14 research outputs found

    Variation Analysis, Fault Modeling and Yield Improvement of Emerging Spintronic Memories

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    STT-MRAM characterization and its test implications

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    Spin torque transfer (STT)-magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) has come a long way in research to meet the speed and power consumption requirements for future memory applications. The state-of-the-art STT-MRAM bit-cells employ magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). The process repeatabil- ity and yield stability for wafer fabrication are some of the critical issues encountered in STT-MRAM mass production. Some of the yield improvement techniques to combat the e ect of process variations have been previously explored. However, little research has been done on defect oriented testing of STT-MRAM arrays. In this thesis, the author investi- gates the parameter deviation and non-idealities encountered during the development of a novel MTJ stack con guration. The characterization result provides motivation for the development of the design for testability (DFT) scheme that can help test and characterize STT-MRAM bit-cells and the CMOS peripheral circuitry e ciently. The primary factors for wafer yield degradation are the device parameter variation and its non-uniformity across the wafer due to the fabrication process non-idealities. There- fore, e ective in-process testing strategies for exploring and verifying the impact of the parameter variation on the wafer yield will be needed to achieve fabrication process opti- mization. While yield depends on the CMOS process variability, quality of the deposited MTJ lm, and other process non-idealities, test platform can enable parametric optimiza- tion and veri cation using the CMOS-based DFT circuits. In this work, we develop a DFT algorithm and implement a DFT circuit for parametric testing and prequali cation of the critical circuits in the CMOS wafer. The DFT circuit successfully replicates the electrical characteristics of MTJ devices and captures their spatial variation across the wafer with an error of less than 4%. We estimate the yield of the read sensing path by implement- ing the DFT circuit, which can replicate the resistance-area product variation up to 50% from its nominal value. The yield data from the read sensing path at di erent wafer loca- tions are analyzed, and a usable wafer radius has been estimated. Our DFT scheme can provide quantitative feedback based on in-die measurement, enabling fabrication process optimization through iterative estimation and veri cation of the calibrated parameters. Another concern that prevents mass production of STT-MRAM arrays is the defect formation in MTJ devices due to aging. Identifying manufacturing defects in the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) device is crucial for the yield and reliability of spin-torque-transfer (STT) magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) arrays. Several of the MTJ defects result in parametric deviations of the device that deteriorate over time. We extend our work on the DFT scheme by monitoring the electrical parameter deviations occurring due to the defect formation over time. A programmable DFT scheme was implemented for a sub-arrayin 65 nm CMOS technology to evaluate the feasibility of the test scheme. The scheme utilizes the read sense path to compare the bit-cell electrical parameters against known DFT cells characteristics. Built-in-self-test (BIST) methodology is utilized to trigger the onset of the fault once the device parameter crosses a threshold value. We demonstrate the operation and evaluate the accuracy of detection with the proposed scheme. The DFT scheme can be exploited for monitoring aging defects, modeling their behavior and optimization of the fabrication process. DFT scheme could potentially nd numerous applications for parametric characteriza- tion and fault monitoring of STT-MRAM bit-cell arrays during mass production. Some of the applications include a) Fabrication process feedback to improve wafer turnaround time, b) STT-MRAM bit-cell health monitoring, c) Decoupled characterization of the CMOS pe- ripheral circuitry such as read-sensing path and sense ampli er characterization within the STT-MRAM array. Additionally, the DFT scheme has potential applications for detec- tion of fault formation that could be utilized for deploying redundancy schemes, providing a graceful degradation in MTJ-based bit-cell array due to aging of the device, and also providing feedback to improve the fabrication process and yield learning

    Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Fabrics for In-circuit Training and Evaluation of Neuromorphic Architectures

