463 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penggunaan media pembelajaran augmented reality berbasis smartphone dinilai perlu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran produktif Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan media pembelajaran augmented reality (AR) berbasis smartphone untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi memelihara transmisi manual, serta melihat bagaimana respon siswa dan guru terhadap media pembelajaran augmented reality pada mata pelajaran transmisi manual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ekperimen dengan desain ADDIE, data bersumber dari siswa dan guru yang ada di SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang dengan melakukan uji coba langsung, instrumen pengumpulan data dengan tes dan wawancara, data hasil penelitian menunjukkan media pembelajaran augmented reality pada mata pelajaran transmisi manual yang dikembangkan secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran tersebut, sebagian besar siswa dan guru menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan media augmented reality berbasis smartphone. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, maka media pembelajaran augmented reality berbasis smartphone dapat dijadikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan di sekolah menengah kejuruan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, augmented reality, pemahaman, transmisi manual ABSTRACT The use of smartphone-based augmented reality learning media is deemed necessary to increase students understanding of productive subjects in Vocational High Schools (SMK). This research aims to design and implement smartphone-based augmented reality (AR) learning media to improve students understanding of manual transmission maintenance material, and want to know how students and teachers respond to augmented reality learning media on manual transmission subjects. This research is an experimental research was used ADDIE method, data's sourced from students and teachers in Vocational High School (SMK) 1 of Bangkinang by conducting direct trials. The data's was collected by examinations and interviews. The results of this research indicate that augmented reality learning media on manual transmission subjects developed can be improve students understanding of these subjects significantly. Then, most of students and teachers also showed a positive attitude towards learning using the smartphone-based augmented reality media. Based on the result of this research, smartphone-based augmented reality learning media can be used as an alternative to learning media that can be applied to Vocational High Schools (SMK) to improve the quality of education. Keywords: Learning media, augmented reality, understanding, manual transmissio

    Augmented reality in STEM education: a systematic review

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    This study aimed to systematically investigate the studies in which augmented reality (AR) was used to support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) education. In this framework, the general status of AR in STEM education was presented and its advantages and challenges were identified. The study investigated 42 articles published in journals indexed in SSCI database and deemed suitable for the purposes of this research. The obtained data were analyzed by two researchers using content analysis method. It was found that the studies in this field have become more significant and intensive in recent years and that these studies were generally carried out at schools (class, laboratory etc.) using marker-based AR applications. It was concluded that mostly K-12 students were used as samples and quantitative methods were selected. The advantages of AR-STEM studies were summarized and examined in detail in 4 sub-categories such as “contribution to learner, educational outcomes, interaction and other advantages”. On the other hand, some challenges were identified such as teacher resistance and technical problems

    Are Reality, Simulation, and Augmented Reality Interchangeable?

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    Students often ask why they should learn or where they would use this knowledge when learning. Real-life experiences make learning more meaningful for the students. Thus, learning environments where the students could acquire real-life experiences are important. However, due to the student profile, crowded classes, inadequate course hours, technological advances, natural disasters, etc., conventional instruction methods could not meet student requirements and they could not practice. This negatively affects learning achievements and psychomotor skills of the students. Effective real-life educational experiences are required to improve learning achievements and psychomotor skills of the students. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate learning achievement and psychomotor skills levels of college students in the ICT course and substitution of augmented reality applications and simulations with real-life experiences. The study data were collected from 63 college students. Descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis were employed to answer the research questions. The findings demonstrated that augmented reality and simulation-assisted learning environments were as effective as real-life learning environments in the improvement of the learning achievements and psychomotor skills of the students in the ICT course. Thus, it could be suggested that augmented reality or simulation applications could be employed in learning environments that lack real-life experiences

    Meta-Analysis of the Use of Augmented Reality Applications in Science Teaching

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    This study aims to reach the meta-analysis data by analyzing the augmented reality (AR) applications used in Science Education. The search was conducted on specific databases considering the studies carried out between 2000 and 2019 years. While collecting data, inclusion criteria were considered. After searching the related databases, 24 studies were reached. Based on the random-effects model, the study results revealed that the ES value was g = 0.602, which means a medium size in the meta-analysis process according to Thalheimer and Cook's (2002) calculation level. Furthermore, z-test calculations conducted to reveal the statistical significance were found to be z = 4.989, which showed that AR applications had a significant effect on science learning. In this context, it is thought that this technological design, which offers a positive contribution to science education, allows interacting with animations or simulations simultaneously without breaking away from the real world and will serve as a model for future studies


