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    Load forecasting guides the power company to make some decisions on generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power. This work presents a solution methodology, using fuzzy logic approach for short term load forecasting (STLF) for Adamawa State University, Mubi.  The proposed methodology utilized fuzzy reasoning decision rules that use the nonlinear relationships between inputs and outputs. The fuzzy logic model was developed in the Simulink environment of a MATLAB software. The model developed was able to forecast a day ahead load (kW) with a mean absolute error (MAPE) of 6.17% and it was observed that weather parameter (temperature) has significant impact on electrical load.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i3.1

    An Overview of Forecasting Methods for Monthly Electricity Consumption

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    Mid-term electricity consumption forecasting is analysed in this paper. Forecasting of electricity consumption is regression problem that can be defined as using previous consumption of an individual or a group with the goal of calculation of future consumption using some mathematical or statistical approach. The purpose of this prediction is multi beneficial to the stakeholders in the energy community, since this information can affect production, sales and supply. The Different methods are considered with the main goal to determine the best forecasting model. Considered methods include Box-Jenkins autoregressive integrated moving average models, state-space models and exponential smoothing, and machine learning methods including neural networks. An additional objective of the conducted research was to determine if modern methods like machine learning are equally precise in forecasting mid-term electricity consumption when compared to traditional time series methods. The performances of forecasting models are evaluated on the monthly electricity consumption data obtained using real billing software owned by the Distribution System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mean absolute percentage error is selected as a measure of prediction accuracy of forecasting methods. Every forecasting method is implemented and tested using the R language, while data is collected from Data Warehouse in the form of total monthly consumption. The efficiency of presented solution will also be discussed after presentation of the results

    Short Term Load Forecasting of Distribution Feeder Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

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    This paper explains the load forecasting technique for prediction of electrical load at Hawassa city. In a deregulated market it is much need for a generating company to know about the market load demand for generating near to accurate power. If the gen-eration is not sufficient to fulfill the demand, there would be problem of irregular supply and in case of excess generation the generating company will have to bear the loss. Neural network techniques have been recently suggested for short-term load forecasting by a large number of researchers. Several models were developed and tested on the real load data of a Finnish electric utility at Hawassa city. The authors carried out short-term load forecasting for Hawassa city using ANN (Artificial Neural Network) technique ANN was implemented on MATLAB and ETAP. Hourly load means the hourly power con-sumption in Hawassa city. Error was calculated as MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) and with error of about 1.5296 % this paper was successfully carried out. This pa-per can be implemented by any intensive power consuming town for predicting the fu-ture load and would prove to be very useful tool while sanctioning the load

    Modelling and analysis of demand response implementation in the residential sector

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    Demand Response (DR) eliminates the need for expensive capital expenditure on the electricity distribution, transmission and the generation systems by encouraging consumers to alter their power usage through electricity pricing or incentive programs. However, modelling of DR programs for residential consumers is complicated due to the uncertain consumption behavious of consumers and the complexity of schedulling a large number of household appliances. This thesis has investigated the design and the implementation challenges of the two most commonly used DR components in the residential sector, i.e., time of use (TOU) and direct load control (DLC) programs for improving their effectiveness and implementation with innovative strategies to facilitate their acceptance by both consumers and utilities. In price-based DR programs, the TOU pricing scheme is one of the most attractive and simplest approaches for reducing peak electricity demand in the residential sector. This scheme has been adopted in many developed countries because it requires less communication infrastructure for its implementation. However, the implementation of TOU pricing in low and lower-middle income economies is less appealing, mainly due to a large number of low-income consumers, as traditional TOU pricing schemes may increase the cost of electricity for low income residential consumers and adversely affect their comfort levels. The research in this thesis proposes an alternative TOU pricing strategy for the residential sector in developing countries in order to manage peak demand problems while ensuring a low impact on consumers’ monthly energy bills and comfort levels. In this study, Bangladesh is used as an example of a lower-to-middle income developing country. The DLC program is becoming an increasingly attractive solution for utilities in developed countries due to advances in the construction of communication infrastructures as part of the smart grid concept deployment. One of the main challenges of the DLC program implementation is ensuring optimal control over a large number of different household appliances for managing both short and long intervals of voltage variation problems in distribution networks at both medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) networks, while simultaneously enabling consumers to maintain their comfort levels. Another important challenge for DLC implementation is achieving a fair distribution of incentives among a large number of participating consumers. This thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a multi-layer load control algorithm which groups the household appliances based on the intervals of the voltage problems and coordinates with the reactive power from distributed generators (DGs) for the effective voltage management in MV networks. The proposed load controller takes into consideration the consumption preference of individual appliance, ensuring that the consumer’s comfort level is satisfied as well as fairly incentivising consumers based on their contributions in network voltage and power loss improvement. Another significant challenge with the existing DLC strategy as it applies to managing voltage in LV networks is that it does not take into account the network’s unbalance constraints in the load control algorithm. In LV distribution networks, voltage unbalance is prevalent and is one of the main power quality problems of concern. Unequal DR activation among the phases may cause excessive voltage unbalance in the network. In this thesis, a new load control algorithm is developed with the coordination of secondary on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformer for effective management of both voltage magnitude and unbalance in the LV networks. The proposed load control algorithm minimises the disturbance to consumers’ comfort levels by prioritising their consumption preferences. It motivates consumers to participate in DR program by providing flexibility to bid their participation prices dynamically in each DR event. The proposed DR programs are applicable for both developed and developing countries based on their available communication infrastructure for DR implementation. The main benefits of the proposed DR programs can be shared between consumers and their utilities. Consumers have flexibility in being able to prioritise their comfort levels and bid for their participation prices or receive fair incentives, while utilities effectively manage their network peak demand and power quality problems with minimum compensation costs. As a whole, consumers get the opportunity to minimise their electricity bills while utilities are able to defer or avoid the high cost of their investment in network reinforcements