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    A heterogeneous device technology reconfigurable logic fabric is proposed which leverages the cooperating advantages of distinct magnetic random access memory (MRAM)-based look-up tables (LUTs) to realize sequential logic circuits, along with conventional SRAM-based LUTs to realize combinational logic paths. The resulting Hybrid Spin/Charge FPGA (HSC-FPGA) using magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices within this topology demonstrates commensurate reductions in area and power consumption over fabrics having LUTs constructed with either individual technology alone. Herein, a hierarchical top-down design approach is used to develop the HSCFPGA starting from the configurable logic block (CLB) and slice structures down to LUT circuits and the corresponding device fabrication paradigms. This facilitates a novel architectural approach to reduce leakage energy, minimize communication occurrence and energy cost by eliminating unnecessary data transfer, and support auto-tuning for resilience. Furthermore, HSC-FPGA enables new advantages of technology co-design which trades off alternative mappings between emerging devices and transistors at runtime by allowing dynamic remapping to adaptively leverage the intrinsic computing features of each device technology. HSC-FPGA offers a platform for fine-grained Logic-In-Memory architectures and runtime adaptive hardware. An orthogonal dimension of fabric heterogeneity is also non-determinism enabled by either low-voltage CMOS or probabilistic emerging devices. It can be realized using probabilistic devices within a reconfigurable network to blend deterministic and probabilistic computational models. Herein, consider the probabilistic spin logic p-bit device as a fabric element comprising a crossbar-structured weighted array. The Programmability of the resistive network interconnecting p-bit devices can be achieved by modifying the resistive states of the array\u27s weighted connections. Thus, the programmable weighted array forms a CLB-scale macro co-processing element with bitstream programmability. This allows field programmability for a wide range of classification problems and recognition tasks to allow fluid mappings of probabilistic and deterministic computing approaches. In particular, a Deep Belief Network (DBN) is implemented in the field using recurrent layers of co-processing elements to form an n x m1 x m2 x ::: x mi weighted array as a configurable hardware circuit with an n-input layer followed by i ≥ 1 hidden layers. As neuromorphic architectures using post-CMOS devices increase in capability and network size, the utility and benefits of reconfigurable fabrics of neuromorphic modules can be anticipated to continue to accelerate

    Addressing the RRAM Reliability and Radiation Soft-Errors in the Memory Systems

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    With the continuous and aggressive technology scaling, the design of memory systems becomes very challenging. The desire to have high-capacity, reliable, and energy efficient memory arrays is rising rapidly. However, from the technology side, the increasing leakage power and the restrictions resulting from the manufacturing limitations complicate the design of memory systems. In addition to this, with the new machine learning applications, which require tremendous amount of mathematical operations to be completed in a timely manner, the interest in neuromorphic systems has increased in recent years. Emerging Non- Volatile Memory (NVM) devices have been suggested to be incorporated in the design of memory arrays due to their small size and their ability to reduce leakage power since they can retain their data even in the absence of power supply. Compared to other novel NVM devices, the Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) device has many advantages including its low-programming requirements, the large ratio between its high and low resistive states, and its compatibility with the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication process. RRAM device suffers from other disadvantages including the instability in its switching dynamics and its sensitivity to process variations. Yet, one of the popular issues hindering the deployment of RRAM arrays in products are the RRAM reliability and radiation soft-errors. The RRAM reliability soft-errors result from the diffusion of oxygen vacations out of the conductive channels within the oxide material of the device. On the other hand, the radiation soft-errors are caused by the highly energetic cosmic rays incident on the junction of the MOS device used as a selector for the RRAM cell. Both of those soft-errors cause the unintentional change of the resistive state of the RRAM device. While there is research work in literature to address some of the RRAM disadvantages such as the switching dynamic instability, there is no dedicated work discussing the impact of RRAM soft-errors on the various designs to which the RRAM device is integrated and how the soft-errors can be automatically detected and fixed. In this thesis, we bring the attention to the need of considering the RRAM soft-errors to avoid the degradation in design performance. In addition to this, using previously reported SPICE models, which were experimentally verified, and widely adapted system level simulators and test benches, various solutions are provided to automatically detect and fix the degradation in design performance due to the RRAM soft-errors. The main focus in this work is to propose methodologies which solve or improve the robustness of memory systems to the RRAM soft-errors. These memories are expected to be incorporated in the current and futuristic platforms running the advanced machine learning applications. In more details, the main contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: - Provide in depth analysis of the impact of RRAM soft-errors on the performance of RRAM-based designs. - Provide a new SRAM cell which uses the RRAM device to reduce the SRAM leakage power with minimal impact on its read and write operations. This new SRAM cell can be incorporated in the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) design used currently in the implementation of the machine learning platforms. - Provide a circuit and system solutions to resolve the reliability and radiation soft-errors in the RRAM arrays. These solution can automatically detect and fix the soft-errors with minimum impact on the delay and energy consumption of the memory array. - A framework is developed to estimate the effect of RRAM soft-errors on the performance of RRAM-based neuromorphic systems. This actually provides, for the first time, a very generic methodology through which the device level RRAM soft-errors are mapped to the overall performance of the neuromorphic systems. Our analysis show that the accuracy of the RRAM-based neuromorphic system can degrade by more than 48% due to RRAM soft-errors. - Two algorithms are provided to automatically detect and restore the degradation in RRAM-based neuromorphic systems due to RRAM soft-errors. The system and circuit level techniques to implement these algorithms are also explained in this work. In conclusion, this work offers initial steps for enabling the usage of RRAM devices in products by tackling one of its most known challenges: RRAM reliability and radiation soft-errors. Despite using experimentally verified SPICE models and widely popular system simulators and test benches, the provided solutions in this thesis need to be verified in the future work through fabrication to study the impact of other RRAM technology shortcomings including: a) the instability in its switching dynamics due to the stochastic nature of oxygen vacancies movement, and b) its sensitivity to process variations

