15 research outputs found

    Total Ergonomic Approach Minimize Work Accidents at Workshop Company

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    Research on total ergonomics to minimized numbers of work accidents at PB workshop company has been done, based on some approach such as: eight ergonomic aspects approach, appropriate technology application and SHIP approach. The aim of this study was to find out potensial solutions to minimized work accidents. Data obtained through questionnaire, face to face asking and anwering the questionnaire between researcher and employees, as well as fill in the questionnaire by the employees. Result shows that eight ergonomic aspects approach, application of appropriate technology and SHIP approach in minimized work accidents were good and very good. Total ergonomics approach model reveal a linear reduction in work accidents. It was suggested, to improve theory and practical kill of the workers by training about total ergonomics approach and provide safety equipments to worker who work at dangerous area Keywords: Ergonomics, workplace accidents, worksho

    Monitoring interface and automated testing for Seaweed, a web-based economic game system

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-49).Seaweed is a web-based economic game system that allows end users to design and deploy simple two-player economic games. To improve the usability of the system, we have created two new features. One: a monitoring interface that allows users to view the results of a game deployment in real time. Two: an automated testing feature that automatically generates play data for a game, so that the user can check that the results are correct. Challenges included condensing the data of multiple plays of a game into a readable format and modifying the computer player system to pit two computer players against each other in order to generate the test data.by Jessica Yuan.M.Eng

    Un environnement dynamique de développement (EDD) pour le prototypage rapide d'interfaces graphiques

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    RÉSUMÉ Le développement d’interfaces graphiques est une tâche complexe qui exige beaucoup de ressources spécialisées et de temps. Dans bon nombre de projets, cette tâche est laissée à la fin et, conséquemment, les résultats ne répondent pas toujours aux attentes des utilisateurs. Ceci peut s'expliquer par le fait que l’utilisateur n’a pas participé aux phases d’analyse et de conception de l’architecture du système sous-jacente à l’interface graphique. L’utilisateur est un expert qui connaît bien les tâches qui devront être accomplies et il doit être invité à participer à la définition des besoins, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’ergonomie des interfaces homme-machine (IHM). Pour y parvenir, il est préférable de définir les exigences et de concevoir avec les utilisateurs les IHM, bien avant de concevoir l'architecture du système que l’on veut contrôler. Cette architecture sera ainsi assujettie aux besoins qu’ont les utilisateurs dans l’exécution de leurs tâches. Le prototypage des IHM permet aux utilisateurs de bien faire connaitre leurs besoins aux développeurs et de s’assurer que ceux-ci bénéficieront d’une IHM qui répond à leurs exigences. Les utilisateurs ne peuvent exprimer leurs besoins autrement qu'en ayant recours à une maquette avec laquelle ils peuvent interagir. Il est donc nécessaire d’avoir accès à des outils performants permettant le prototypage des IHM, à savoir les outils les plus efficaces, les plus simples et les plus complets possibles. Les environnements de développement logiciel disponibles sur le marché offrent des outils d’aide au développement d’IHM. Ces outils permettent de manipuler directement les objets graphiques en y donnant accès à l’aide d’une palette ou d’un autre mécanisme. Ils permettent aussi de gérer la mise en page de vues et génèrent le squelette du code source des méthodes de traitement des évènements qui doivent être complétées par le programmeur. Malgré que ces outils soient très utiles, le développement des IHM exige tout de même beaucoup de travail et de connaissances, notamment parce que les objets graphiques sont reliés à l'application par la programmation à même les méthodes d'écoute d'évènements de ces objets. Cette façon de faire rend ardue l'utilisation d'une même IHM pour contrôler divers procédés, en plus de nécessiter beaucoup de connaissances en programmation. De plus, les comportements ainsi définis ne sont pas d'emblée réutilisables. L'objectif global de ce projet de recherche est de faciliter la tâche de l’utilisateur concepteur d'IHM en lui offrant une plateforme de prototypage rapide des IHM à l’aide de laquelle il peut tester avec des maquettes les exigences de l’IHM et les valider. Cet objectif vise particulièrement l’utilisateur qui, bien qu’il soit un expert dans son domaine, n’est pas un programmeur. Dans ce but, une architecture innovatrice et flexible de développement d'interfaces graphiques nommée « environnement dynamique de développement » (EDD) est proposée. L'EDD permet d'intégrer les objets graphiques (widgets) par manipulation directe et de les rendre « dynamiques », dans le sens où ils sont exécutés dans ce même environnement. En plus de permettre au concepteur de faire rapidement l'essai du comportement de l'interface, l’EDD offre une très grande flexibilité d’intégration de nouveaux objets graphiques, tout en minimisant le besoin de codage. Les comportements définis sont réutilisables et peuvent être associés à plusieurs événements.----------ABSTRACT The development of graphical interfaces is a complex task that requires a lot of specialized resources and time. In many projects, this task is left to the end and, consequently, the results do not always meet users’ expectations. This can be explained by the fact that the user has not participated in the software analysis and design phases of the system architecture behind the user interface. The user is an expert who is familiar with the tasks to be performed and must be invited to participate to in the requirement definition, particularly with respect to those requirements that affect human factors. In order to achieve this, it is best to define with the users the requirements and design of the Human-Computer Interface (HCI) before designing the system to be monitored. This architecture is thus constrained by the needs that users have in performing their tasks. HCI prototyping allows users to communicate their needs to developers and ensure that they get an HCI that meets their requirements. Users can’t express their needs other than by using a mockup with which they can interact. It is therefore necessary to have access to effective tools for HCI prototyping. Tools that are most effective, simple and complete as possible. The software development environments available on the market today provide tools to assist in development of HCIs. These tools allow drag-and-drop of graphical components they make available using a pallet or other mechanism. They also manage the layout of views and generate skeleton source code for event handling methods to be completed by the programmer. Despite these strengths are helpful assistants, development of HCIs still requires much work and knowledge, particularly because the graphical components are linked to the application through event handling methods contained in the HCI code. This approach makes it difficult to use the same HCI to control various processes in addition to requiring a lot of programming knowledge. Moreover, resulting behaviors are not easily reusable. The overall objective of this research project is to facilitate the task of the user by offering a platform for rapid prototyping of HCIs which he can use to test and validate HCI requirements using mockups. This objective is aimed particularly at domain experts who are not necessarily programmers. To this end, an innovative and flexible architecture for the development of graphical interfaces called the Dynamic Development Environment (DDE) is proposed. The DDE provides the capability to drag-and-drop graphical components (widgets) and allows them to be "dynamic" in the sense that they run in that environment. It allows the designer to quickly test the behavior of the interface and offers great flexibility to incorporate new graphical components, while minimizing the need for coding

