78 research outputs found

    Object-oriented programming with mixins in Ada

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    Recently, I wrote a paper discussing the lack of 'true' object-oriented programming language features in Ada 83, why one might desire them in Ada, and how they might be added in Ada 9X. The approach I took in this paper was to build the new object-oriented features of Ada 9X as much as possible on the basic constructs and philosophy of Ada 83. The object-oriented features proposed for Ada 9X, while different in detail, are based on the same kind of approach. Further consideration of this approach led me on a long reflection on the nature of object-oriented programming and its application to Ada. The results of this reflection, presented in this paper, show how a fairly natural object-oriented style can indeed be developed even in Ada 83. The exercise of developing this style is useful for at least three reasons: (1) it provides a useful style for programming object-oriented applications in Ada 83 until new features become available with Ada 9X; (2) it demystifies many of the mechanisms that seem to be 'magic' in most object-oriented programming languages by making them explicit; and (3) it points out areas that are and are not in need of change in Ada 83 to make object-oriented programming more natural in Ada 9X. In the next four sections I will address in turn the issues of object-oriented classes, mixins, self-reference and supertyping. The presentation is through a sequence of examples. This results in some overlap with that paper, but all the examples in the present paper are written entirely in Ada 83. I will return to considerations for Ada 9X in the last section of the paper

    Proposals for enhancement of the Ada programming language:a software engineering perspective

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    This thesis is a critique of the Ada 83 programming language with emphasis on the construction of reusable components and their composition, and more generally on programming "in the large". Ada 83's deficiencies in that area are first described, and then solutions are proposed to most of the problems. The main part of the thesis is a proposal for object-oriented extensions, making classes and objects with inheritance available through package and task types, as a very natural extension of Ada 83's task types. These proposals can be viewed as an alternative to Ada 9X's tagged types, with which a comparison is made

    Building consensus for Ada 9X

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    Language design is a most difficult task. While the original design of a language has the distinct advantage of filling a blank page, the revision of a language needs to abide by a number of constraints that limit the degree of design freedom. These constraints are both of a technical and a nontechnical nature. In a language revision, each desired change has both a benefit and a cost. Deciding which changes to incorporate into the language becomes a cost/benefit analysis within the framework of the existing constraints. In this article, we will explore some of these constraints and their impact on the Ada 9X revision process

    Experience Report on the Implementation of Extenseible Protected Types for GNAT

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    Extensible Protected Types were devised to integrate concurrent and object-oriented features of Ada 95. This paper reports on a feasibility study based on implementing Extensible Protected Types for the GNAT compiler

    ASIS-for-GNAT: A Report of Practical Experiences

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    What are the main difficulties met when implementing ASIS, what are the problems when using ASIS, are there any missing features in ASIS, e.g. when it comes to object-oriented programming, these are some of the topics dealt with in this experience report

    Collected software engineering papers, volume 12

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    This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from November 1993 through October 1994. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. This is the 12th such volume of technical papers produced by the SEL. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. Additional information about the SEL and its research efforts may be obtained from the sources listed in the bibliography at the end of this document

    RICIS Symposium 1992: Mission and Safety Critical Systems Research and Applications

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    This conference deals with computer systems which control systems whose failure to operate correctly could produce the loss of life and or property, mission and safety critical systems. Topics covered are: the work of standards groups, computer systems design and architecture, software reliability, process control systems, knowledge based expert systems, and computer and telecommunication protocols
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