4 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of a vehicular edge device for customer feedback in Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 is the term used to specify the current industrial revolution, not only from a technological point of view but also from economical, sociological and strategical points of view. The revolution involves several traditional economic sectors, as is the case with the industrial ecosystem. The main benefits are related to creating value during the entire product lifecycle and in terms of customer feedback, which is particularly relevant to the automotive industry. Its disruptive diffusion is due to various enabling technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), and, as such, it is a vision rather than a technological step forward. Thus, this paper investigates a performance evaluation of an Edge OBD-II device, which collects data from vehicles in an autonomous way in order to provide customer feedback and tracking. The metrics evaluated were different sets of OBD-II Parameter IDs (PIDS), responsiveness, driver behaviour and CO2 pollution estimates. The experiments were performed using three vehicles in urban and highway areas in the city of Natal, Brazil. For validation purposes, the results obtained from the vehicles were compared with an OBD-II Emulator, which demonstrated the accuracy of the experiments.</p

    Validación experimental del modelo de cálculo de consumo de combustible desarrollado por el Toolbox QSS de Simulink

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    El objetivo del estudio fue validar el uso de un modelo vehículo realizado en el entorno Simulink QSS a partir de pruebas experimentales que permitan conocer una ecuación con la posibilidad de llegar a una aproximación del consumo de combustible real, en vehículos seleccionados en la ciudad de Riobamba, para conocer la confiabilidad en el uso del método de simulación. A partir de dos métodos de prueba experimental, método de lectura OBD II bajo el interfaz Torque Pro mediante PID y el método gravimétrico, métodos que a través del coeficiente de Pearson se relaciona con el gasto de combustible en l/100km obtenido en el entorno QSS para validar dicho modelo vehículo. Para la correlación de métodos experimentales vs método QSS se enfoca en conocer R2 de dichas comparaciones donde el método gravimétrico vs método Simulink QSS cuenta con elevada tendencia a la recta, ya que en los vehículos Chevrolet Luv D-max, Hyundai i10, Mazda BT-50, se obtuvo un valor de R2 de 0,817 ; 0,865; 0,974; respectivamente, por ende se analizó el nivel de confianza que tiene usar sus ecuaciones para conocer el valor aproximado al consumo real de combustible mediante RMSE y la desviación máxima de cada ecuación respecto al modelo QSS indicando un nivel de confianza aceptable de hasta un 90% ya que el RMSE de los vehículos propuestos se encuentra entre 0,10. De esa manera se indica que el uso de dos métodos experimentales permitió tener un diagrama comparativo de resultados y seleccionar el más cercano a la realidad, para validar el método del entorno Simulink QSS y de esa manera lograr llegar a un consumo lo más próximo a la realidad a partir del modelo vehículo del simulador de manera más sencilla sin la necesidad de hacer pruebas experimentales nuevamente.The objective of this research was to validate the use of a vehicle model made in the Simulink QSS environment from experimental tests that allow knowing an equation with the possibility of reaching an approximation of the actual fuel consumption in selected vehicles in Riobamba city to know the reliability in the use of the simulation method. Based on two experimental test methods, the OBD II reading method under the Torque Pro interface through PID and the gravimetric method, methods that through the Pearson coefficient are related to the fuel consumption in l/100km obtained in the QSS environment to validate the enunciated vehicle model. For the correlation of the experimental method and QSS method, it focuses on knowing the R2 of said comparisons where the Gravimetric method vs. Simulink QSS method has a high tendency to a straight line since in Chevrolet Luv D-max, Hyundai i10, Mazda BT- 50, an R2 value of 0.817 obtained; 0.865; 0.974; respectively, therefore, the level of confidence that using their equations is analyzed to know the approximate value of the actual fuel consumption utilizing RMSE and the maximum deviation of each equation concerning to the QSS model, indicating an acceptable level of confidence of up to 90% since that the RMSE of the proposed vehicles is between 0.10. In this way, it shows that the use of two experimental methods allowed to have a comparative diagram of results and the selection of the one closest to reality, to validate the method of the Simulink QSS environment and, as a result, achieve a consumption closest to the reality from the simulator vehicle model in a more straightforward way without the need to do experimental tests again

    Contributo do internet of things para a sofisticação do cálculo do prémio de seguro automóvel em Portugal

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementO seguro automóvel em Portugal acarreta enormes inquietações no setor segurador e na sociedade, devido ao seu impacto económico e influência no bem-estar social. A metodologia utilizada atualmente no cálculo do seu prémio de seguro em Portugal encontra-se desajustada face às necessidades dos automobilistas e das seguradoras. Esta metodologia recorre somente a variáveis pouco dinâmicas que revelam fraca precisão na avaliação dos riscos suportados, provocando não só uma ineficácia operacional nos seus processos de negócio como também desigualdades sociais. O principal objetivo deste estudo visa contribuir para a otimização desse cálculo, recorrendo às capacidades técnicas oferecidas pelo Internet of Things (IoT). Neste contexto, realizou-se um enquadramento da situação atual do mercado segurador, foram identificados os seus intervenientes e foram analisados e comparados diferentes métodos de cálculo do prémio de seguro automóvel em Portugal, União Europeia e Estados Unidos. Os métodos baseados na tecnologia IoT permitem estimar com maior exatidão o risco associado ao comportamento do condutor e do veículo em tempo real. De acordo com estes objetivos e segundo a legislação em vigor referente à proteção dos dados pessoais, foi desenhada uma arquitetura de um sistema de informação que incentive a gestão eficaz do risco automóvel coberto pelas seguradoras.The auto insurance premiums in Portugal are a concern to insurance sector and society, due to its economic impact and influence in social well-being. Currently, the methodology used to estimate the risk of each vehicle in Portugal and, consequently the respective premium, is misfit and not aligned with the driver’s needs. This methodology uses only variables that lack of precision in evaluating risks, causing not only operational ineffiency in insurance companies’ business processes but also creating social inequalities. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the optimization of this calculation, using the technical capabilities offered by the Internet of Things (IoT). In this context, the current situation of the insurance market was analyzed, the stakeholders were identified and different calculating methods were analyzed and compared. The IoT-based methods allow to accurately estimate the risk associated with the driver and the vehicle behaviors in real time. In accordance with these objectives, and the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, an IoT architecture of an information system was designed to encourage insurers in adopt a most effective management of automobile risk

    Assessing the contribution of road transport emission to air pollution and greenhouse gases in Africa: A disaggregate study in Kenya

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    Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions affect health, climate and agriculture. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) air quality monitoring is underdeveloped which leads to uncertainty in the understanding of air pollution concentrations. However, studies that have been conducted in SSA show that ambient air pollution generally exceeds World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. These studies show particularly high concentrations in urban areas such as Nairobi, Kenya. One of the key reasons is due to emissions from transport. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to quantify transport related emissions, set within the context of emissions from other sectors, using Nairobi, Kenya as a case study. Thus, this thesis has developed a methodology and framework at different scales (individual vehicle, city and national) to improve our understanding of transport-related emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) to help guide policy making on future mitigation plans. Road transport emissions were investigated at multiple scales; at the finest scale, particulate matter (PM) emissions from the tailpipe were measured for a few vehicles using a novel multiplexed portable measurement system. At the urban scale, a model for fuel economy was constructed for a fleet from data collected in the field. Finally, at the national scale, available data gathered on fuel economy, vehicle activity and emissions were integrated to provide a country-level assessment of air pollution and GHG emissions from road transport, including evaluation of transport policies to reduce air pollution and GHGs