14 research outputs found

    Timestamp Error Detection and Estimation for PMU Data based on Linear Correlation between Relative Phase Angle and Frequency

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    Time synchronization is essential to synchro-phasor-based applications. However, Timestamp Error (TE) in synchrophasor data can result in application failures. This paper proposes a method for TE detection based on the linear correlation between frequency and relative phase angle. The TE converts the short-term relative phase angle from noise-like signal to one that linear with the frequency. Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) is applied to measure the linear correlation and then detect the timestamp error. The time error is estimated based on the variation of frequency and relative phase angle. Case studies with actual synchrophasor data demonstrate the effectiveness of TE detection and excellent accuracy of TE estimation

    Modeling of SCADA and PMU Measurement Chains

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    In this document, the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and phasor measurement unit (PMU) measurement chain modeling will be studied, where the measurement error sources of each component in the SCADA and PMU measurement chains and the reasons leading to measurement errors exhibiting non-zero-mean, non-Gaussian, and time-varying statistical characteristic are summarized and analyzed. This document provides a few equations, figures, and discussions about the details of the SCADA and PMU measurement error chain modeling, which are intended to facilitate the understanding of how the measurement errors are designed for each component in the SCADA and PMU measurement chains. The measurement chain models described here are also used for synthesizing measurement errors with realistic characteristics in simulation cases to test the developed algorithms or methodologies

    Mixed Voltage Angle and Frequency Droop Control for Transient Stability of Interconnected Microgrids with Loss of PMU Measurements

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    We consider the problem of guaranteeing transient stability of a network of interconnected angle droop controlled microgrids, where voltage phase angle measurements from phasor measurement units (PMUs) may be lost, leading to poor performance and instability. In this paper, we propose a novel mixed voltage angle and frequency droop control (MAFD) framework to improve the reliability of such angle droop controlled microgrid interconnections. In this framework, when the phase angle measurement is lost at a microgrid, conventional frequency droop control is temporarily used for primary control in place of angle droop control. We model the network of interconnected microgrids with the MAFD architecture as a nonlinear switched system. We then propose a dissipativity-based distributed secondary control design to guarantee transient stability of this network under arbitrary switching between angle droop and frequency droop controllers. We demonstrate the performance of this control framework by simulation on a test 123-feeder distribution network.Comment: American Control Conference (ACC), 202

    Wide-Area Backup Protection Against Asymmetrical Faults Using Available Phasor Measurements

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    This paper proposes a robust and computationally efficient wide-area backup protection (WABP) scheme against asymmetrical faults on transmission systems using available synchronized/unsynchronized phasor measurements. Based on the substitution theorem, the proposed scheme replaces the faulted line with two suitable current sources. This results in a linear system of equations for WABP, with no need of full system observability by measurement devices. The identification of the faulted line is attributed to the sum of squared residuals (SoSR) of the developed system of equations. To preserve accuracy, the scheme limits the calculations to the assessment of the negative-sequence circuit of the gird. Relevant practical aspects that have not been properly addressed in the literature, namely the non-simultaneous opening of circuit breakers (CBs) and their single-pole tripping for single-phase to ground faults are investigated. The linearity of the formulations derived removes concerns over convergence speed and potential time-synchronization challenges. The proposed scheme is able to identify the faulted line and retain this capability for hundreds of milliseconds following the fault inception. More than 20 000 simulations conducted on the IEEE 39-bus test system verify the effectiveness of the proposed WABP scheme

    Development and application of synchronized wide-area power grid measurement

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    Phasor measurement units (PMUs) provide an innovative technology for real-time monitoring of the operational state of entire power systems and significantly improve power grid dynamic observability. This dissertation focuses on development and application of synchronized power grid measurements. The contributions of this dissertation are as followed:First, a novel method for successive approximation register analog to digital converter control in PMUs is developed to compensate for the sampling time error caused by the division remainder between the desirable sampling rate and the oscillator frequency. A variable sampling interval control method is presented by interlacing two integers under a proposed criterion. The frequency of the onboard oscillator is monitored in using the PPS from GPS.Second, the prevalence of GPS signal loss (GSL) on PMUs is first investigated using real PMU data. The correlation between GSL and time, spatial location, solar activity are explored via comprehensive statistical analysis. Furthermore, the impact of GSL on phasor measurement accuracy has been studied via experiments. Several potential solutions to mitigate the impact of GSL on PMUs are discussed and compared.Third, PMU integrated the novel sensors are presented. First, two innovative designs for non-contact PMUs presented. Compared with conventional synchrophasors, non-contact PMUs are more flexible and have lower costs. Moreover, to address nonlinear issues in conventional CT and PT, an optical sensor is used for signal acquisition in PMU. This is the first time the utilization of an optical sensor in PMUs has ever been reported.Fourth, the development of power grid phasor measurement function on an Android based mobile device is developed. The proposed device has the advantages of flexibility, easy installation, lower cost, data visualization and built-in communication channels, compared with conventional PMUs.Fifth, an identification method combining a wavelet-based signature extraction and artificial neural network based machine learning, is presented to identify the location of unsourced measurements. Experiments at multiple geographic scales are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method using ambient frequency measurements. Identification accuracy is presented and the factors that affect identification performance are discussed

    Wide-Area Identification of the Size and Location of Loss of Generation Events by Sparse PMUs

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    Timely identification of the size and location of loss of generation (LoG) events improves the effectiveness of remedial actions taken against this type of disturbances. This paper sets forth a novel method for LoG localization and size estimation by phasor measurements received in the control centre within a reasonable wait time following the event inception. The bus impedance matrix is utilized to obtain a transfer function from the LoG location to variations of voltage and current phasors following the event. This results in an overdetermined system of linear equations whose closed-form solution provides the LoG location and size based upon the sum of squared residuals concept. The proposed method removes the need for the reception of specific measurements in the control centre, and/or knowing the system inertia. This is in contrast with previous methods resorting to the swing equation of the centre of inertia. The method lends itself to real-time applications for its robustness against partial communication network failures and losses of the time synchronization signal. Extensive simulations conducted on the IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus test systems verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method over existing ones

    State of the art, challenges and prospects of wide-area event identification on transmission systems

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    The proliferation of advanced metering devices such as phasor measurement units (PMUs) along with communication systems readiness has opened new horizons for centralized protection and control of transmission systems. Wide-area event identification (WAEI) is considered an indispensable enabling block to these advanced applications. This paper is aimed at scrutinizing existing WAEI methods and discussing their prospects and shortcomings in improving the situational awareness of complex transmission systems. The disturbances of interest are those that significantly impact system operation and stability, namely short-circuit faults, line outages, and generation outages. The reluctance of system operators to entrust WAEI methods is discussed and linked to the inability of existing methods to deal with real-world challenges such as communication latencies, temporarily incomplete network observability, and the loss of the time synchronization signal. The superimposed-circuit concept is detailed and promoted as a powerful methodology with great unleashed potential for addressing these problems. The paper ends with remarks on the remaining research gaps that need to be addressed to fulfill the needs of power system operators, thus facilitating the uptake of WAEI methods in practice