184 research outputs found

    Compliance adaptation of an intrinsically soft ankle rehabilitation robot driven by pneumatic muscles

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    Pneumatic muscles (PMs)-driven robots become more and more popular in medical and rehabilitation field as the actuators are intrinsically complaint and thus are safer for patients than traditional rigid robots. This paper proposes a new compliance adaptation method of a soft ankle rehabilitation robot that is driven by four pneumatic muscles enabling three rotational movement degrees of freedom (DoFs). The stiffness of a PM is dominated by the nominal pressure. It is possible to control the robot joint compliance independently of the robot movement in task space. The controller is designed in joint space to regulate the compliance property of the soft robot by tuning the stiffness of each active link. Experiments in actual environment were conducted to verify the control scheme and results show that the robot compliance can be adjusted when provided changing nominal pressures and the robot assistance output can be regulated, which provides a feasible solution to implement the patient-cooperative training strategy

    Hierarchical Compliance Control of a Soft Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles

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    Traditional compliance control of a rehabilitation robot is implemented in task space by using impedance or admittance control algorithms. The soft robot actuated by pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs) is becoming prominent for patients as it enables the compliance being adjusted in each active link, which, however, has not been reported in the literature. This paper proposes a new compliance control method of a soft ankle rehabilitation robot that is driven by four PMAs configured in parallel to enable three degrees of freedom movement of the ankle joint. A new hierarchical compliance control structure, including a low-level compliance adjustment controller in joint space and a high-level admittance controller in task space, is designed. An adaptive compliance control paradigm is further developed by taking into account patient’s active contribution and movement ability during a previous period of time, in order to provide robot assistance only when it is necessarily required. Experiments on healthy and impaired human subjects were conducted to verify the adaptive hierarchical compliance control scheme. The results show that the robot hierarchical compliance can be online adjusted according to the participant’s assessment. The robot reduces its assistance output when participants contribute more and vice versa, thus providing a potentially feasible solution to the patient-in-loop cooperative training strateg

    Robust iterative feedback tuning control of a compliant rehabilitation robot for repetitive ankle training

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    Robot-assisted rehabilitation offers benefits, such as repetitive, intensive, and task-specific training, as compared to traditional manual manipulation performed by physiotherapists. In this paper, a robust iterative feedback tuning (IFT) technique for repetitive training control of a compliant parallel ankle rehabilitation robot is presented. The robot employs four parallel intrinsically compliant pneumatic muscle actuators that mimic skeletal muscles for ankle's motion training. A multiple degrees-of-freedom normalized IFT technique is proposed to increase the controller robustness by obtaining an optimal value for the weighting factor and offering a method with learning capacity to achieve an optimum of the controller parameters. Experiments with human participants were conducted to investigate the robustness as well as to validate the performance of the proposed IFT technique. Results show that the normalized IFT scheme will achieve a better and better tracking performance during the robot repetitive control and provides more robustness to the system by adapting to various situations in robotic rehabilitation

    Design and control of soft rehabilitation robots actuated by pneumatic muscles: State of the art

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    Robot-assisted rehabilitation has become a new mainstream trend for the treatment of stroke patients with movement disability. Pneumatic muscle (PM) is one of the most promising actuators for rehabilitation robots, due to its inherent compliance and safety features. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review on the soft rehabilitation robots driven by pneumatic muscles. This review discusses up to date mechanical structures and control strategies for PMs-actuated rehabilitation robots. A variety of state-of-the-art soft rehabilitation robots are classified and reviewed according to the actuation configurations. Special attentions are paid to control strategies under different mechanical designs, with advanced control approaches to overcome PM’s highly nonlinear and time-varying behaviors and to enhance the adaptability to different patients. Finally, we analyze and highlight the current research gaps and the future directions in this field, which is potential for providing a reliable guidance on the development of advanced soft rehabilitation robots

    Active interaction control applied to a lower limb rehabilitation robot by using EMG recognition and impedance model

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a seamless active interaction control method integrating electromyography (EMG)-triggered assistance and the adaptive impedance control scheme for parallel robot-assisted lower limb rehabilitation and training. Design/methodology/approach – An active interaction control strategy based on EMG motion recognition and adaptive impedance model is implemented on a six-degrees of freedom parallel robot for lower limb rehabilitation. The autoregressive coefficients of EMG signals integrating with a support vector machine classifier are utilized to predict the movement intention and trigger the robot assistance. An adaptive impedance controller is adopted to influence the robot velocity during the exercise, and in the meantime, the user’s muscle activity level is evaluated online and the robot impedance is adapted in accordance with the recovery conditions. Findings – Experiments on healthy subjects demonstrated that the proposed method was able to drive the robot according to the user’s intention, and the robot impedance can be updated with the muscle conditions. Within the movement sessions, there was a distinct increase in the muscle activity levels for all subjects with the active mode in comparison to the EMG-triggered mode. Originality/value – Both users’ movement intention and voluntary participation are considered, not only triggering the robot when people attempt to move but also changing the robot movement in accordance with user’s efforts. The impedance model here responds directly to velocity changes, and thus allows the exercise along a physiological trajectory. Moreover, the muscle activity level depends on both the normalized EMG signals and the weight coefficients of involved muscles