    Nouvelles Architectures Hybrides (Logique / Mémoires Non-Volatiles et technologies associées.)

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    Les nouvelles approches de technologies mémoires permettront une intégration dite back-end, où les cellules élémentaires de stockage seront fabriquées lors des dernières étapes de réalisation à grande échelle du circuit. Ces approches innovantes sont souvent basées sur l'utilisation de matériaux actifs présentant deux états de résistance distincts. Le passage d'un état à l'autre est contrôlé en courant ou en tension donnant lieu à une caractéristique I-V hystérétique. Nos mémoires résistives sont composées d'argent en métal électrochimiquement actif et de sulfure amorphe agissant comme électrolyte. Leur fonctionnement repose sur la formation réversible et la dissolution d'un filament conducteur. Le potentiel d'application de ces nouveaux dispositifs n'est pas limité aux mémoires ultra-haute densité mais aussi aux circuits embarqués. En empilant ces mémoires dans la troisième dimension au niveau des interconnections des circuits logiques CMOS, de nouvelles architectures hybrides et innovantes deviennent possibles. Il serait alors envisageable d'exploiter un fonctionnement à basse énergie, à haute vitesse d'écriture/lecture et de haute performance telles que l'endurance et la rétention. Dans cette thèse, en se concentrant sur les aspects de la technologie de mémoire en vue de développer de nouvelles architectures, l'introduction d'une fonctionnalité non-volatile au niveau logique est démontrée par trois circuits hybrides: commutateurs de routage non volatiles dans un Field Programmable Gate Arrays, un 6T-SRAM non volatile, et les neurones stochastiques pour un réseau neuronal. Pour améliorer les solutions existantes, les limitations de la performances des dispositifs mémoires sont identifiés et résolus avec des nouveaux empilements ou en fournissant des défauts de circuits tolérants.Novel approaches in the field of memory technology should enable backend integration, where individual storage nodes will be fabricated during the last fabrication steps of the VLSI circuit. In this case, memory operation is often based upon the use of active materials with resistive switching properties. A topology of resistive memory consists of silver as electrochemically active metal and amorphous sulfide acting as electrolyte and relies on the reversible formation and dissolution of a conductive filament. The application potential of these new memories is not limited to stand-alone (ultra-high density), but is also suitable for embedded applications. By stacking these memories in the third dimension at the interconnection level of CMOS logic, new ultra-scalable hybrid architectures becomes possible which exploit low energy operation, fast write/read access and high performance with respect to endurance and retention. In this thesis, focusing on memory technology aspects in view of developing new architectures, the introduction of non-volatile functionality at the logic level is demonstrated through three hybrid (CMOS logic ReRAM devices) circuits: nonvolatile routing switches in a Field Programmable Gate Array, nonvolatile 6T-SRAMs, and stochastic neurons of an hardware neural network. To be competitive or even improve existing solutions, limitations on the memory devices performances are identified and solved by stack engineering of CBRAM devices or providing faults tolerant circuits.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Systemunterstützung für moderne Speichertechnologien

