3 research outputs found

    Planning cities for pandemics: review of urban and transport planning lessons from COVID-19

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    For the past few years, the world has been facing one of the worst pandemics of modern times. The COVID-19 outbreak joined a long list of infectious diseases that turned pandemic, and it will most likely leave scars and change how humans live, plan and manage urban space and its infrastructures. Many fields of science were called into action to mitigate the impacts of this pandemic, including spatial and transport planning. Given the large number of papers recently published in these research areas, it is time to carry out an overview of the knowledge produced, and synthesising, systematising and critically analysing it. This paper aims to review how the urban layout, accessibility and mobility influence the spread of a virus in an urban environment and what solutions exist or have been proposed to create a more effective and less intrusive response to pandemics. This review is split into two avenues of research: spatial planning and transport planning, including the direct and indirect impact on the environment and sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nivel de conocimiento del modelo con enfoque de ciudades inteligentes y necesidad de implementaci贸n, en resiliencia post COVID-19 Trujillo, 2020

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    La raz贸n de esta tesis es analizar Nivel de conocimiento del modelo con enfoque de ciudades inteligentes y necesidad de implementaci贸n, en resiliencia post covid19 Trujillo, 2020; de tal manera que se realiz贸 una encuesta, cuya muestra se conform贸 por 384 habitantes de Trujillo seg煤n la f贸rmula de la muestra, as铆 mismo se aplic贸 cuestionario, donde se analiz贸 el nivel de conocimiento de los empleados del municipio y de los habitantes de Trujillo. El Alfa de Cronbach para la confiabilidad del instrumento sobre Nivel de conocimiento del modelo con enfoque de ciudades inteligentes y necesidad de implementaci贸n, en resiliencia post covid19 Trujillo, 2020 es 0.927 consider谩ndose excelente; dimensi贸n acceso a los datos es 0.900, en cambio clim谩tico es 0.915, en la dimensi贸n estrategia inteligente es de 0.853, en la dimensi贸n capital intelectual es de 0.935, en ecosistema de innovaci贸n es 0.917, en desigualdad social en covid-19 de 0.755, en la dimensi贸n gobernanza en covid-19 es de 0.768