139 research outputs found

    Implementação eficiente da Curve25519 para microcontroladores ARM

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    Orientador: Diego de Freitas AranhaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o advento da computação ubíqua, o fenômeno da Internet das Coisas (de Internet of Things) fará que com inúmeros dispositivos conectem-se um com os outros, enquanto trocam dados muitas vezes sensíveis pela sua natureza. Danos irreparáveis podem ser causados caso o sigilo destes seja quebrado. Isso causa preocupações acerca da segurança da comunicação e dos próprios dispositivos, que geralmente têm carência de mecanismos de proteção contra interferências físicas e pouca ou nenhuma medida de segurança. Enquanto desenvolver criptografia segura e eficiente como um meio de prover segurança à informação não é inédito, esse novo ambiente, com uma grande superfície de ataque, tem imposto novos desafios para a engenharia criptográfica. Uma abordagem segura para resolver este problema é utilizar blocos bem conhecidos e profundamente analisados, tal como o protocolo Segurança da Camada de Transporte (de Transport Layer Security, TLS). Na última versão desse padrão, as opções para Criptografia de Curvas Elípticas (de Elliptic Curve Cryptography - ECC) são expandidas para além de parâmetros estabelecidos por governos, tal como a proposta Curve25519 e protocolos criptográficos relacionados. Esse trabalho pesquisa implementações seguras e eficientes de Curve25519 para construir um esquema de troca de chaves em um microcontrolador ARM Cortex-M4, além do esquema de assinatura digital Ed25519 e a proposta de esquema de assinaturas digitais qDSA. Como resultado, operações de desempenho crítico, tal como o multiplicador de 256 bits, foram otimizadas; em particular, aceleração de 50% foi alcançada, impactando o desempenho de protocolos em alto nívelAbstract: With the advent of ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things will undertake numerous devices connected to each other, while exchanging data often sensitive by nature. Breaching the secrecy of this data may cause irreparable damage. This raises concerns about the security of their communication and the devices themselves, which usually lack tamper resistance mechanisms or physical protection and even low to no security mesures. While developing efficient and secure cryptography as a mean to provide information security services is not a new problem, this new environment, with a wide attack surface, imposes new challenges to cryptographic engineering. A safe approach to solve this problem is reusing well-known and thoroughly analyzed blocks, such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. In the last version of this standard, Elliptic Curve Cryptography options were expanded beyond government-backed parameters, such as the Curve25519 proposal and related cryptographic protocols. This work investigates efficient and secure implementations of Curve25519 to build a key exchange protocol on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller, along the related signature scheme Ed25519 and a digital signature scheme proposal called qDSA. As result, performance-critical operations, such as a 256-bit multiplier, are greatly optimized; in this particular case, a 50% speedup is achieved, impacting the performance of higher-level protocolsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPESFuncam

    Fast, Small, and Area-Time Efficient Architectures for Key-Exchange on Curve25519

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    Abstract--- This paper demonstrates fast and compact implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for efficient key agreement over Curve25519. Curve25519 has been recently adopted as a key exchange method for several applications such as connected small devices as well as cloud, and included in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommendations for public key cryptography. This paper presents three different performance level designs including lightweight, area-time efficient, and high-performance architectures. Lightweight hardware implementations are used for several Internet of Things (IoT) applications due to their resources being at premium. Our lightweight architecture utilizes 90% less resources compared to the best previous work while it is still more optimized in term of A\cdot T (area\timestime). For efficient implementation from either time or utilized resources, our area-time efficient architecture can establish almost 7,000 key sessions per second which is 64% faster than the previous works. The area-time efficient architecture uses well scheduled interleaved multiplication combined with a reduction algorithm. Additionally, we offer a fast architecture for high performance applications based on the 4-level Karatsuba method and Carry-Compact Addition (CCA). Our high-performance architecture also outperforms previous work in terms of A\cdot T. The results show 9% and 29% improvement in A\cdot T and A_{d}\cdot T (DSP_count\timestime), respectively. All architectures are variable-base-point implemented on the Xilinx Zynq-7020 FPGA family where performance and implementation metrics are reported and compared. Finally, various side-channel attack countermeasures are embedded in the proposed architectures

