13 research outputs found

    Type-based race detection for Java

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    Between Object and Idea: Re-thinking Fashion Spaces   Wednesday 19th June 2013, 10.00-17.30  Venue: 2nd Floor Humanities Seminar Room, Stevens Building, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2EU  This one-day symposium explores the increasingly wide scope of spaces where fashion is practiced and studied. It brings together a cross-disciplinary cohort of fashion researchers to explore ideas relating to fashion spaces. As fashion research becomes bolder in its interactions with oth..

    Establishing local temporal heap safety properties with applications to compile-time memory management

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    AbstractWe present a framework for statically reasoning about temporal heap safety properties. We focus on local temporal heap safety properties, in which the verification process may be performed for a program object independently of other program objects. We apply our framework to produce new conservative static algorithms for compile-time memory management, which prove for certain program points that a memory object or a heap reference will not be needed further. These algorithms can be used for reducing space consumption of Java programs. We have implemented a prototype of our framework, and used it to verify compile-time memory management properties for several small, but interesting example programs, including JavaCard programs

    Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure

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    Lambda-lifting a functional program transforms it into a set of recursiveequations. We present the symmetric transformation: lambda-dropping.Lambda-dropping a set of recursive equations restores blockstructure and lexical scope.For lack of scope, recursive equations must carry around all theparameters that any of their callees might possibly need. Both lambda-liftingand lambda-dropping thus require one to compute a transitiveclosure over the call graph:- for lambda-lifting: to establish the Def/Use path of each freevariable (these free variables are then added as parameters toeach of the functions in the call path);- for lambda-dropping: to establish the Def/Use path of each parameter(parameters whose use occurs in the same scope as theirdefinition do not need to be passed along in the call path).Without free variables, a program is scope-insensitive. Its blocks arethen free to float (for lambda-lifting) or to sink (for lambda-dropping)along the vertices of the scope tree.We believe lambda-lifting and lambda-dropping are interesting perse, both in principle and in practice, but our prime application is partialevaluation: except for Malmkjær and Ørbæk's case study presented atPEPM'95, most polyvariant specializers for procedural programs operateon recursive equations. To this end, in a pre-processing phase,they lambda-lift source programs into recursive equations. As a result,residual programs are also expressed as recursive equations, often withdozens of parameters, which most compilers do not handle efficiently.Lambda-dropping in a post-processing phase restores their block structureand lexical scope thereby significantly reducing both the compiletime and the run time of residual programs.

    Type-based race detection for Java

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    From dynamic binding to state via modal possibility

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    In this paper we propose a typed, purely functional calculus for state (with second-class locations) in which types reflect the dichotomy between reading from and writing into the global store. This is in contrast to the usual formulation of state via monads, where the primitives for reading and writing introduce the same monadic type constructor. We hope to argue that making this distinction is useful, simple, and has strong logical foundations. Our type system is based on the proof-term calculus for constructive modal logic S4, which has two modal type operators: for neces-sity and 3 for possibility. We extend this calculus with the notion of names (which stand for locations) and generalize to indexed fami-lies of modal operators (indexed by sets of names). Then, the modal type CA classifies computations of type A which read from store locations listed in the set C. The dual type 3CA classifies compu-tations which first write into the locations from C and than use the changed store to obtain a value of type A. There are several benefits to this development. First, the necessita-tion fragment of the language is interesting in its own: it formulates a calculus of dynamic binding. Second, the possibility operator 3 is a monad, thus forcing the single-threading of memory writes, but not of memory reads (as these are associated with ). Finally, the different status of reads and writes gives rise to a natural way of expressing the allocation of uninitialized memory while also pro-viding guarantees that only initialized locations are dereferenced

    Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure

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