3 research outputs found

    Impact of the modularity on the efficiency of Smart Transformer solutions

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    Due to the possibility to drastically reduce the Solid State Transformer (SST) volume and weight, its use is becoming a reality in traction and wind power plant applications, while, in the electric distribution system, it is still considered futuristic. A SST, with managerial role in the electric distribution grid, is generally called Smart Transformer (ST). Unfortunately the low efficiency, the low reliability and the high cost still act as barriers for its widespread use in the real world. This paper focuses on the impact of a modular design, by benchmarking different ST topologies. Moreover, the paper provides guidelines on how to choose the semiconductor modules and assessments on how the choice affects the efficiency of the ST

    Control issues in photovoltaic power converters

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    2014 - 2015The development of this work was born from cooperation between the Power Electronics and Renewable Sources Laboratory of the University of Salerno and the ABB Solar Group company (ex Power-One) of Terranuova Bracciolini (AR), Italy that is one of the most important manufactures of PV power converters. The aim of this thesis is to investigate control issues in photovoltaic system as the design of PV plants, in the present-day evolving scenario, is not completely defined. This company has pointed out a great interest to explore new control techniques that can have static and dynamic performance better than the existing techniques implemented in its systems, to analyze new scenarios due to the insertion of the Distributed Power Generating Systems (DPGSs) into the grid and to optimize the current methods to extract power from the PV source with the final goal to increase the performance of the PV systems at any level, system, grid and circuit. Hence, the starting points have been highlighted from the industry but they have also a great impact on the scientific and technologic fields. ...[edited by author]XIV n.s