2 research outputs found

    Image X-Ray Classification for COVID-19 Detection Using GCLM-ELM

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    COVID-19 is a disease or virus that has recently spread worldwide. The disease has also taken many casualties because the virus is notoriously deadly. An examination can be carried out using a chest X-Ray because it costs cheaper compared to swab and PCR tests. The data used in this study was chest X-Ray image data. Chest X-Ray images can be identified using Computer-Aided Diagnosis by utilizing machine learning classification. The first step was the preprocessing stage and feature extraction using the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The result of the feature extraction was then used at the classification stage. The classification process used was Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is one of the artificial neural networks with advanced feedforward which has one hidden layer called Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (SLFNs).  The results obtained by GLCM feature extraction and classification using ELM achieved the best accuracy of 91.21%, the sensitivity of 100%, and the specificity of 91% at 135° rotation using linear activation function with 15 hidden nodes

    Identification of Stunting Disease using Anthropometry Data and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Model

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    Children with unbalanced nutrition are currently crucial health issues and under the spotlight around the world. One of the terms for malnourished children is stunting. Stunting is a disease of malnutrition found in children aged under 5 years; as many as 70% of stunting sufferers are children aged 0-23 months. There are several ways to diagnose stunting, one of which is using stunting anthropometry. Stunting anthropometry can measure the physique of children so that some of the features that characterize the presence of stunting can be identified. Features resulted from the stunting anthropometry cover age, height, weight, gender, upper arm circumference, head size, chest circumference, and hip fat measurement. The process of identifying stunting can be simplified using an intelligent system called the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system. CAD system contains 2 main processes, namely preprocessing and classification. Preprocessing includes normalization and augmentation of data using the SMOTE method. The classification process in this study uses the LSTM method. LSTM is a modification of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method by adding a memory cell so that it can store memory data for a long time and in large quantities. The results of this study compare between the results of models that apply preprocessing and the one without preprocessing. The model that only uses LSTM has the best accuracy of 78.35%; the model with normalization produces an accuracy of 81.53%; the model that uses SMOTE produces an accuracy of 81.66%; and the model that uses normalization and SMOTE produces the best accuracy of 85.79%