    The Example Guru: Suggesting Examples to Novice Programmers in an Artifact-Based Context

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    Programmers in artifact-based contexts could likely benefit from skills that they do not realize exist. We define artifact-based contexts as contexts where programmers have a goal project, like an application or game, which they must figure out how to accomplish and can change along the way. Artifact-based contexts do not have quantifiable goal states, like the solution to a puzzle or the resolution of a bug in task-based contexts. Currently, programmers in artifact-based contexts have to seek out information, but may be unaware of useful information or choose not to seek out new skills. This is especially problematic for young novice programmers in blocks programming environments. Blocks programming environments often lack even minimal in-context support, such as auto-complete or in-context documentation. Novices programming independently in these blocks-based programming environments often plateau in the programming skills and API methods they use. This work aims to encourage novices in artifact-based programming contexts to explore new API methods and skills. One way to support novices may be with examples, as examples are effective for learning and highly available. In order to better understand how to use examples for supporting novice programmers, I first ran two studies exploring novices\u27 use and focus on example code. I used those results to design a system called the Example Guru. The Example Guru suggests example snippets to novice programmers that contain previously unused API methods or code concepts. Finally, I present an approach for semi-automatically generating content for this type of suggestion system. This approach reduces the amount of expert effort required to create suggestions. This work contains three contributions: 1) a better understanding of difficulties novices have using example code, 2) a system that encourages exploration and use of new programming skills, and 3) an approach for generating content for a suggestion system with less expert effort

    Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging

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