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    Trust and scalability are the two significant factors which impede the dissemination of clouds. The possibility of privileged access to customer data by a cloud provider limits the usage of clouds for processing security-sensitive data. Low latency cloud services rely on in-memory computations, and thus, are limited by several characteristics of Dynamic RAM (DRAM) such as capacity, density, energy consumption, for example. Two technological areas address these factors. Mainstream server platforms, such as Intel Software Guard eXtensions (SGX) und AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualisation (SEV) offer extensions for trusted execution in untrusted environments. Various technologies of Non-Volatile RAM (NV-RAM) have better capacity and density compared to DRAM and thus can be considered as DRAM alternatives in the future. However, these technologies and extensions require new programming approaches and system support since they add features to the system architecture: new system components (Intel SGX) and data persistence (NV-RAM). This thesis is devoted to the programming and architectural aspects of persistent and trusted systems. For trusted systems, an in-depth analysis of new architectural extensions was performed. A novel framework named EActors and a database engine named STANlite were developed to effectively use the capabilities of trusted~execution. For persistent systems, an in-depth analysis of prospective memory technologies, their features and the possible impact on system architecture was performed. A new persistence model, called the hypervisor-based model of persistence, was developed and evaluated by the NV-Hypervisor. This offers transparent persistence for legacy and proprietary software, and supports virtualisation of persistent memory.Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Skalierbarkeit sind die beiden maßgeblichen Faktoren, die die Verbreitung von Clouds behindern. Die Möglichkeit privilegierter Zugriffe auf Kundendaten durch einen Cloudanbieter schränkt die Nutzung von Clouds bei der Verarbeitung von sicherheitskritischen und vertraulichen Informationen ein. Clouddienste mit niedriger Latenz erfordern die Durchführungen von Berechnungen im Hauptspeicher und sind daher an Charakteristika von Dynamic RAM (DRAM) wie Kapazität, Dichte, Energieverbrauch und andere Aspekte gebunden. Zwei technologische Bereiche befassen sich mit diesen Faktoren: Etablierte Server Plattformen wie Intel Software Guard eXtensions (SGX) und AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualisation (SEV) stellen Erweiterungen für vertrauenswürdige Ausführung in nicht vertrauenswürdigen Umgebungen bereit. Verschiedene Technologien von nicht flüchtigem Speicher bieten bessere Kapazität und Speicherdichte verglichen mit DRAM, und können daher in Zukunft als Alternative zu DRAM herangezogen werden. Jedoch benötigen diese Technologien und Erweiterungen neuartige Ansätze und Systemunterstützung bei der Programmierung, da diese der Systemarchitektur neue Funktionalität hinzufügen: Systemkomponenten (Intel SGX) und Persistenz (nicht-flüchtiger Speicher). Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Programmierung und den Architekturaspekten von persistenten und vertrauenswürdigen Systemen. Für vertrauenswürdige Systeme wurde eine detaillierte Analyse der neuen Architekturerweiterungen durchgeführt. Außerdem wurden das neuartige EActors Framework und die STANlite Datenbank entwickelt, um die neuen Möglichkeiten von vertrauenswürdiger Ausführung effektiv zu nutzen. Darüber hinaus wurde für persistente Systeme eine detaillierte Analyse zukünftiger Speichertechnologien, deren Merkmale und mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Systemarchitektur durchgeführt. Ferner wurde das neue Hypervisor-basierte Persistenzmodell entwickelt und mittels NV-Hypervisor ausgewertet, welches transparente Persistenz für alte und proprietäre Software, sowie Virtualisierung von persistentem Speicher ermöglicht

    Modélisation compacte et conception de circuit à base de jonction tunnel ferroélectrique et de jonction tunnel magnétique exploitant le transfert de spin assisté par effet Hall de spin

