60,490 research outputs found

    Multi-drug infusion control using model reference adaptive algorithm

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    Control of physiological states such as mean arterial pressure (MAP) has been successfully achieved using single drug by different control algorithms. Multi-drug delivery demonstrates a significantly challenging task as compared to control with a single-drug. Also the patient’s sensitivity to the drugs varies from patient to patient. Therefore, the implementation of adaptive controller is very essential to improve the patient care in order to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. This paper presents the design and implementation of the model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output by administering vasoactive and inotropic drugs that are sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and dopamine (DPM) respectively. The proposed adaptive control model has been implemented, tested and verified to demonstrate its merits and capabilities as compared to the existing research work

    Multiscale modelling of tumour growth and therapy: the influence of vessel normalisation on chemotherapy

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    Following the poor clinical results of antiangiogenic drugs, particularly when applied in isolation, tumour biologists and clinicians are now turning to combinations of therapies in order to obtain better results. One of these involves vessel normalisation strategies. In this paper, we investigate the effects on tumour growth of combinations of antiangiogenic and standard cytotoxic drugs, taking into account vessel normalisation. An existing multiscale framework is extended to include new elements such as tumour-induced vessel dematuration. Detailed simulations of our multiscale framework allow us to suggest one possible mechanism for the observed vessel normalisation-induced improvement in the efficacy of cytotoxic drugs: vessel dematuration produces extensive regions occupied by quiescent (oxygen-starved) cells which the cytotoxic drug fails to kill. Vessel normalisation reduces the size of these regions, thereby allowing the chemotherapeutic agent to act on a greater number of cells

    Future of smart cardiovascular implants

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    Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in Western society. Recent technological advances have opened the opportunity of developing new and innovative smart stent devices that have advanced electrical properties that can improve diagnosis and even treatment of previously intractable conditions, such as central line access failure, atherosclerosis and reporting on vascular grafts for renal dialysis. Here we review the latest advances in the field of cardiovascular medical implants, providing a broad overview of the application of their use in the context of cardiovascular disease rather than an in-depth analysis of the current state of the art. We cover their powering, communication and the challenges faced in their fabrication. We focus specifically on those devices required to maintain vascular access such as ones used to treat arterial disease, a major source of heart attacks and strokes. We look forward to advances in these technologies in the future and their implementation to improve the human condition

    The role of ultrasound-driven microbubble dynamics in drug delivery : from microbubble fundamentals to clinical translation

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    In the last couple of decades, ultrasound-driven microbubbles have proven excellent candidates for local drug delivery applications. Besides being useful drug carriers, microbubbles have demonstrated the ability to enhance cell and tissue permeability and, as a consequence, drug uptake herein. Notwithstanding the large amount of evidence for their therapeutic efficacy, open issues remain. Because of the vast number of ultrasound- and microbubble-related parameters that can be altered and the variability in different models, the translation from basic research to (pre)clinical studies has been hindered. This review aims at connecting the knowledge gained from fundamental microbubble studies to the therapeutic efficacy seen in in vitro and in vivo studies, with an emphasis on a better understanding of the response of a microbubble upon exposure to ultrasound and its interaction with cells and tissues. More specifically, we address the acoustic settings and microbubble-related parameters (i.e., bubble size and physicochemistry of the bubble shell) that play a key role in microbubble cell interactions and in the associated therapeutic outcome. Additionally, new techniques that may provide additional control over the treatment, such as monodisperse microbubble formulations, tunable ultrasound scanners, and cavitation detection techniques, are discussed. An in-depth understanding of the aspects presented in this work could eventually lead the way to more efficient and tailored microbubble-assisted ultrasound therapy in the future

    A Tissue Engineering product development pathway

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    Tissue engineering is a field of inquiry and research that uses engineering techniques and principles of biological sciences to develop functional substitutes for reconstruction of damaged organs. Commercial translation of tissue engineering products is currently in progress all over the world. Many companies are moving their interest towards this market segment that grows by 6% per year. Aim of this thesis is to probe the possibility of developing tissue engineering products in the most cost-effective way, minimizing the industrial risk and developing a specific fund raising model. Tissue engineering is based on three main features: cells, scaffolds and bioreactors. Cells are seeded on a scaffold and cultured in a bioreactor in order to obtain a tissue engineering product. Nevertheless, developing cell carrying products is hampered by certification claims ("advanced therapies" certification rules) that unbearably increase R&D and certification costs and can be faced by either big companies or start-ups of big companies and spin-offs of complex aggregates of research centers involved in advanced cell research. On the other hand, scaffolds (certification class IIb) and bioreactors for tissue engineering (certification class I) can be developed with a lower economic effort, being the competition based on innovation, since their market is in the "growth phase" for scaffolds and in the "introduction phase" for bioreactors in the Levitt's product life cycle theory. Purpose of this thesis is to basically study scaffold and bioreactor features, then to preliminarily design some models of bioreactors and, eventually, to set a business model, based on private and public fund raising, aimed to the development of scaffolds for dental implantology and of bioreactors for cardiovascular and bone tissue engineering. Finally, a business plan of a company being spin-off of Politecnico di Torino and industrial start-up has been elaborate

