279 research outputs found

    Control of AC/DC microgrids with renewables in the context of smart grids including ancillary services and electric mobility

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    Microgrids are a very good solution for current problems raised by the constant growth of load demand and high penetration of renewable energy sources, that results in grid modernization through “Smart-Grids” concept. The impact of distributed energy sources based on power electronics is an important concern for power systems, where natural frequency regulation for the system is hindered because of inertia reduction. In this context, Direct Current (DC) grids are considered a relevant solution, since the DC nature of power electronic devices bring technological and economical advantages compared to Alternative Current (AC). The thesis proposes the design and control of a hybrid AC/DC Microgrid to integrate different renewable sources, including solar power and braking energy recovery from trains, to energy storage systems as batteries and supercapacitors and to loads like electric vehicles or another grids (either AC or DC), for reliable operation and stability. The stabilization of the Microgrid buses’ voltages and the provision of ancillary services is assured by the proposed control strategy, where a rigorous stability study is made. A low-level distributed nonlinear controller, based on “System-of-Systems” approach is developed for proper operation of the whole Microgrid. A supercapacitor is applied to deal with transients, balancing the DC bus of the Microgrid and absorbing the energy injected by intermittent and possibly strong energy sources as energy recovery from the braking of trains and subways, while the battery realizes the power flow in long term. Dynamical feedback control based on singular perturbation analysis is developed for supercapacitor and train. A Lyapunov function is built considering the interconnected devices of the Microgrid to ensure the stability of the whole system. Simulations highlight the performance of the proposed control with parametric robustness tests and a comparison with traditional linear controller. The Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM) approach is implemented in the Microgrid for power sharing and frequency stability improvement. An adaptive virtual inertia is proposed, then the inertia constant becomes a system’s state variable that can be designed to improve frequency stability and inertial support, where stability analysis is carried out. Therefore, the VSM is the link between DC and AC side of the Microgrid, regarding the available power in DC grid, applied for ancillary services in the AC Microgrid. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive inertia, where a comparison with droop and standard control techniques is conducted.As Microrredes são uma ótima solução para os problemas atuais gerados pelo constante crescimento da demanda de carga e alta penetração de fontes de energia renováveis, que resulta na modernização da rede através do conceito “Smart-Grids”. O impacto das fontes de energia distribuídas baseados em eletrônica de potência é uma preocupação importante para o sistemas de potência, onde a regulação natural da frequência do sistema é prejudicada devido à redução da inércia. Nesse contexto, as redes de corrente contínua (CC) são consideradas um progresso, já que a natureza CC dos dispositivos eletrônicos traz vantagens tecnológicas e econômicas em comparação com a corrente alternada (CA). A tese propõe o controle de uma Microrrede híbrida CA/CC para integrar diferentes fontes renováveis, incluindo geração solar e frenagem regenerativa de trens, sistemas de armazenamento de energia como baterias e supercapacitores e cargas como veículos elétricos ou outras (CA ou CC) para confiabilidade da operação e estabilidade. A regulação das tensões dos barramentos da Microrrede e a prestação de serviços anciliares são garantidas pela estratégia de controle proposta, onde é realizado um rigoroso estudo de estabilidade. Um controlador não linear distribuído de baixo nível, baseado na abordagem “System-of-Systems”, é desenvolvido para a operação adequada de toda a rede elétrica. Um supercapacitor é aplicado para lidar com os transitórios, equilibrando o barramento CC da Microrrede, absorvendo a energia injetada por fontes de energia intermitentes e possivelmente fortes como recuperação de energia da frenagem de trens e metrôs, enquanto a bateria realiza o fluxo de potência a longo prazo. O controle por dynamical feedback baseado numa análise de singular perturbation é desenvolvido para o supercapacitor e o trem. Funções de Lyapunov são construídas considerando os dispositivos interconectados da Microrrede para garantir a estabilidade de todo o sistema. As simulações destacam o desempenho do controle proposto com testes de robustez paramétricos e uma comparação com o controlador linear tradicional. O esquema de máquina síncrona virtual (VSM) é implementado na Microrrede para compartilhamento de potência e melhoria da estabilidade de frequência. Então é proposto o uso de inércia virtual adaptativa, no qual a constante de inércia se torna variável de estado do sistema, projetada para melhorar a estabilidade da frequência e prover suporte inercial. Portanto, o VSM realiza a conexão entre lado CC e CA da Microrrede, onde a energia disponível na rede CC é usada para prestar serviços anciliares no lado CA da Microrrede. Os resultados da simulação mostram a eficácia da inércia adaptativa proposta, sendo realizada uma comparação entre o controle droop e outras técnicas de controle convencionais