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    Augmented Reality merupakan sebuah teknologi yang sedang terkenal di bidang pendidikan saat ini. Augmented Reality belum lama ini sudah banyak menarik perhatian masyarakat sebagai teknologi interaktif yang memungkinkan kita berinteraksi langsung dengan benda-benda virtual di dunia nyata. Pada pembelajaran biologi, sistem koordinasi merupakan materi yang cukup sulit untuk dilihat prosesnya secara langsung. Dengan adanya aplikasi Augmented Reality dapat menjadi salah satu usaha untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran sistem koordinasi khususnya pada sistem saraf. Augmented Reality juga merupakan suatu media pembelajaran baru yang dapat digunakan dalam kelas, sehingga siswa memiliki pengalaman baru dalam pembelajaran. Penggunaan aplikasi Augmented Reality juga akan memberikan persepsi kepada siswa terhadap literasi digital. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi sistem koordinasi melalui aplikasi Augmented Reality dan literasi digital siswa. Desain penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah Non equivalent control group design yang merupakan salah satu jenis desain dari metode Quasi Experimental. Berdasarkan hasil olah data, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media Augmented Reality pada materi sistem saraf mendapatkan nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang menggunakan media pembelajaran powerpoint. Persepsi siswa terhadap literasi digital pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol mendapatkan hasil tidak berbeda signifikan, namun secara nilai keseluruhan pada kelas eksperimen memiliki skor lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Augmented Reality is a technology that is currently well known in the field of education today. Augmented Reality has recently attracted a lot of public attention as an interactive technology that allows us to interact directly with virtual objects in the real world. In learning biology, the coordination system is a material that is quite difficult to see the process directly. Applying Augmented Reality can be one of the efforts in facilitating the learning of coordination systems, especially in learning the mechanism of the nervous system. The use of the Augmented Reality application will also give students a perception of digital literacy. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the mastery of student concepts in the coordination system material through the application of Augmented Reality and digital literacy of students. The purpose of this research is to improve the understanding of concepts in the topic of the mechanism of nerve cell work and digital literacy skills of students through the application of Augmented Reality. The research design in this study is the Non equivalent control group design which is one type of the Quasi Experimental method. Based on the results of the data analysis, learning using Augmented Reality media on the material of the nervous system gets a higher value than the control class that uses powerpoint learning media. Students' perceptions of digital literacy in the experimental class and the control class get no significant difference, but the overall value of the experimental class has a higher score than the control class

    Augmented Reality and Animation Supported-STEM Activities in Grades K-12: Water Treatment

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    Animation is used to increase the interest and engagement of students in the learning environment. Animation is exciting and fun, and using animation, abstract concepts are easy to present, display, and convey to students. Augmented reality, like animation, can help make it easier to understand abstract concepts. In many areas, augmented reality is used in education since it perfectly integrates virtual content with the natural world. STEM education is one of the areas where augmented reality can be used effectively. In this context, this research aimed to reveal the fourth-grade students' opinions about augmented reality and animation-supported STEM activities on the "Water Treatment" topic. These  STEM activities were carried out with 15 (7 females, 8 males) fourth-grade students from a primary school in Turkey and lasted for 6 lesson hours. This study is a case study. As data collection tools in the study, the Know-Want-Learned chart, and the Application General Evaluation Form, which consists of eight open-ended questions developed by the researchers, were used. Based on the study's findings and the researchers' observations, it was determined that the augmented reality and animation-supported STEM activities are appropriate for acquisition, content, application, active participation, duration, and student level. In addition, the activities were enjoyable, humorous, engaging, and exciting. It is recommended in this context to conduct similar studies on different disciplines or concepts.

    Journal of Education Innovation and Communication (JEICOM)

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    The “Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (JEICOM)” is a Fully Peer-Reviewed Open Access journal publishing articles from all areas of education, innovation and communication

    Implicaciones pedagógicas de la realidad aumentada para la mejora de la enseñanza de las ciencias en primaria

