166 research outputs found

    Identifying Design Requirements for Wireless Routing Link Metrics

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    In this paper, we identify and analyze the requirements to design a new routing link metric for wireless multihop networks. Considering these requirements, when a link metric is proposed, then both the design and implementation of the link metric with a routing protocol become easy. Secondly, the underlying network issues can easily be tackled. Thirdly, an appreciable performance of the network is guaranteed. Along with the existing implementation of three link metrics Expected Transmission Count (ETX), Minimum Delay (MD), and Minimum Loss (ML), we implement inverse ETX; invETX with Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) using NS-2.34. The simulation results show that how the computational burden of a metric degrades the performance of the respective protocol and how a metric has to trade-off between different performance parameters

    Maximum Multipath Routing Throughput in Multirate Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of finding the maximum routing throughput between any pair of nodes in an arbitrary multirate wireless mesh network (WMN) using multiple paths. Multipath routing is an efficient technique to maximize routing throughput in WMN, however maximizing multipath routing throughput is a NP-complete problem due to the shared medium for electromagnetic wave transmission in wireless channel, inducing collision-free scheduling as part of the optimization problem. In this work, we first provide problem formulation that incorporates collision-free schedule, and then based on this formulation we design an algorithm with search pruning that jointly optimizes paths and transmission schedule. Though suboptimal, compared to the known optimal single path flow, we demonstrate that an efficient multipath routing scheme can increase the routing throughput by up to 100% for simple WMNs.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall 201

    SNR Based DSDV Routing Protocol for MANET

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    A wireless mobile ad-hoc (MANET) network is a dynamic formation of wireless nodes to perform a temporary network without center administration node. The wireless node which is also known as mobile platform are free to move randomly within its network coverage. The MANET is an autonomous system which operates in isolation (local area network only) or may have gateways to an interface with a fixed network. One of the main parts of MANET is its routing protocol in network layer. The protocol has to decide which path that needs to be taken by packets to ensure the packet transfer from sender to receiver. The algorithms that calculate these paths are referred as routing algorithms (Kurose, 2009) Due to unpredictable behavior of the wireless medium in MANETs environment, the standard routing protocol based on hop count suffers due to the noise that collected at receiving nodes (Douglas, 2003). In this project the Signal-to-Noise (SNR) based routing protocol has been adapted into the standard Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) routing algorithm by developing an algorithm to calculate the cumulative average SNR from source to destination and apply the algorithm in the DSDV routing protocol. The expected result is SNR based DSDV routing protocol and the outcome would be comparisons of performance metrics between standard DSDV for the throughput, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio versus transmission rate and node numbers

    Low-Latency Broadcast in Multirate Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Special Issue on “Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks”</p

    Cross-layer aided energy-efficient routing design for ad hoc networks

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    In this treatise, we first review some basic routing protocols conceived for ad hoc networks, followed by some design examples of cross-layer operation aided routing protocols. Specifically, cross-layer operation across the PHYsical layer (PHY), the Data Link layer (DL) and even the NETwork layer (NET) is exemplified for improving the energy efficiency of the entire system. Moreover, the philosophy of Opportunistic Routing (OR) is reviewed for the sake of further reducing the system's energy dissipation with the aid of optimized Power Allocation (PA). The system's end-to-end throughput is also considered in the context of a design example

    QoS constrained cellular ad hoc augmented networks

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    In this dissertation, based on different design criteria, three novel quality of service (QoS) constrained cellular ad hoc augmented network (CAHAN) architectures are proposed for next generation wireless networks. The CAHAN architectures have a hybrid architecture, in which each MT of CDMA cellular networks has ad hoc communication capability. The CAHAN architectures are an evolutionary approach to conventional cellular networks. The proposed architectures have good system scalability and high system reliability. The first proposed architecture is the QoS constrained minimum-power cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCMP CAHAN). The QCMP CAHAN can find the optimal minimum-power routes under the QoS constraints (bandwidth, packet-delay, or packet-error-rate constraint). The total energy consumed by the MTs is lower in the case of QCMP CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks. As the ad hoc communication range of each MT increases, the total transmitted power in QCMP CAHAN decreases. However, due to the increased number of hops involved in information delivery between the source and the destination, the end-to-end delay increases. The maximum end-to-end delay will be limited to a specified tolerable value for different services. An MT in QCMP CAHAN will not relay any messages when its ad hoc communication range is zero, and if this is the case for all MTs, then QCMP CAHAN reduces to the traditional cellular network. A QoS constrained network lifetime extension cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCLE CAHAN) is proposed to achieve the maximum network lifetime under the QoS constraints. The network lifetime is higher in the case of QCLE CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks or QCMP CAHAN. In QCLE CAHAN, a novel QoS-constrained network lifetime extension routing algorithm will dynamically select suitable ad-hoc-switch-to-cellular points (ASCPs) according to the MT remaining battery energy such that the selection will balance all the MT battery energy and maximizes the network lifetime. As the number of ASCPs in an ad hoc subnet decreases, the network lifetime will be extended. Maximum network lifetime can be increased until the end-to-end QoS in QCLE CAHAN reaches its maximum tolerable value. Geocasting is the mechanism to multicast messages to the MTs whose locations lie within a given geographic area (target area). Geolocation-aware CAHAN (GA CAHAN) architecture is proposed to improve total transmitted power expended for geocast services in cellular networks. By using GA CAHAN for geocasting, saving in total transmitted energy can be achieved as compared to the case of pure cellular networks. When the size of geocast target area is large, GA CAHAN can save larger transmitted energy

    Maximizing Communication Concurrency via Link-Layer Packet Salvaging in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Carrier-sense medium access control (MAC) protocols such as the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) avoid collisions by holding up pending packet transmission requests when a carrier signal is observed above a certain threshold. However, this often results in unnecessarily conservative communication, thus making it difficult to maximize the utilization of the spatial spectral resource. This paper shows that a higher aggregate throughput can be achieved by allowing more concurrent communications and adjusting the communication distance on the fly, which needs provisions for the following two areas. On the one hand, carrier sense-based MAC protocols do not allow aggressive communication attempts when they are within the carrier senseable area. On the other hand, the communication distance is generally neither short nor adjustable because multihop routing protocols strive for providing minimum hop paths. This paper proposes a new MAC algorithm, called multiple access with salvation army (MASA), which adopts less sensitive carrier sensing to promote more concurrent communications and adjusts the communication distance adaptively via packet salvaging at the MAC layer. Extensive simulation based on the ns-2 has shown MASA to outperform the DCF, particularly in terms of packet delay. We also discuss the implementation of MASA based on the DCF specification
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