    Efficient Control Approaches for Guaranteed Frequency Performance in Power Systems

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    Due to high penetration of renewable energy, converter-interfaced sources are increasing in power systems and degrading the grid frequency response. Synthetic inertia emulation and guaranteed primary frequency response is a challenging task. Still, there is high potential for application of highly controllable converter-interfaced devices to help performance. Renewable energy sources and demand side smart devices also need to be equipped with innovative frequency control approaches that contribute to frequency regulation operations. First, the wind turbine generator is chosen to represent an example of a converter- interfaced source. An augmented system frequency response model is derived, including the system frequency response model and a reduced-order model of the wind turbine generator representing the supportive active power due to supplementary inputs. An output feedback observer-based control is designed to provide guaranteed frequency performance. System performance is analyzed for different short circuit ratio scenarios where a lower bound to guarantee the performance is obtained. Second, the load side control for frequency regulation with its challenges is introduced. 5G technology and its potential application in smart grids are analyzed. The effect of communication delays and packet losses on inertia emulation are investigated to show the need of using improved communication infrastructure. Third, a robust delay compensation for primary frequency control using fast demand response is proposed. Possible system structured uncertainties and communication delays are considered to limit frequency variations using the proposed control approach. An uncertain governor dead-band model is introduced to capture frequency response characteristics. Guaranteed inertial response is achieved and compared with a PI-based Smith predictor controller to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Fourth, set theoretic methods for safety verification to provide guaranteed frequency response are introduced. The Barrier certificate approach using a linear programming relaxation by Handelman’s representation is proposed with its application to power systems. Finally, the Handelman’s based barrier certificate approach for adequate frequency performance is studied. The computational algorithm is provided for the proposed method and validated using power system benchmark case studies with a discussion on a safety supervisory control (SSC)

    Stability of microgrids and weak grids with high penetration of variable renewable energy

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    Autonomous microgrids and weak grids with high penetrations of variable renewable energy (VRE) generation tend to share several common characteristics: i) low synchronous inertia, ii) sensitivity to active power imbalances, and iii) low system strength (as defined by the nodal short circuit ratio). As a result of these characteristics, there is a greater risk of system instability relative to larger grids, especially as the share of VRE is increased. This thesis focuses on the development of techniques and strategies to assess and improve the stability of microgrids and weak grids. In the first part of this thesis, the small-signal stability of inertia-less converter dominated microgrids is analysed, wherein a load flow based method for small-signal model initialisation is proposed and used to examine the effects of topology and network parameters on the stability of the microgrid. The use of a back-to-back dc link to interconnect neighbouring microgrids and provide dynamic frequency support is then proposed to improve frequency stability by helping to alleviate active power imbalances. In the third part of this thesis, a new technique to determine the optimal sizing of smoothing batteries in microgrids is proposed. The technique is based on the temporal variability of the solar irradiance at the specific site location in order to maximise PV penetration without causing grid instability. A technical framework for integrating solar PV plants into weak grids is then proposed, addressing the weaknesses in conventional Grid Codes that fail to consider the unique characteristics of weak grids. Finally, a new technique is proposed for estimating system load relief factors that are used in aggregate single frequency stability models

    Measurement-Based Monitoring and Control in Power Systems with High Renewable Penetrations

