5 research outputs found

    Impact of the Geometry, Path-Loss Exponent and Random Shadowing on the Mean Interference Factor in Wireless Cellular Networks

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    International audienceThe interference factor, defined for a given location in the network as the ratio of the sum of the path-gains form interfering base-stations (BS) to the path-gain from the serving BS is an important ingredient in the analysis of wireless cellular networks. It depends on the geometric placement of the BS in the network and the propagation gains between these stations and the given location. In this paper we study the mean interference factor taking into account the impact of these two elements. Regarding the geometry, we consider both the perfect hexagonal grid of BS and completely random Poisson pattern of BS. Regarding the signal propagation model, we consider not only a deterministic, signal-power-loss function that depends only on the distance between a transmitter and a receiver, and is mainly characterized by the so called path-loss exponent, but also random shadowing that characterizes in a statistical manner the way various obstacles on a given path modify this deterministic function. We present a detailed analysis of the impact of the path loss exponent, variance of the shadowing and the size of the network on the mean interference factor in the case of hexagonal and Poisson network architectures. We observe, as commonly expected, that small and moderate shadowing has a negative impact on regular networks as it increases the mean interference factor. However, as pointed out in the seminal paper Viterbi-Viterbi-Zehavi(1994), this impact can be largely reduced if the serving BS is chosen as the one which offers the smallest path-loss. Revisiting the model studied in this latter paper, we obtain a perhaps more surprising result saying that in large irregular (Poisson) networks the shadowing does not impact at all the interference factor, whose mean can be evaluated explicitly in a simple expression depending only on the path-loss exponent. Moreover, in small and moderate size networks, a very strong variability of the shadowing can be even beneficial in both hexagonal and Poisson networks

    Using Poisson processes to model lattice cellular networks

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    An almost ubiquitous assumption made in the stochastic-analytic study of the quality of service in cellular networks is Poisson distribution of base stations. It is usually justified by various irregularities in the real placement of base stations, which ideally should form the hexagonal pattern. We provide a different and rigorous argument justifying the Poisson assumption under sufficiently strong log-normal shadowing observed in the network, in the evaluation of a natural class of the typical-user service-characteristics including its SINR. Namely, we present a Poisson-convergence result for a broad range of stationary (including lattice) networks subject to log-normal shadowing of increasing variance. We show also for the Poisson model that the distribution of all these characteristics does not depend on the particular form of the additional fading distribution. Our approach involves a mapping of 2D network model to 1D image of it "perceived" by the typical user. For this image we prove our convergence result and the invariance of the Poisson limit with respect to the distribution of the additional shadowing or fading. Moreover, we present some new results for Poisson model allowing one to calculate the distribution function of the SINR in its whole domain. We use them to study and optimize the mean energy efficiency in cellular networks

    Wireless networks appear Poissonian due to strong shadowing

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    Geographic locations of cellular base stations sometimes can be well fitted with spatial homogeneous Poisson point processes. In this paper we make a complementary observation: In the presence of the log-normal shadowing of sufficiently high variance, the statistics of the propagation loss of a single user with respect to different network stations are invariant with respect to their geographic positioning, whether regular or not, for a wide class of empirically homogeneous networks. Even in perfectly hexagonal case they appear as though they were realized in a Poisson network model, i.e., form an inhomogeneous Poisson point process on the positive half-line with a power-law density characterized by the path-loss exponent. At the same time, the conditional distances to the corresponding base stations, given their observed propagation losses, become independent and log-normally distributed, which can be seen as a decoupling between the real and model geometry. The result applies also to Suzuki (Rayleigh-log-normal) propagation model. We use Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to empirically study the quality of the Poisson approximation and use it to build a linear-regression method for the statistical estimation of the value of the path-loss exponent

    When do wireless network signals appear Poisson?

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    We consider the point process of signal strengths from transmitters in a wireless network observed from a fixed position under models with general signal path loss and random propagation effects. We show via coupling arguments that under general conditions this point process of signal strengths can be well-approximated by an inhomogeneous Poisson or a Cox point processes on the positive real line. We also provide some bounds on the total variation distance between the laws of these point processes and both Poisson and Cox point processes. Under appropriate conditions, these results support the use of a spatial Poisson point process for the underlying positioning of transmitters in models of wireless networks, even if in reality the positioning does not appear Poisson. We apply the results to a number of models with popular choices for positioning of transmitters, path loss functions, and distributions of propagation effects