    Neuro-Fuzzy Based Intelligent Approaches to Nonlinear System Identification and Forecasting

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    Nearly three decades back nonlinear system identification consisted of several ad-hoc approaches, which were restricted to a very limited class of systems. However, with the advent of the various soft computing methodologies like neural networks and the fuzzy logic combined with optimization techniques, a wider class of systems can be handled at present. Complex systems may be of diverse characteristics and nature. These systems may be linear or nonlinear, continuous or discrete, time varying or time invariant, static or dynamic, short term or long term, central or distributed, predictable or unpredictable, ill or well defined. Neurofuzzy hybrid modelling approaches have been developed as an ideal technique for utilising linguistic values and numerical data. This Thesis is focused on the development of advanced neurofuzzy modelling architectures and their application to real case studies. Three potential requirements have been identified as desirable characteristics for such design: A model needs to have minimum number of rules; a model needs to be generic acting either as Multi-Input-Single-Output (MISO) or Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) identification model; a model needs to have a versatile nonlinear membership function. Initially, a MIMO Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System (AFLS) model which incorporates a prototype defuzzification scheme, while utilising an efficient, compared to the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) based systems, fuzzification layer has been developed for the detection of meat spoilage using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The identification strategy involved not only the classification of beef fillet samples in their respective quality class (i.e. fresh, semi-fresh and spoiled), but also the simultaneous prediction of their associated microbiological population directly from FTIR spectra. In the case of AFLS, the number of memberships for each input variable was directly associated to the number of rules, hence, the “curse of dimensionality” problem was significantly reduced. Results confirmed the advantage of the proposed scheme against Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) techniques used in the same case study. In the case of MISO systems, the TSK based structure, has been utilized in many neurofuzzy systems, like ANFIS. At the next stage of research, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AFINN) has been developed for the monitoring the spoilage of minced beef utilising multispectral imaging information. This model, which follows the TSK structure, incorporates a clustering pre-processing stage for the definition of fuzzy rules, while its final fuzzy rule base is determined by competitive learning. In this specific case study, AFINN model was also able to predict for the first time in the literature, the beef’s temperature directly from imaging information. Results again proved the superiority of the adopted model. By extending the line of research and adopting specific design concepts from the previous case studies, the Asymmetric Gaussian Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AGFINN) architecture has been developed. This architecture has been designed based on the above design principles. A clustering preprocessing scheme has been applied to minimise the number of fuzzy rules. AGFINN incorporates features from the AFLS concept, by having the same number of rules as well as fuzzy memberships. In spite of the extensive use of the standard symmetric Gaussian membership functions, AGFINN utilizes an asymmetric function acting as input linguistic node. Since the asymmetric Gaussian membership function’s variability and flexibility are higher than the traditional one, it can partition the input space more effectively. AGFINN can be built either as an MISO or as an MIMO system. In the MISO case, a TSK defuzzification scheme has been implemented, while two different learning algorithms have been implemented. AGFINN has been tested on real datasets related to electricity price forecasting for the ISO New England Power Distribution System. Its performance was compared against a number of alternative models, including ANFIS, AFLS, MLP and Wavelet Neural Network (WNN), and proved to be superior. The concept of asymmetric functions proved to be a valid hypothesis and certainly it can find application to other architectures, such as in Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network models, by designing a suitable flexible wavelet membership function. AGFINN’s MIMO characteristics also make the proposed architecture suitable for a larger range of applications/problems