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    Power systems are experiencing rapid changes in their generation mixes because of the increasing integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) and the retirement of traditional generations. This opens opportunities for a cleaner energy outlook but also poses challenges to the safe operation of the power networks. Enhanced monitoring and control based on the increasingly available measurements are essential in assisting stable operation and effective planning for these evolving systems. First, awareness of the evolving dynamic characteristics is quintessential for secure operation and corrective planning. A quantified monitoring study that keeps track of the inertial response and primary frequency response is conducted on the Eastern Interconnection (EI) for the past decade with field data. Whereas the inertia declined by at least 10%, the primary frequency response experienced an unexpected increase. The findings unveiled in the trending analysis also led to an improved event MW size estimation method, as well as discussions about regional dynamics. Experiencing a faster and deeper renewable integration, the Continental Europe Synchronous Area (CESA) system has been threatened by more frequent occurrences of inter-area oscillations during light-load high-renewable periods. A measurement-based oscillation damping control scheme is proposed for CESA with reduced reliance on system models. The design, implementation, and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of the controller are discussed in detail. Despite the challenges, the increasing presence of IBRs also brings opportunities for fast and efficient controls. Together with synchronized measurement, IBRs have the potential to flexibly complement traditional frequency and voltage control schemes for improved frequency and voltage recovery. The design, implementation, and HIL testing of the measurement-based frequency and voltage control for the New York State Grid are presented. In addition to the transmission level development, IBRs deployed in distribution networks can also be valuable assets in emergency islanding situations if controlled properly. A power management module is proposed to take advantage of measurements and automatically control the electric boundaries of islanded microgrids for maximized power utilization and improved frequency regulation. The module is designed to be adaptive to arbitrary non-meshed topologies with multiple source locations for increased flexibility, expedited deployment, and reduced cost

