8,149 research outputs found

    A perspective on cortical layering and layer-spanning neuronal elements

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    This review article addresses the function of the layers of the cerebral cortex. We develop the perspective that cortical layering needs to be understood in terms of its functional anatomy, i.e., the terminations of synaptic inputs on distinct cellular compartments and their effect on cortical activity. The cortex is a hierarchical structure in which feed forward and feedback pathways have a layer-specific termination pattern. We take the view that the influence of synaptic inputs arriving at different cortical layers can only be understood in terms of their complex interaction with cellular biophysics and the subsequent computation that occurs at the cellular level. We use high-resolution fMRI, which can resolve activity across layers, as a case study for implementing this approach by describing how cognitive events arising from the laminar distribution of inputs can be interpreted by taking into account the properties of neurons that span different layers. This perspective is based on recent advances in measuring subcellular activity in distinct feed-forward and feedback axons and in dendrites as they span across layers

    Neural Representations of Visual Motion Processing in the Human Brain Using Laminar Imaging at 9.4 Tesla

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    During natural behavior, much of the motion signal falling into our eyes is due to our own movements. Therefore, in order to correctly perceive motion in our environment, it is important to parse visual motion signals into those caused by self-motion such as eye- or head-movements and those caused by external motion. Neural mechanisms underlying this task, which are also required to allow for a stable perception of the world during pursuit eye movements, are not fully understood. Both, perceptual stability as well as perception of real-world (i.e. objective) motion are the product of integration between motion signals on the retina and efference copies of eye movements. The central aim of this thesis is to examine whether different levels of cortical depth or distinct columnar structures of visual motion regions are differentially involved in disentangling signals related to self-motion, objective, or object motion. Based on previous studies reporting segregated populations of voxels in high level visual areas such as V3A, V6, and MST responding predominantly to either retinal or extra- retinal (‘real’) motion, we speculated such voxels to reside within laminar or columnar functional units. We used ultra-high field (9.4T) fMRI along with an experimental paradigm that independently manipulated retinal and extra-retinal motion signals (smooth pursuit) while controlling for effects of eye-movements, to investigate whether processing of real world motion in human V5/MT, putative MST (pMST), and V1 is associated to differential laminar signal intensities. We also examined motion integration across cortical depths in human motion areas V3A and V6 that have strong objective motion responses. We found a unique, condition specific laminar profile in human area V6, showing reduced mid-layer responses for retinal motion only, suggestive of an inhibitory retinal contribution to motion integration in mid layers or alternatively an excitatory contribution in deep and superficial layers. We also found evidence indicating that in V5/MT and pMST, processing related to retinal, objective, and pursuit motion are either integrated or colocalized at the scale of our resolution. In contrast, in V1, independent functional processes seem to be driving the response to retinal and objective motion on the one hand, and to pursuit signals on the other. The lack of differential signals across depth in these regions suggests either that a columnar rather than laminar segregation governs these functions in these areas, or that the methods used were unable to detect differential neural laminar processing. Furthermore, the thesis provides a thorough analysis of the relevant technical modalities used for data acquisition and data analysis at ultra-high field in the context of laminar fMRI. Relying on our technical implementations we were able to conduct two high-resolution fMRI experiments that helped us to further investigate the laminar organization of self-induced and externally induced motion cues in human high-level visual areas and to form speculations about the site and the mechanisms of their integration

    Functional connectivity analysis in health and brain disease using in vivo widefield calcium imaging

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and its prevalence is still raising with aging society in future. Despite its major impact, only two specific therapies are approved in clinical practice, today.Thus, hundreds of possible therapies were identified in experimental research, none of them has proven efficiency on human patients. To address this loss in translation from experimental research to clinical practise, several fronts can be scrutinized. Among several options, the establishment of translational methods to assess functional clinical outcome in preclinical research is inevitable. To approach this one option is to develop modalities of functional imaging of the brain activity. Functional brain imaging not only allows to assess translational parameters for functional regeneration after stroke but also to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms in the brain. Hence, the analysis of functional brain activity in experimental stroke research could both identify new therapeutic targets and validate their effectiveness by creating a translational read-out. Functional brain imaging is a frequently used method which strongly advanced our knowledge in neuroscience and as well in human stroke research. Its aim in general is a better understanding of brain functions, identification of functionally connected brain regions and their dynamic changes under certain conditions. In stroke research, the dynamic changes of functional network and its association with regeneration is of major interest. To investigate functional brain activity, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is predominantly used in human research. fMRI faces great technical challenges and essential limitations for use in small rodents such as laboratory mice which are the most frequently used animals to study brain disease. This is why there is interest and need for alternative imaging modalities in experimental research. To benefit of the insights from human research in experimental research, we adapted and evolved the imaging modality of in vivo widefield calcium imaging. This imaging modality is based on transgenic animals who permit to investigate brain activity directly via GCaMP fluorescence. GCaMP is a genetically encoded calcium sensor which is well-known to mirror calcium fluctuations during action potential and with this neuronal activity. Via a customized imaging system, it is possible to acquire cortical neuronal activity and analyse it with comparable methods as used in human brain research. Hence, this method allows the repetitive investigation of brain activity in vivo in a translational manner. In three studies we adapted and enhanced existing protocols to establish a reliable transgenic approach to assess functional brain connectivity. In a first study, we investigated the effect of anaesthesia on brain function and characterized the relationship of different frequency-based imaging parameters, functional connectivity and depth of anaesthesia. Subsequently, we established a stringent protocol for light sedation which is easy to use and results in reproducible imaging parameters. In a second study, we identified functional brain areas by using independent vector analysis (IVA) on resting state imaging data. Therefore, we validated the identified areas with help of an anatomical atlas and stimulus-evoked brain activity. This validation justifies the usage of our unbiasedly selected cortical areas as functional seeds. Finally, we implemented the assessment of functional connectivity values after stroke. In this third study, we investigated repetitively the changes in functional connectivity up to 56 days after an ischemic lesion in the motor cortex induced by a photothrombotic model. We demonstrate both acute and chronic effects of ischemia to cortical functional connectivity. In the acute phase on the first day after stroke we demonstrate transient increase in contralateral functional connectivity. A second transient effect is the increase in contralateral motor cortex size. Third, chronic reduction in interhemispheric functional connectivity is present only in functionally but not anatomically close regions of the brain. And last, changes in both functional connectivity values and the size of contralateral motor cortex size are associated with the deficits assessed by behavioural testing. Hence, the identified parameters are of major relevance for the clinical outcome. The results establish two major facts: preclinical investigation of brain function is possible on a routinely basis and adds additional insight on pathophysiological mechanisms in brain disease which are associated with behavioural outcome. Consequently, the application of this translational imaging modality will not only be of great interest to stroke research but also to several brain diseases where pathophysiological mechanisms still need to be elucidated