    Short Term Load Forecasting Using Computational Intelligence Methods

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    Load forecasting is very essential to the operation of electricity companies. It enhances the energy-efficient and reliable operation of a power system. This dissertation focuses on study of short term load forecasting using different types of computational intelligence methods. It uses evolutionary algorithms (i.e. Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Immune System), neural networks (i.e. MLPNN, RBFNN, FLANN, ADALIN, MFLNN, WNN, Recurrent NN, Wilcoxon NN), and fuzzy systems (i.e. ANFIS). The developed methods give load forecasts of one hour upto 24 hours in advance. The algorithms and networks were have been demonstrated using simulation studies. The power sector in Orissa has undergone various structural and organizational changes in recent past. The main focus of all the changes initiated is to make the power system more efficient, economically viable and better service oriented. All these can happen if, among other vital factors, there is a good and accurate system in place for forecasting the load that would be in demand by electricity customers. Such forecasts will be highly useful in proper system planning & operations. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been simulated using data obtained from State Load Dispatch Centre, Orissa for the duration September – 2006 to August – 2007

    Establishing a Solution Strategy for Electrical Demand Forecasting in Ireland

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    Electrical demand is driven by economic and human activity, which has obvious daily, weekly and yearly cycles as well as a long-term trend and special periods such as bank holidays, Christmas etc., all of which are reflected in load data. These characteristics of electrical demand must inevitably be incorporated into any demand-forecasting model. However, with the exception of a few papers, the vast bulk of the literature on electrical demand forecasting is concerned with forecasting techniques. This paper proposes several methods with which to quantify the characteristics of Irish electrical load data prior to modelling

    Building and investigating generators' bidding strategies in an electricity market

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    In a deregulated electricity market environment, Generation Companies (GENCOs) compete with each other in the market through spot energy trading, bilateral contracts and other financial instruments. For a GENCO, risk management is among the most important tasks. At the same time, how to maximise its profit in the electricity market is the primary objective of its operations and strategic planning. Therefore, to achieve the best risk-return trade-off, a GENCO needs to determine how to allocate its assets. This problem is also called portfolio optimization. This dissertation presents advanced techniques for generator strategic bidding, portfolio optimization, risk assessment, and a framework for system adequacy optimisation and control in an electricity market environment. Most of the generator bidding related problems can be regarded as complex optimisation problems. In this dissertation, detailed discussions of optimisation methods are given and a number of approaches are proposed based on heuristic global optimisation algorithms for optimisation purposes. The increased level of uncertainty in an electricity market can result in higher risk for market participants, especially GENCOs, and contribute significantly to the drivers for appropriate bidding and risk management tasks for GENCOs in the market. Accordingly, how to build an optimal bidding strategy considering market uncertainty is a fundamental task for GENCOs. A framework of optimal bidding strategy is developed out of this research. To further enhance the effectiveness of the optimal bidding framework; a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based method is developed to handle the incomplete information of other generators in the market, and therefore form a reliable basis for a particular GENCO to build an optimal bidding strategy. A portfolio optimisation model is proposed to maximise the return and minimise the risk of a GENCO by optimally allocating the GENCO's assets among different markets, namely spot market and financial market. A new market pnce forecasting framework is given In this dissertation as an indispensable part of the overall research topic. It further enhances the bidding and portfolio selection methods by providing more reliable market price information and therefore concludes a rather comprehensive package for GENCO risk management in a market environment. A detailed risk assessment method is presented to further the price modelling work and cover the associated risk management practices in an electricity market. In addition to the issues stemmed from the individual GENCO, issues from an electricity market should also be considered in order to draw a whole picture of a GENCO's risk management. In summary, the contributions of this thesis include: 1) a framework of GENCO strategic bidding considering market uncertainty and incomplete information from rivals; 2) a portfolio optimisation model achieving best risk-return trade-off; 3) a FIA based MCP forecasting method; and 4) a risk assessment method and portfolio evaluation framework quantifying market risk exposure; through out the research, real market data and structure from the Australian NEM are used to validate the methods. This research has led to a number of publications in book chapters, journals and refereed conference proceedings