    Control and stability of Ac/Dc microgrids

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    The current society is facing several challenges related to the field of energy, such as the high dependency on fossil fuels, the constant increment in the energy consumption and the environmental problems caused by these factors. The integration of distributed generation systems—mainly based on renewable energies—combined with energy storage systems is the most interesting solution to tackle these issues. However, most of these systems are connected to the grid through electronic converters that actively control the power exchange. This fact causes various problems not suffered since the origins of electric grids in the transition from an electric model dominated by synchronous machines to a model where power electronics gain more importance—even being the dominating systems in some cases. The lack of inertial response and primary reserve, the instabilities caused by the interactions of power electronic systems or the premature situation of direct current grids, which are being employed more widely, stand out as some of the most important challenges that we want to address with this thesis. In this context, the main purpose of the thesis is the development of ac/dc microgrid control strategies that improve the dynamic behaviour of the system. In order to achieve this objective we contemplate four main lines that consist of the identification and analysis of different microgrid topologies and control techniques, the study of primary control operation modes of the systems that compose these microgrids and finally the the development and evaluation of various low-level control strategies for ac and dc microgrids. These techniques are based on the concept of operation of classical synchronous generators, enabling their autonomous operation as well as providing inertial response under grid perturbations. Among the contributions of the thesis, we can highlight on the one hand, the analysis and comparative evaluation of synchronous machine emulation techniques for ac microgrids, where we evaluate their behaviour for different types of perturbations and we examine their stability applying the generalized Nyquist criterion. Regarding dc microgrids, on the other hand, we propose novel control techniques that are analogous to the ones analysed for ac grids. We call these techniques virtual-capacitors, as they emulate the behaviour of these passive elements connected to dc grids. In this case, we thoroughly study their transient as well as steady-state behaviour, and we demonstrate that they can be adapted by simply modifying control parameters. Moreover, we analyse the stability of these techniques through parametric analysis of their dominant eigenvalues.Gaur egungo gizartea energiaren arloko hainbat erronkaren aurrean aurkitzen da, besteak beste, erregai fosilekiko dependentzia handia, kontsumo energetikoaren etengabeko igoera, eta faktore hauek eragiten dituzten ingurumen arazoak. Generazio bananduko sistemen integrazioa—bereziki iturri berriztagarrietan oinarritutakoa—metatze sistemekin bateratuta, arazo horiei aurre egiteko aukera interesgarriena bilakatu da. Hala ere, sistema hauetako gehienak bihurgailu elektronikoen bitartez konektatzen dira sare elektrikotara, potentziaren hartu-emana modu aktiboan kontrolatzen dutelarik. Honek, makina sinkronoez menderatutako modelo elektriko batetik, potentzia elektronika garrantzia hartzen hasten den—edo kasu batzuetan mendean dagoen—modelo baterako trantsizioan hainbat arazo eragiten ditu, sare elektrikoak sortu zirenetik jasan ez direnak. Erantzun inertzial eta erreserba primario eza, bihurgailuen interakzioaren ondoriozko estabilitate arazoak edo korronte zuzeneko sareen egoera goiztiarra, geroz eta gehiago erabiltzen direnak, tesi honen bitartez aurre egin nahi diren erronkarik garrantzitsuenetarikoak dira. Testuinguru honetan, tesiaren helburu nagusia ac/dc mikrosareen portaera dinamikoa hobetzen duten kontrol estrategiak garatzea da. Helburu hau lortzeko lau lerro nagusi planteatu dira, besteak beste, mikrosareen topologia eta kontrol estrategia desberdinen identifikazio eta analisia, sare hauek konposatzen duten sistemen kontrol primarioaren untzionamendu motak azterketa, eta azkenik, bai ac eta bai dc mikrosareendako nibel baxuko kontrol estrategia desberdinen garapena. Azken hauek generadore sinkrono klasikoetan oinarritu dira, modu autonomoan eta bananduan aritzeko gaitasuna emateaz gain, sareko perturbazioen aurrean erantzun inertziala ematea ahalbidetzen dielako. Tesiaren ekarpenen artean, alde batetik, makina sinkronoen emulazioan datzan kontrol estrategien analisia eta konparaketa azpimarratu behar dira. Kasu honetan, teknika hauek hainbat perturbazioetarako ebaluatzen ditugu, eta Nyquisten kriterio generalizatuan oinarrituta estabilitatea aztertzen dugu. Korronte zuzeneko sareei erreparatuz, bestalde, kontrol teknika berriak proposatzen ditugu. Hauei kondentsadore-birtual izena ezarri diegu, elementu pasibo horien erantzun dinamikoa emulatzen dutelako. Hemen, teknika hauen erregimen iraunkorreko eta iragankorreko erantzuna aztertzen dugu, soilik kontrol parametro batzuk aldatuta egokitu daitezkela frogatuz. Hortaz gain, sistema hauen estabilitatea aztertzen dugu berezko balio dominanteen (eigenvalue-en) analisi parametrikoak eginez.La sociedad actual se enfrenta a varios retos importantes en materia energética, entre los que destacan la gran dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, el constante aumento del consumo energético y los problemas medioambientales que estos factores conllevan. La integración de sistemas de generación distribuida—principalmente de origen renovable— combinadas con sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, se presenta como la solución más interesante para hacer frente a estos retos. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de estos sistemas se conectan a la red a través de convertidores electrónicos que controlan el intercambio de potencia de manera activa. Este hecho hace que la transición desde un modelo eléctrico principalmente dominado por máquinas síncronas, hacia un modelo donde la electrónica de potencia comienza a cobrar protagonismo—hasta el punto de llegar a ser dominante en algunos casos—acarree diversos problemas que prácticamente no se han manifestado desde los orígenes de las redes eléctricas. La falta de respuesta inercial y reserva primaria, las inestabilidades debidas a la interacción de los sistemas electrónicos de potencia o la prematura situación de las redes de corriente continua, cada día utilizadas en mayor medida, destacan como algunos de los retos más importantes a los que se quiere dar respuesta a través de esta tesis. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de la tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias de control de microrredes ac/dc que mejoren el comportamiento dinámico del sistema. Para la consecución de este objetivo se han planteado cuatro líneas principales que constan de la identificación y análisis de diferentes topologías y técnicas de control de microrredes, el estudio de los modos de operación del control primario de los sistemas que las componen, y finalmente, el desarrollo y evaluación de diversas técnicas de control de nivel bajo tanto para microrredes ac como dc. Las estrategias de control de nivel bajo desarrolladas en la tesis se basan en el concepto de operación de los generadores síncronos clásicos, lo que les permite operar de manera distribuida y autónoma, aportando a su vez respuesta inercial ante perturbaciones en la red. Entre las contribuciones de la tesis destacan, por un lado, el análisis y comparativa de técnicas de control de emulación de máquinas síncronas para redes ac, donde evaluamos su comportamiento ante diferentes tipos de perturbaciones y examinamos su estabilidad aplicando criterios generalizados de Nyquist. En el ámbito de las redes dc, por otra parte, proponemos nuevas técnicas de control que son análogas a las analizadas para las redes ac, y que denominamos como condensadores-virtuales puesto que emulan el comportamiento dinámico de estos elementos pasivos conectados a la red. En este caso, estudiamos en detalle su comportamiento dinámico y en régimen permanente, demostrando que se pueden adaptar simplemente variando parámetros de control, y analizamos su estabilidad llevando a cabo análisis paramétricos de sus valores propios dominantes