    East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series

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    Academic geriatric medicine in Leicester . There has never been a better time to consider joining us. We have recently appointed a Professor in Geriatric Medicine, alongside Tom Robinson in stroke and Victoria Haunton, who has just joined as a Senior Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine. We have fantastic opportunities to support students in their academic pursuits through a well-established intercalated BSc programme, and routes on through such as ACF posts, and a successful track-record in delivering higher degrees leading to ACL post. We collaborate strongly with Health Sciences, including academic primary care. See below for more detail on our existing academic set-up. Leicester Academy for the Study of Ageing We are also collaborating on a grander scale, through a joint academic venture focusing on ageing, the ‘Leicester Academy for the Study of Ageing’ (LASA), which involves the local health service providers (acute and community), De Montfort University; University of Leicester; Leicester City Council; Leicestershire County Council and Leicester Age UK. Professors Jayne Brown and Simon Conroy jointly Chair LASA and have recently been joined by two further Chairs, Professors Kay de Vries and Bertha Ochieng. Karen Harrison Dening has also recently been appointed an Honorary Chair. LASA aims to improve outcomes for older people and those that care for them that takes a person-centred, whole system perspective. Our research will take a global perspective, but will seek to maximise benefits for the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, including building capacity. We are undertaking applied, translational, interdisciplinary research, focused on older people, which will deliver research outcomes that address domains from: physical/medical; functional ability, cognitive/psychological; social or environmental factors. LASA also seeks to support commissioners and providers alike for advice on how to improve care for older people, whether by research, education or service delivery. Examples of recent research projects include: ‘Local History Café’ project specifically undertaking an evaluation on loneliness and social isolation; ‘Better Visits’ project focused on improving visiting for family members of people with dementia resident in care homes; and a study on health issues for older LGBT people in Leicester. Clinical Geriatric Medicine in Leicester We have developed a service which recognises the complexity of managing frail older people at the interface (acute care, emergency care and links with community services). There are presently 17 consultant geriatricians supported by existing multidisciplinary teams, including the largest complement of Advance Nurse Practitioners in the country. Together we deliver Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment to frail older people with urgent care needs in acute and community settings. The acute and emergency frailty units – Leicester Royal Infirmary This development aims at delivering Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment to frail older people in the acute setting. Patients are screened for frailty in the Emergency Department and then undergo a multidisciplinary assessment including a consultant geriatrician, before being triaged to the most appropriate setting. This might include admission to in-patient care in the acute or community setting, intermediate care (residential or home based), or occasionally other specialist care (e.g. cardiorespiratory). Our new emergency department is the county’s first frail friendly build and includes fantastic facilities aimed at promoting early recovering and reducing the risk of hospital associated harms. There is also a daily liaison service jointly run with the psychogeriatricians (FOPAL); we have been examining geriatric outreach to oncology and surgery as part of an NIHR funded study. We are home to the Acute Frailty Network, and those interested in service developments at the national scale would be welcome to get involved. Orthogeriatrics There are now dedicated hip fracture wards and joint care with anaesthetists, orthopaedic surgeons and geriatricians. There are also consultants in metabolic bone disease that run clinics. Community work Community work will consist of reviewing patients in clinic who have been triaged to return to the community setting following an acute assessment described above. Additionally, primary care colleagues refer to outpatients for sub-acute reviews. You will work closely with local GPs with support from consultants to deliver post-acute, subacute, intermediate and rehabilitation care services. Stroke Medicine 24/7 thrombolysis and TIA services. The latter is considered one of the best in the UK and along with the high standard of vascular surgery locally means one of the best performances regarding carotid intervention

    Facing an Epidemic: An Analysis of HIV/AIDS, Antiretroviral Drug, and International Response to the AIDS Pandemic

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    More than 33 million people are living with HIV/AIDS around the globe with 68% of all cases occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. The global prevalence rate is shocking considering that the disease was relatively unknown just 30 years ago. After reviewing medical, health policy, and health statistical journals, I will argue in this paper that international aid to nations struggling with AIDS needs to be redirected and refocused on supplying antiretroviral therapy to afflicted nations because ARV has been proven to be effective in managing the disease in countries that can afford the costs of treatment. International aid to countries that are ravished by the epidemic, and the United States is one of the top contributors to such efforts with its “President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The U.S. has realized the potential economic benefits of helping out such as becoming primary trade partners with the nations who have plenty of valuable natural resources despite their AIDS issues. In the U.S.’s efforts to combat terrorism, the nation has an interest in “stabilizing” certain countries, which are typically in Africa, so that they can resist potential terrorist threats or military coups. PEPFAR’s goal in fighting AIDS is part of the stabilization effort on the continent of Africa. Fortunately, major pharmaceutical companies have discovered compounds that are effective in attacking the HIV virus, and this has led to the production of “antiretroviral” drugs. Anti-retroviral therapy has proven to be a useful tool used by those suffering from HIV/AIDS to manage their disease better and obtain a higher quality life. Such medications are widely available in wealthy nations, but poor countries that have the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence have a harder time affording such therapy or managing the drug supplies. Potential solutions to this problem include selling antiretroviral drugs at a lower cost to developing nations or using generic versions of such drugs
