefits for optimum systems. Using preventive maintenance methods for rolling stock are among appropriate solutions in order to lower the costs. These methods require to have an exact monitoring system to achieve a reliable scope of system. Inspection posts play an essential role as “wise eyes” on inspection system.Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in this article has developed decision tree including goals, criteria, sub criteria and alternatives. The main criteria are 1-traffic, 2-geographical position, 3-loction of station on railway network, and 4-repair and maneuver equipment of station. These criteria and sub criteria have been weighted and quantified using expert’s opinion. The use of Geographical information system, 403 stations had been evaluated with 26 criteria and sub criteria and prioritized. By considering coverage of network in next step, 43 stations are recommended as required station numbers in railway network to provide 70.53% Coverage of railway network traffic

    Analysing elephant habitat parameters using GIS, remote sensing and analytic hierarchy process in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing are geospatial technologies that have been used for many years in environmental studies, including gathering and analysing of information on the physical parameters of wildlife habitats and modelling of habitat assessments. The home range estimation provided in a GIS environment offers a viable method of quantifying habitat use and facilitating a better understanding of species and habitat relationships. This study used remote sensing, GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) application tools as methods to assess the habitat parameters preference of Asian elephant. Satellite images and topographical maps were used for the environmental and topographical habitat parameter generation encompassing land use-land cover (LULC), Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI), water sources, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), slope and aspect. The kernel home range was determined using elephant distribution data from satellite tracking, which were then analysed using habitat parameters to investigate any possible relationship. Subsequently, the frequency of the utilization distribution of elephants was further analysed using spatial and geostatistical analyses. This was followed by the use of AHP for identifying habitat preference, selection of significant habitat parameters and classification of criterion. The habitats occupied by the elephants showed that the conservation of these animals would require good management practices within and outside of protected areas so as to ensure the level of suitability of the habitat, particularly in translocation areas


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    Climate change has exacerbated the intensity as well as frequency of forest fire events in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The present study focusses on undertaking forest fire risk mapping across the state by utilizing geospatial technology along with Google Earth Engine. Ten parameters were identified that have a strong influence in determining fire prone areas. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was then implemented for the development of the risk map in which criteria weights were assigned to the parameters based on their ability to influence a forest fire event. The analysis revealed that out of the total forest area, 24.22% is under ‘very high’ risk zone, 29.24% is under ‘high’ risk zone, 18.23% is under ‘moderate’ risk zone, 7.69% is under ‘low’ risk zone and 20.62% is under ‘very low’ risk zone of forest fire. Further study was carried out to determine fire risk levels in populated regions and in some of the most critical nature reserves having high ecological importance which reveals that ‘very high’ and ‘high’ risk zones have greater population density indicating the influence of anthropogenic activities on forest fire occurrence. The results additionally indicate that four national parks and wildlife sanctuaries are particularly vulnerable to forest fires at present which is a source of concern and requires intervention from the stakeholders

    Sector selection for ERP implementation to achieve most impact on supply chain performance by using AHP-TOPSIS hybrid method

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    U zadnje se vrijeme povećao broj radova o planiranju resursa poduzeća (ERP) te je to područje istraživanja privuklo više pažnje. Naročito, kad se radi o svjetskoj konkurenciji, poduzeća se moraju usmjeriti na rad svojih informatičkih sustava (IS) ako žele steći prednost, a jedini način za to je primjena ERP sustava i povećanje njegove učinkovitosti. Međutim svaki pojedini sektor drugačije reagira na primjenu ERP-a. Cilj je ovoga rada rangirati sektore prema porastu učinkovitosti nakon uspješne primjene ERP-a, korištenjem AHP-TOPSIS hibridne metode. Kao rezultat, dobit će se slika opće strukture turskih kompanija i definirat će se sektori koji imaju najbolje izglede za poboljšanje radne učinkovitosti primjenom ERP sustava. Ti će rezultati pomoći kompanijama u preciznijem planiranju procesa implementacije i rukovodećim ljudima u jasnijem definiranju njihovih očekivanja. Daje se numerički primjer u svrhu razjašnjenja glavnog dobivenog rezultata u radu.Recently, studies about the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) have been increased and this research area has attracted more attention. Especially, in the global competition environment, enterprises have to focus on their Information Systems (IS) performance to have a competitive advantage; implementing an ERP system and improving the effectiveness of the system is the only way. However every sector reacts to ERP implementation differently. Purpose of this study is to rank the sectors according to their performance increments after successful ERP implementations by using AHP-TOPSIS hybrid method. As a result, general structure of Turkish companies will be pictured and the sectors which have the most chance to improve their performance by utilizing an ERP system will be defined. These findings will help the companies to plan the implementation process more precisely and help the managers of these companies to define their expectations more clearly. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper

    Developing an integrated AHP and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS methodology