    Active Damping of VSG-Based AC Microgrids for Renewable Energy Systems Integration

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    Operation and control strategy of coupled microgrid clusters

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    A standalone remote area microgrid may frequently experience overloading due to lack of sufficient power generation or excessive renewable-based generation that can cause unacceptable voltage and frequency deviation. This can lead the microgrid to operate with less resiliency and reliability. Such problems are conventionally alleviated by load-shedding or renewable curtailment. Alternatively, autonomously operating microgrids in a geographical area can be provisionally connected to each other to facilitate power exchange for addressing the problems of overloading or overgeneration. The power exchange link among the microgrids can be of different types such as a three-phase ac, a single-phase ac, or a dc-link. Power electronic converters are required to interconnect such power exchange networks to the three-phase ac microgrids and control the power-sharing amongst them. Such arrangement is also essential to interconnect microgrid clusters to each other with proper isolation while maintaining autonomy if they are operating in different standards. In this thesis, the topologies, and structures of various forms of power exchange links are investigated and appropriate operation and control frameworks are established under which power exchange can take place properly. A decentralised control mechanism is employed to facilitate power-sharing without any data communication. The dynamic performance of the control mechanism for all the topologies is illustrated through simulation studies in PSIM® while the stability and robustness of the operation are evaluated using numerical studies in MATLAB®

    Stability aspects of wind power integration in power systems and microgrids

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    Wind farms can be located in remote and weak parts of power networks, due to the availability of wind energy. With integration of power from such wind farms, the power system’s stability might be affected especially at higher penetration levels. Instability issues resulting from such incorporations must be addressed to accommodate higher wind power penetration in the power networks. This thesis attempts to analyse the stability issues of power system with integration of variable speed wind turbine technology especially focusing on doubly fed induction generators. Additionally, a microgrid with different inertial and non-inertial sources is examined for enhancing design aspect of such microgrids from stability perspectives. At different penetration levels of wind power, oscillatory modes are identified, and participation factors of the most associated state variables on such oscillatory modes are observed. Flexible ac transmission system based series and shunt devices are found effective in enhancing the small signal stability of such power networks for different wind power penetration levels. Besides, series devices are observed to contribute to an improvement in the transient behaviour of the power system. Similarly, high voltage dc link is also witnessed to positively influence low frequency oscillation damping. Furthermore, this thesis shows that higher voltage gain values of wind farms can contribute to an improvement in the small signal stability for increased wind power penetration. Another observation displays that a doubly fed induction based wind farm can contribute to improving the voltage stability of a distribution network in a steady state operating condition, as well as following disturbances. Based on the study on an isolated microgrid that has a combination of synchronous, converter-based distributed resources, and energy storage systems, it is observed that a suitable modification in such microgrid’s various components and parameters can positively influence its small signal stability
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