12 research outputs found

    A perspective on cortical layering and layer-spanning neuronal elements

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    This review article addresses the function of the layers of the cerebral cortex. We develop the perspective that cortical layering needs to be understood in terms of its functional anatomy, i.e., the terminations of synaptic inputs on distinct cellular compartments and their effect on cortical activity. The cortex is a hierarchical structure in which feed forward and feedback pathways have a layer-specific termination pattern. We take the view that the influence of synaptic inputs arriving at different cortical layers can only be understood in terms of their complex interaction with cellular biophysics and the subsequent computation that occurs at the cellular level. We use high-resolution fMRI, which can resolve activity across layers, as a case study for implementing this approach by describing how cognitive events arising from the laminar distribution of inputs can be interpreted by taking into account the properties of neurons that span different layers. This perspective is based on recent advances in measuring subcellular activity in distinct feed-forward and feedback axons and in dendrites as they span across layers

    Point-spread function of the BOLD response across columns and cortical depth in human extra-striate cortex

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    Columns and layers are fundamental organizational units of the brain. Well known examples of cortical columns are the ocular dominance columns (ODCs) in primary visual cortex and the column-like stripe-based arrangement in the second visual area V2. The spatial scale of columns and layers is beyond the reach of conventional neuroimaging, but the advent of high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners (UHF, 7 Tesla and above) has opened the possibility to acquire data at this spatial scale, in-vivo and non-invasively in humans. The most prominent non-invasive technique to measure brain function is blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI, measuring brain activity indirectly, via changes in hemodynamics. A key determinant of the ability of high-resolution BOLD fMRI to accurately resolve columns and layers is the point-spread function (PSF) of the BOLD response in relation to the spatial extent of neuronal activity. In this study we take advantage of the stripe-based arrangement present in visual area V2, coupled with sub-millimetre anatomical and gradient-echo BOLD (GE BOLD) acquisition at 7 T to obtain PSF estimates and along cortical depth in human participants. Results show that the BOLD PSF is maximal in the superficial part of the cortex (1.78 mm), and it decreases with increasing cortical depth (0.83 mm close to white matter)

    Linear systems analysis for laminar fMRI: evaluating BOLD amplitude scaling for luminance contrast manipulations

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    A fundamental assumption of nearly all functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analyses is that the relationship between local neuronal activity and the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal can be described as following linear systems theory. With the advent of ultra-high field (7T and higher) MRI scanners, it has become possible to perform sub-millimeter resolution fMRI in humans. A novel and promising application of sub-millimeter fMRI is measuring responses across cortical depth, i.e. laminar imaging. However, the cortical vasculature and associated directional blood pooling towards the pial surface strongly influence the cortical depth-dependent BOLD signal, particularly for gradient-echo BOLD. This directional pooling may potentially affect BOLD linearity across cortical depth. Here we assess whether the amplitude scaling assumption for linear systems theory holds across cortical depth. For this, we use stimuli with different luminance contrasts to elicit different BOLD response amplitudes. We find that BOLD amplitude across cortical depth scales with luminance contrast, and that this scaling is identical across cortical depth. Although nonlinearities may be present for different stimulus configurations and acquisition protocols, our results suggest that the amplitude scaling assumption for linear systems theory across cortical depth holds for luminance contrast manipulations in sub-millimeter laminar BOLD fMRI

    The mirage of big-data phrenology

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    The goal of mapping psychological functions to brain structures has a venerable history. With the advent of neuroimaging techniques, this elusive goal regained vigor and became the main purpose of cognitive neuroscience. Unfortunately, as the field continues to develop, the ideal of finding one-to-one mappings from psychological functions to brain areas looks increasingly unrealistic. In the past few years, however, many cognitive neuroscientists have advocated for mining large sets of neuroimaging data in order to find the elusive one-to-one mapping. One recent strategy, proposed by Genon and colleagues (2018), constitutes one of the most concrete proposals for discovering the mappings from brain regions to cognitive functions by using big-data repositories of neuroimaging results. In this paper we offer several challenges for their proposal and argue that big-data approaches to finding one-to-one mappings between brain regions and cognitive functions suffer from significant difficulties of their own

    LayNii: a software suite for layer-fMRI

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    High-resolution fMRI in the sub-millimeter regime allows researchers to resolve brain activity across cortical layers and columns non-invasively. While these high-resolution data make it possible to address novel questions of directional information flow within and across brain circuits, the corresponding data analyses are challenged by MRI artifacts, including image blurring, image distortions, low SNR, and restricted coverage. These challenges often result in insufficient spatial accuracy of conventional analysis pipelines. Here we introduce a new software suite that is specifically designed for layer-specific functional MRI: LayNii. This toolbox is a collection of command-line executable programs written in C/C++ and is distributed opensource and as pre-compiled binaries for Linux, Windows, and macOS. LayNii is designed for layer-fMRI data that suffer from SNR and coverage constraints and thus cannot be straightforwardly analyzed in alternative software packages. Some of the most popular programs of LayNii contain ‘layerification’ and columnarization in the native voxel space of functional data as well as many other layer-fMRI specific analysis tasks: layer-specific smoothing, model-based vein mitigation of GE-BOLD data, quality assessment of artifact dominated sub-millimeter fMRI, as well as analyses of VASO data

    Neural Representations of Visual Motion Processing in the Human Brain Using Laminar Imaging at 9.4 Tesla

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    During natural behavior, much of the motion signal falling into our eyes is due to our own movements. Therefore, in order to correctly perceive motion in our environment, it is important to parse visual motion signals into those caused by self-motion such as eye- or head-movements and those caused by external motion. Neural mechanisms underlying this task, which are also required to allow for a stable perception of the world during pursuit eye movements, are not fully understood. Both, perceptual stability as well as perception of real-world (i.e. objective) motion are the product of integration between motion signals on the retina and efference copies of eye movements. The central aim of this thesis is to examine whether different levels of cortical depth or distinct columnar structures of visual motion regions are differentially involved in disentangling signals related to self-motion, objective, or object motion. Based on previous studies reporting segregated populations of voxels in high level visual areas such as V3A, V6, and MST responding predominantly to either retinal or extra- retinal (‘real’) motion, we speculated such voxels to reside within laminar or columnar functional units. We used ultra-high field (9.4T) fMRI along with an experimental paradigm that independently manipulated retinal and extra-retinal motion signals (smooth pursuit) while controlling for effects of eye-movements, to investigate whether processing of real world motion in human V5/MT, putative MST (pMST), and V1 is associated to differential laminar signal intensities. We also examined motion integration across cortical depths in human motion areas V3A and V6 that have strong objective motion responses. We found a unique, condition specific laminar profile in human area V6, showing reduced mid-layer responses for retinal motion only, suggestive of an inhibitory retinal contribution to motion integration in mid layers or alternatively an excitatory contribution in deep and superficial layers. We also found evidence indicating that in V5/MT and pMST, processing related to retinal, objective, and pursuit motion are either integrated or colocalized at the scale of our resolution. In contrast, in V1, independent functional processes seem to be driving the response to retinal and objective motion on the one hand, and to pursuit signals on the other. The lack of differential signals across depth in these regions suggests either that a columnar rather than laminar segregation governs these functions in these areas, or that the methods used were unable to detect differential neural laminar processing. Furthermore, the thesis provides a thorough analysis of the relevant technical modalities used for data acquisition and data analysis at ultra-high field in the context of laminar fMRI. Relying on our technical implementations we were able to conduct two high-resolution fMRI experiments that helped us to further investigate the laminar organization of self-induced and externally induced motion cues in human high-level visual areas and to form speculations about the site and the mechanisms of their integration