    High-resolution CBV-fMRI allows mapping of laminar activity and connectivity of cortical input and output in human M1

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    Layer-dependent fMRI allows measurements of information flow in cortical circuits, as afferent and efferent connections terminate in different cortical layers. However, it is unknown to what level human fMRI is specific and sensitive enough to reveal directional functional activity across layers. To answer this question, we developed acquisition and analysis methods for blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) and cerebral-blood-volume (CBV)-based laminar fMRI and used these to discriminate four different tasks in the human motor cortex (M1). In agreement with anatomical data from animal studies, we found evidence for somatosensory and premotor input in superficial layers of M1 and for cortico-spinal motor output in deep layers. Laminar resting-state fMRI showed directional functional connectivity of M1 with somatosensory and premotor areas. Our findings demonstrate that CBV-fMRI can be used to investigate cortical activity in humans with unprecedented detail, allowing investigations of information flow between brain regions and outperforming conventional BOLD results that are often buried under vascular biases

    Depth-Dependent Physiological Modulators of the BOLD Response in the Human Motor Cortex

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    This dissertation proposes a set of methods for improving spatial localization of cerebral metabolic changes using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI estabilished itself as the most frequently used technique for mapping brain activity in humans. It is non-invasive and allows to obtain information about brain oxygenation changes in a few minutes. It was discovered in 1990 and, since then, it contributed enormously to the developments in neuroscientific research. Nevertheless, the BOLD contrast suffers from inherent limitations. This comes from the fact that the observed response is the result of a complex interplay between cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) and has a strong dependency on baseline blood volume and oxygenation. Therefore, the observed response is mislocalized from the site where the metabolic activity takes place and it is subject to high variability across experiments due to normal brain physiology. Since the peak of BOLD changes can be as much as 4 mm apart from the site of metabolic changes, the problem of spatial mislocalization is particularly constraining at submillimeter resolution. Three methods are proposed in this work in order to overcome this limitation and make data more comparable. The first method involves a modification of an estabilished model for calibration of BOLD responses (the dilution model), in order to render it applicable at higher resolutions. The second method proposes a model-free scaling of the BOLD response, based on spatial normalization by a purely vascular response pattern. The third method takes into account the hypothesis that the cortical vasculature could act as a low-pass filter for BOLD fluctuations as the blood is carried downstream, and investigates differences in frequency composition of cortical laminae. All methods are described and tested on a depth-dependent scale in the human motor cortex

    Effects of phase regression on high-resolution functional MRI of the primary visual cortex

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    High-resolution functional MRI studies have become a powerful tool to non-invasively probe the sub-millimeter functional organization of the human cortex. Advances in MR hardware, imaging techniques and sophisticated post-processing methods have allowed high resolution fMRI to be used in both the clinical and academic neurosciences. However, consensus within the community regarding the use of gradient echo (GE) or spin echo (SE) based acquisition remains largely divided. On one hand, GE provides a high temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) technique sensitive to both the macro- and micro-vascular signal while SE based methods are more specific to microvasculature but suffer from lower tSNR and specific absorption rate limitations, especially at high field and with short repetition times. Fortunately, the phase of the GE-EPI signal is sensitive to vessel size and this provides a potential avenue to reduce the macrovascular weighting of the signal (phase regression, Menon 2002). In order to determine the efficacy of this technique at high-resolution, phase regression was applied to GE-EPI timeseries and compared to SE-EPI to determine if GE-EPI\u27s specificity to the microvascular compartment improved. To do this, functional data was collected from seven subjects on a neuro-optimized 7 T system at 800 μm isotropic resolution with both GE-EPI and SE-EPI while observing an 8 Hz contrast reversing checkerboard. Phase data from the GE-EPI was used to create a microvasculature-weighted time series (GE-EPI-PR). Anatomical imaging (MP2RAGE) was also collected to allow for surface segmentation so that the functional results could be projected onto a surface. A multi-echo gradient echo sequence was collected and used to identify venous vasculature. The GE-EPI-PR surface activation maps showed a high qualitative similarity with SE-EPI and also produced laminar activity profiles similar to SE-EPI. When the GE-EPI and GE-EPI-PR distributions were compared to SE-EPI it was shown that GE-EPI-PR had similar distribution characteristics to SE-EPI (p \u3c 0.05) across the top 60% of cortex. Furthermore, it was shown that GE-EPI-PR has a higher contrast-to-noise ratio (0.5 ± 0.2, mean ± std. dev. across layers) than SE-EPI (0.27 ± 0.07) demonstrating the technique has higher sensitivity than SE-EPI. Taken together this evidence suggests phase regression is a useful method in low SNR studies such as high-resolution fMRI
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