    Closing the Gap in RFC 7748: Implementing Curve448 in Hardware

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    With the evidence on comprised cryptographic standards in the context of elliptic curves, the IETF TLS working group has issued a request to the IETF Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) to recommend new elliptic curves that do not leave a doubt regarding their rigidity or any backdoors. This initiative has recently published RFC 7748 proposing two elliptic curves, known as Curve25519 and Curve448, for use with the next generation of TLS. This choice of elliptic curves was already picked up by the IETF working group curdle for adoption in further security protocols, such as DNSSEC. Hence it can be expected that these two curves will become predominant in the Internet and will form one basis for future secure communication. Unfortunately, both curves were solely designed and optimized for pure software implementation; their implementation in hardware or their physical protection against side-channel attacks were not considered at any time. However, for Curve25519 it has been shown recently that efficient implementations in hardware along with side-channel protection are possible. In this work we aim to close this gap and demonstrate that fortunately the second curve can be efficiently implemented in hardware as well. More precisely, we demonstrate that the high-security Curve448 can be implemented on a Xilinx XC7Z7020 at moderate costs of just 963 logic and 30 DSP slices and performs a scalar multiplication in 2.5ms

    Optimized Architectures for Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Curve448

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present different implementations of point multiplication over Curve448. Curve448 has recently been recommended by NIST to provide 224-bit security over elliptic curve cryptography. Although implementing high-security cryptosystems should be considered due to recent improvements in cryptanalysis, hardware implementation of Curve488 has been investigated in a few studies. Hence, in this study, we propose three variable-base-point FPGA-based Curve448 implementations, i.e., lightweight, area-time efficient, and high-performance architectures, which aim to be used for different applications. Synthesized on a Xilinx Zynq 7020 FPGA, our proposed high-performance design increases 12% throughput with executing 1,219 point multiplication per second and increases 40% efficiency in terms of required clock cycles\timesutilized area compared to the best previous work. Furthermore, the proposed lightweight architecture works in 250 MHz and saves 96% of resources with the same performance. Additionally, our area-time efficient design considers a trade-off between time and required resources, which shows a 48% efficiency improvement with 52% fewer resources. Finally, effective side-channel countermeasures are added to our proposed designs, which also outperform previous works

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Modern Processor Architectures

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    Abstract Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has been adopted by the US National Security Agency (NSA) in Suite "B" as part of its "Cryptographic Modernisation Program ". Additionally, it has been favoured by an entire host of mobile devices due to its superior performance characteristics. ECC is also the building block on which the exciting field of pairing/identity based cryptography is based. This widespread use means that there is potentially a lot to be gained by researching efficient implementations on modern processors such as IBM's Cell Broadband Engine and Philip's next generation smart card cores. ECC operations can be thought of as a pyramid of building blocks, from instructions on a core, modular operations on a finite field, point addition & doubling, elliptic curve scalar multiplication to application level protocols. In this thesis we examine an implementation of these components for ECC focusing on a range of optimising techniques for the Cell's SPU and the MIPS smart card. We show significant performance improvements that can be achieved through of adoption of EC

    SoK: SCA-secure ECC in software – mission impossible?