    A Review of Lower Limb Exoskeletons

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    In general, exoskeletons are defined as wearable robotic mechanisms for providing mobility. In the last six decades, many research work have been achieved to enhance the performance of exoskeletons thus developing them to nearly commercialized products. In this paper, a review is made for the lower limb exoskeleton concerning history, classification, selection and development, also a discussion for the most important aspects of comparison between different designs is presented. Further, some concluding remarks are withdrawn which could be useful for future work. Keywords: Exoskeletons, Lower extremity exoskeleton, Wearable robot

    Synchronous Position and Compliance Regulation on a Bi-Joint Gait Exoskeleton Driven by Pneumatic Muscles

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    A previously developed pneumatic muscles’ (PMs) actuated gait exoskeleton (with only knee joint) has been demonstrated in achieving appropriate actuation torque, range of motion (ROM), and control bandwidth for task-specific gait training. While the adopted multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) sliding mode (SM) strategy has preliminarily implemented simultaneous control of the exoskeleton’s angular trajectory and compliance, its efficacy with human users during gait cycles has not been investigated. This article presents an improved bi-joint gait rehabilitation exoskeleton (BiGREX) with integrated human hip and knee joints. The results with 12 healthy subjects demonstrated that the system’s compliance can be effectively adjusted while guiding the subjects walking in predefined trajectories. Note to Practitioners —This article was motivated by achieving compliant interaction between PM-actuated exoskeletons and human when conducting task-specific gait training. Due to the intrinsic nonlinearity of PM, it is challenging to establish a mathematical model to precisely predict real-time compliance of the powered joints. This article suggests a new strategy that adopts the average pressure of flexor and extensor PMs as the feedback to synchronously realize the joint position control and compliance regulation. A novel experimental approach was adopted to validate the system capability on adjusting the compliance from human users’ perception. This article provides a new insight between the controlled PM pressure and the desired joint compliance, which would be essential for the future design of PM-actuated exoskeletons

    Towards Human-Robot Collaboration with Parallel Robots by Kinetostatic Analysis, Impedance Control and Contact Detection

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    Parallel robots provide the potential to be lever-aged for human-robot collaboration (HRC) due to low collision energies even at high speeds resulting from their reduced moving masses. However, the risk of unintended contact with the leg chains increases compared to the structure of serial robots. As a first step towards HRC, contact cases on the whole parallel robot structure are investigated and a disturbance observer based on generalized momenta and measurements of motor current is applied. In addition, a Kalman filter and a second-order sliding-mode observer based on generalized momenta are compared in terms of error and detection time. Gearless direct drives with low friction improve external force estimation and enable low impedance. The experimental validation is performed with two force-torque sensors and a kinetostatic model. This allows a new identification method of the motor torque constant of an assembled parallel robot to estimate external forces from the motor current and via a dynamics model. A Cartesian impedance control scheme for compliant robot-environmental dynamics with stiffness from 0.1-2N/mm and the force observation for low forces over the entire structure are validated. The observers are used for collisions and clamping at velocities of 0.4-0.9 m/s for detection within 9–58 ms and a reaction in the form of a zero-g mode.© 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Design and Analysis of Novel Actuation Mechanism with Controllable Stiffness

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    Actuators intended for human–machine interaction systems are usually designed to be mechanically compliant. Conventional actuators are not suitable for this purpose due to typically high stiffness. Advanced powered prosthetic and orthotic devices can vary their stiffness during a motion cycle and are power-efficient. This paper proposes a novel actuator design that modulates stiffness by means of a flexible beam. A motorized drive system varies the active length of the cantilever beam, thus achieving stiffness modulation. New large deflection formulation for cantilever beams with rolling contact constraints is used to determine the moment produced by the actuator. To validate the proposed solution method, an experiment was performed to measure large static deformations of a cantilever beam with the same boundary conditions as in the actuator design. The experiments indicate excellent agreement between measured and calculated contact forces between beam and roller, from which the actuator moment is determined
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