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    Augmented reality (AR), with its ability to bridge the real and the virtual, opens new opportunities to build attractive learning contexts in the current context of crisis as a result of COVID-19. AR is seen as one of the pedagogical means of promoting the quality of teaching in the coming generations and is therefore that this article presents a systematic literature review of how AR is being implemented in primary schools for science learning. The eighteen selected journal articles, indexed in Web of Science and covering the last five years, have been analysed in depth. The purpose has been to know how the use of AR influences the motivation, academic performance and cognitive burden of students in the study of science. It also analyses the AR resources for scientific education most cited in the research with which they have been worked. The results have shown that AR significantly improves students' motivation and academic performance during use. About cognitive burden, it has been shown that the inclusion of AR in scientific education does not carry a greater mental burden for students. Some of the AR materials emerging from the analysis of this selection are exploration applications (augmented books, AR markers, and points of interest to activate digital information), simulation tools, and games.La realidad aumentada (RA), con su capacidad para tender puentes entre lo real y lo virtual, abre nuevas oportunidades para construir atractivos entornos de aprendizaje en el actual contexto de crisis a consecuencia de la COVID-19. La RA se considera como uno de los medios pedagógicos para promover la calidad de la enseñanza en las próximas generaciones y es, por ello, que en este artículo se presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura de cómo se está implementando la RA en los centros de primaria para el aprendizaje de las ciencias naturales. Se han analizado en profundidad dieciocho artículos de revistas, todos ellos indexados en Web of Science y que han sido publicados en los últimos cinco años. El propósito de esta investigación ha sido conocer cómo influye el uso de la RA en la motivación, rendimiento académico y en la carga cognitiva del alumnado que estudia ciencias en primaria y con esta tecnología. También, se analizan los recursos de RA para la educación científica más citados en las investigaciones consultadas. Los resultados han mostrado que la RA mejora significativamente la motivación y rendimiento académico del alumnado durante su utilización. Con respecto a la carga cognitiva, se ha demostrado que la inclusión de la RA en la educación científica no conlleva una mayor carga mental para el alumnado. Algunos de los materiales basados en la RA que emergen del análisis de esta selección son las aplicaciones de exploración (libros aumentados, marcadores de RA y puntos de interés para activar la información digital), las herramientas de simulación y los juegos

    System-thinking progress in engineering programs: A case for broadening the roles of students

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    IntroductionComplex systems are prevalent in many scientific and engineering disciplines, which makes system thinking important for students of these fields. Duchifat 3 is a unique engineering educational extracurricular program, where high school students designed, assembled, and tested a nano-satellite.MethodsThis study applied qualitative methods to explore how the participants’ systems-thinking developed during the program. Participants were interviewed using the repertory grid interview, and a semi structured interview at the beginning and at the end of the project, while various observations were conducted throughout.ResultsWhile the participants were initially assigned narrow roles, each dealing with a single sub-system of the satellite, some chose to be involved with other sub-systems and aspects of the project. Our findings show that the broader the participants’ involvement was, the greater the progress they experienced in their systems-thinking. Participants who stayed focused on a single subsystem did not show progress, while participants who involved themselves with several sub-systems exhibited a more meaningful progress.DiscussionAlthough the program design aimed to assign students to a narrow role to enable them to achieve the educational goals, from the perspective of systems-thinking this was counterproductive. These findings shed light on the design of engineering programs such as the one examined here in terms of systems-thinking development. We discuss the implications of the findings for similar programs and make suggestions for improvement

    Using metacognitive monitoring feedback to improve student learning in augmented reality environments

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    This research aims to use metacognitive monitoring feedback to improve student learning performance in an augmented reality environment. In this study, Microsoft HoloLens, a prominent augmented reality device and independent mobile computer, provided a more realistic augmented reality environment to engineering students. The near field electromagnetic ranging system collected students' real-time location data when they experienced the augmented reality learning modules. In Phase 1, the study utilized one of the topics in the Ergonomic class, called manual material handling. The Phase 1 experiment results showed that retrospective confidence judgments in augmented reality modules could significantly influence the way students learn when the contents require a high level of spatial awareness during content learning. Therefore, Phase 2 research considered specific engineering education related to spatial recognition. For Phase 2, the location-based augmented reality system was developed to improve user interaction. The augmented reality learning module was biomechanics: one of the Ergonomic class problematic concepts to engineering students. This new location-based augmented reality system allowed students to immerse themselves in the studying process and improved student engagement of hands-on training in an augmented reality environment. Metacognitive monitoring feedback was another tool applied to improve students' learning performance. Student test scores, confidence level, answering time, and reviewing time were collected as metrics for performance assessment during the experiment. Overall, Phases 1 and 2 study outcomes advanced our understanding of students' interactions and the learning content in an augmented reality learning environment. This study also provided a guideline for how engineers need to develop valuable learning content in augmented reality 'environments. Furthermore, using a metacognitive monitoring feedback tool in an augmented reality learning environment is an effective strategy to improve students' academic performance and calibration.Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-108)