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    This paper describes an ECC implementation computing the X25519 keyexchange protocol on the Arm Cortex-M4 microcontroller. For providing protections against various side-channel and fault attacks we first review known attacks and countermeasures, then we provide software implementations that come with extensive mitigations, and finally we present a preliminary side-channel evaluation. To our best knowledge, this is the first public software claiming affordable protection against multiple classes of attacks that are motivated by distinct real-world application scenarios. We distinguish between X25519 with ephemeral keys and X25519 with static keys and show that the overhead to our baseline unprotected implementation is about 37% and 243%, respectively. While this might seem to be a high price to pay for security, we also show that even our (most protected) static implementation is at least as efficient as widely-deployed ECC cryptographic libraries, which offer much less protection

    Protecting the most significant bits in scalar multiplication algorithms

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    The Montgomery Ladder is widely used for implementing the scalar multiplication in elliptic curve cryptographic designs. This algorithm is efficient and provides a natural robustness against (simple) side-channel attacks. Previous works however showed that implementations of the Montgomery Ladder using Lopez-Dahab projective coordinates easily leak the value of the most significant bits of the secret scalar, which led to a full key recovery in an attack known as LadderLeak. In light of such leakage, we analyse further popular methods for implementing the Montgomery Ladder. We first consider open source software implementations of the X25519 protocol which implement the Montgomery Ladder based on the ladderstep algorithm from Düll et al. [15]. We confirm via power measurements that these implementations also easily leak the most significant scalar bits, even when implementing Z-coordinate ran- domisations. We thus propose simple modifications of the algorithm and its handling of the most significant bits and show the effectiveness of our modifications via experimental results. Particularly, our re-designs of the algorithm do not incurring significant efficiency penalties. As a second case study, we consider open source hardware implementations of the Montgomery Ladder based on the complete addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves, where we observe the exact same leakage. As we explain, the most significant bits in implementations of the complete addition formulas can be protected in an analogous way as we do for Curve25519 in our first case study

    Making Password Authenticated Key Exchange Suitable For Resource-Constrained Industrial Control Devices

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    Connectivity becomes increasingly important also for small embedded systems such as typically found in industrial control installations. More and more use-cases require secure remote user access increasingly incorporating handheld based human machine interfaces, using wireless links such as Bluetooth. Correspondingly secure operator authentication becomes of utmost importance. Unfortunately, often passwords with all their well-known pitfalls remain the only practical mechanism. We present an assessment of the security requirements for the industrial setting, illustrating that offline attacks on passwords-based authentication protocols should be considered a significant threat. Correspondingly use of a Password Authenticated Key Exchange protocol becomes desirable. We review the signif-icant challenges faced for implementations on resource-constrained devices. We explore the design space and shown how we succeeded in tailoring a partic-ular variant of the Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) protocol, such that acceptable user interface responsiveness was reached even for the constrained setting of an ARM Cortex-M0+ based Bluetooth low-energy transceiver running from a power budget of 1.5 mW without notable energy buffers for covering power peak transients

    Time-Efficient Finite Field Microarchitecture Design for Curve448 and Ed448 on Cortex-M4

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    The elliptic curve family of schemes has the lowest computational latency, memory use, energy consumption, and bandwidth requirements, making it the most preferred public key method for adoption into network protocols. Being suitable for embedded devices and applicable for key exchange and authentication, ECC is assuming a prominent position in the field of IoT cryptography. The attractive properties of the relatively new curve Curve448 contribute to its inclusion in the TLS1.3 protocol and pique the interest of academics and engineers aiming at studying and optimizing the schemes. When addressing low-end IoT devices, however, the literature indicates little work on these curves. In this paper, we present an efficient design for both protocols based on Montgomery curve Curve448 and its birationally equivalent Edwards curve Ed448 used for key agreement and digital signature algorithm, specifically the X448 function and the Ed448 DSA, relying on efficient low-level arithmetic operations targeting the ARM-based Cortex-M4 platform. Our design performs point multiplication, the base of the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), in 3,2KCCs, resulting in more than 48% improvement compared to the best previous work based on Curve448, and performs sign and verify, the main operations of the Edwards-curves Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), in 6,038KCCs and 7,404KCCs, showing a speedup of around 11% compared to the counterparts. We present novel modular multiplication and squaring architectures reaching ~25% and ~35% faster runtime than the previous best-reported results, respectively, based on Curve448 key exchange counterparts, and ~13% and ~25% better latency results than the Ed448-based digital signature counterparts targeting Cortex-M4 platform