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    Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices have been attracting intensive research interest since they promise to solve the increasing static power issue caused by CMOS technology scaling. This thesis focuses on two fields related to NVM: the one is the ferroelectric tunnel junction (FTJ), which is a recent emerging NVM device. The other is the spin-Hall-assisted spin-transfer torque (STT), which is a recent proposed write approach for the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). Our objective is to develop the compact models for these two technologies and to explore their application in the non-volatile circuits through simulation.First, we investigated physical models describing the electrical behaviors of the FTJ such as tunneling resistance, dynamic ferroelectric switching and memristive response. The accuracy of these physical models is validated by a good agreement with experimental results. In order to develop an electrical model available for the circuit simulation, we programmed the aforementioned physical models with Verilog-A language and integrated them together. The developed electrical model can run on Cadence platform (a standard circuit simulation tool) and faithfully reproduce the behaviors of the FTJ.Then, using the developed FTJ model and STMicroelectronics CMOS design kit, we designed and simulated three types of circuits: i) FTJ-based random access memory (FTRAM), ii) two FTJ-based neuromorphic systems, one of which emulates spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule, the other implements supervised learning of logic functions, iii) FTJ-based Boolean logic block, by which NAND and NOR logic are demonstrated. The influences of the FTJ parameters on the performance of these circuits were analyzed based on simulation results.Finally, we focused on the reversal of the perpendicular magnetization driven by spin-Hall-assisted STT in a three-terminal MTJ. In this scheme, two write currents are applied to generate spin-Hall effect (SHE) and STT. Numerical simulation based on Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation demonstrates that the incubation delay of the STT can be eliminated by the strong SHE, resulting in ultrafast magnetization switching without the need to strengthen the STT. We applied this novel write approach to the design of the magnetic flip-flop and full-adder. Performance comparison between the spin-Hall-assisted and the conventional STT magnetic circuits were discussed based on simulation results and theoretical models.Les mémoires non-volatiles (MNV) sont l'objet d'un effort de recherche croissant du fait de leur capacité à limiter la consommation statique, qui obère habituellement la réduction des dimensions dans la technologie CMOS. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse aborde plus spécifiquement deux technologies de mémoires non volatiles : d'une part les jonctions tunnel ferroélectriques (JTF), dispositif non volatil émergent, et d'autre part les dispositifs à transfert de spin (TS) assisté par effet Hall de spin (EHS), approche alternative proposée récemment pour écrire les jonctions tunnel magnétiques (JTM). Mon objectif est de développer des modèles compacts pour ces deux technologies et d'explorer, par simulation, leur intégration dans les circuits non-volatiles.J'ai d'abord étudié les modèles physiques qui décrivent les comportements électriques des JTF : la résistance tunnel, la dynamique de la commutation ferroélectrique et leur comportement memristif. La précision de ces modèles physiques est validée par leur bonne adéquation avec les résultats expérimentaux. Afin de proposer un modèle compatible avec les simulateurs électriques standards, nous j'ai développé les modèles physiques mentionnés ci-dessus en langue Verilog-A, puis je les ai intégrés ensemble. Le modèle électrique que j'ai conçu peut être exploité sur la plate-forme Cadence (un outil standard pour la simulation de circuit). Il reproduit fidèlement les comportements de JTF. Ensuite, en utilisant ce modèle de JTF et le design-kit CMOS de STMicroelectronics, j'ai conçu et simulé trois types de circuits: i) une mémoire vive (RAM) basée sur les JTF, ii) deux systèmes neuromorphiques basés sur les JTF, l'un qui émule la règle d'apprentissage de la plasticité synaptique basée sur le décalage temporel des impulsions neuronale (STDP), l'autre mettant en œuvre l'apprentissage supervisé de fonctions logiques, iii) un bloc logique booléen basé sur les JTF, y compris la démonstration des fonctions logiques NAND et NOR. L'influence des paramètres de la JTF sur les performances de ces circuits a été analysée par simulation. Finalement, nous avons modélisé la dynamique de renversement de l'aimantation dans les dispositifs à anisotropie perpendiculaire à transfert de spin assisté par effet Hall de spin dans un JTM à trois terminaux. Dans ce schéma, deux courants d'écriture sont appliqués pour générer l'EHS et le TS. La simulation numérique basée sur l'équation de Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) démontre que le délai d'incubation de TS peut être éliminé par un fort EHS, conduisant à la commutation ultra-rapide de l'aimantation, sans pour autant requérir une augmentation excessive du TS. Nous avons appliqué cette nouvelle méthode d'écriture à la conception d'une bascule magnétique et d'un additionneur 1 bit magnétique. Les performances des circuits magnétiques assistés par l'EHS ont été comparés à ceux écrits par transfert de spin, par simulation et par une analyse fondée sur le modèle théorique

    MRAM commercialization potential evaluation Research Based on the Chinese Market

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    Regarding the Chinese data storage industries, there is an urgent need for a national strategy and new investments as there are new technologies emerging in the global markets. The storage technology commercialization activities are becoming a widespread concern for the Chinese government and their strategic enterprises. The promotion of storage technology commercialization has become a common goal for enterprise and national government strategies. How the potential for commercialization of a storage technology can be assessed, what evaluation index should be used, and what the factors affect the storage technology are the important issues that must be addressed

    Scientific report 2021

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