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    U ovom se istraživanju daje pregled analitičkog hijerarhijskog postupka (AHP) i intuicijskih FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) metoda. Rad se bavi procjenom metodologije zasnovane na AHP-IFT gdje se nesigurnosti opisuju lingvističkim vrijednostima. Najprije se problem izbora dobavljača formulira primjenom AHP, a zatim se koristi za određivanje težina kriterija. Kasnije se IFT koristi za postizanje rangiranja među alternativama temeljenim na mišljenju donositelja odluka (DMs). Ovaj model omogućuje točnu i laku klasifikaciju svojstava dobavljača prema tome kako su rangirani u hibridnom modelu. Daje se numerički primjer kako bi se objasnio glavni dobiveni rezultat u radu.This research gives an overview of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) methods. This study deals with an evaluation methodology based on the AHP-IFT where the uncertainties are handled with linguistic values. First, the supplier selection problem is formulated using AHP and, then, it is used to determine the weights of the criteria. Later, IFT is used to obtain full- ranking among alternatives based on opinion of the Decision Makers (DMs). The present model provides an accurate and easy classification in supplier attributes by those that have been prioritized in the hybrid model. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper

    Developing an integrated AHP and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS methodology

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    U ovom se istraživanju daje pregled analitičkog hijerarhijskog postupka (AHP) i intuicijskih FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) metoda. Rad se bavi procjenom metodologije zasnovane na AHP-IFT gdje se nesigurnosti opisuju lingvističkim vrijednostima. Najprije se problem izbora dobavljača formulira primjenom AHP, a zatim se koristi za određivanje težina kriterija. Kasnije se IFT koristi za postizanje rangiranja među alternativama temeljenim na mišljenju donositelja odluka (DMs). Ovaj model omogućuje točnu i laku klasifikaciju svojstava dobavljača prema tome kako su rangirani u hibridnom modelu. Daje se numerički primjer kako bi se objasnio glavni dobiveni rezultat u radu.This research gives an overview of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) methods. This study deals with an evaluation methodology based on the AHP-IFT where the uncertainties are handled with linguistic values. First, the supplier selection problem is formulated using AHP and, then, it is used to determine the weights of the criteria. Later, IFT is used to obtain full- ranking among alternatives based on opinion of the Decision Makers (DMs). The present model provides an accurate and easy classification in supplier attributes by those that have been prioritized in the hybrid model. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper

    Simulación de crecimiento urbano mediante evaluación multicriterio y TIG en el Gran San Miguel de Tucuman (Argentina)

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    En el presente trabajo se combinan técnicas de Evaluación Multicriterio (EMC) y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para obtener un modelo de ocupación urbana deseable para el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán (GSMT), el mayor centro urbano del noroeste argentino, que sirva como apoyo en la evaluación y planificación urbano-territorial. Partiendo de mapas urbanos de 2001 y 2009 y de una serie de posibles factores explicativos del crecimiento urbano se realizó una EMC, aplicando el Método de Jerarquías Analíticas y Sumatoria Lineal Ponderada para obtener mapas de aptitud para uso urbano. Se plantearon escenarios alternativos de expansión urbana bajo criterios ambientales, económicos y de compromiso los cuales fueron comparados con el crecimiento real experimentado en el período en estudio. Los escenarios planteados presentaron valores de adecuación media mayores que los observados en el crecimiento real. En general, las áreas deseables para uso urbano según los diferentes escenarios se localizan al este del GSMT. En el crecimiento real se observa un crecimiento contiguo al núcleo central, siguiendo las principales vías de transporte, patrón semejante al escenario económico extremo, evidenciando la influencia del trazado vial en la localización de zonas residenciales y la carencia de criterios de preservación del medio natural en el establecimiento de zonas urbanas.The present work combines Multi-criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to obtain a desirable model of urban settlement for the Great San Miguel de Tucuman, the largest urban center of NW Argentina, which serves as a support for urban planning and evaluation. We carried out a MCE using urban maps from 2001 and 2009 and a set of possible explanatory factors of urban growth, applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Weighted Linear Combination to obtain a suitability map for urban use. Additionally, we proposed alternative sceneries of urban growth considering environmental and The present work combines Multi-criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to obtain a desirable model of urban settlement for the Great San Miguel de Tucuman, the largest urban center of NW Argentina, which serves as a support for urban planning and evaluation. We carried out a MCE using urban maps from 2001 and 2009 and a set of possible explanatory factors of urban growth, applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Weighted Linear Combination to obtain a suitability map for urban use. Additionally, we proposed alternative sceneries of urban growth considering environmental and economic criteria, and an intermediate situation between both. These sceneries were then compared with the real growth that occurred during the study period. The proposed sceneries showed higher average suitability values than the values observed in the real growth. In general, urban desirable areas (according to the proposed sceneries) are located east of GSMT. When considering real growth we observed an expansion adjacent to central nucleus, along the road network. This shows a pattern similar to the extreme economic sceneries, and point out the influence of the road network on the location of residential areas and the lack of criteria for environmental conservation in developing urban areas