6 research outputs found

    Virtuelle RealitÀt zur Bereitstellung integrierter Suchumgebungen

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    Das Exzellenzcluster Kognitive Interaktionstechnologie (CITEC) an der UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld beschĂ€ftigt sich seit 2013 mit der virtuellen RealitĂ€t (VR). Ausgehend von konkreten Projektkooperationen (Publikations- und Forschungsdatenmanagement) mit der UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek ist die Idee entstanden, mit der in 2016 neu angebotenen Konsumer-VR-Hardware die im Labor entwickelten Interaktionstechniken auf geeignete Szenarien im Bereich von bibliothekarischen Umgebungen anzuwenden. Als interessantes Anwendungsgebiet kristallisierte sich im gemeinsamen Diskurs die Literatursuche heraus: Als Suchsystem wurde die Bielefelder BASE-Datenbank (d.i. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine mit inzwischen mehr als 100 Mio. indexierten Dokumenten) ausgewĂ€hlt. Diese Auswahl erfolgte vor dem Hintergrund, dass sich die von zahlreichen externen Institutionen bereits genutzte API-Schnittstelle als universell und robust erwiesen hat und umfangreiche Funktionen bereitstellt. Auf der Grundlage der umfangreichen theoretischen und praktischen Erfahrungen des CITEC mit VRTechniken wurde der Prototyp fĂŒr eine virtuelle Suchumgebung realisiert, der ein Retrieval in einem Suchraum von Online-Dokumenten erlaubt. Die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer können die Suchanfrage explorativ zusammenstellen und dabei die Ergebnisse intuitiv verwalten. UnterstĂŒtzt werden sie dabei durch Ergebnisanzeige, Sortierung, Optimierung des Suchergebnisses mittels Suchverfeinerung (Drilldown-basiert) oder Anfrageerweiterung und Wiederverwendung von abgelegten Ergebnissen. Gleichzeitig wird der Zugriff- und Lizenzstatus visualisiert und die Detailanzeige der Metadaten des Objektes integriert.CITEC (Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology) at Bielefeld University has been engaged in virtual reality (VR) since 2013. Based on concrete joint project activities (publication and research data management) together with Bielefeld University Library the idea emerged to use consumer-VR hardware to transfer laboratory interaction techniques to library environments. In our co-operation, discussions have focused on literature search. The partners decided to choose BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, indexing more than 100 million documents) not least because the BASE API is used by more than 200 external institutions, has proven to be robust, and offers a broad range of functionality. Based on the broad theoretical and practical experience of CITEC with VR technology, a prototype for a virtual search environment has been developed, supporting a search space of online documents. Users may construct a query in an explorative way and manage the results intuitively. This includes result display as well as optimizing the search results by means of search refinement (based on drilldown facets), search query adoption and re-use of contents. Besides that, the access and re-use status is visualized and the display of document metadata has been integrated

    An Immersive Memory Palace: Supporting the Method of Loci with Virtual Reality

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    We investigated the impact of an increased level of immersion on the effectiveness of the method of loci (also memory palace). This is an old memorization strategy which relies on the mental association between the learning content and spatial cues in an environment like an apartment (memory palace). An experiment was conducted in which the participants were assigned to one of two groups. Subjects were instructed to use the method of loci to memorize and recall five lists of words. These lists consisted of eleven words each. The first group was told to use a virtual environment, presented on a laptop, as a template for their memory palace. The second group received an immersive head-mounted-display to explore the memory palace in virtual reality (VR). It was hypothesized and partially shown, that the VR group outperforms the laptop group in terms of accuracy and actual use of the instructed method

    Immersive Ars Memoria: Evaluating the Usefulness of a Virtual Memory Palace

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    The Method of Loci (also memory palace) is the most powerful mnemonic strategy and was widely analyzed over the last twenty years. Especially, the approach to combine this ancient learning method with modern technology got more and more into the focus of an interdisciplinary research community. Researchers presented their students virtual environments via computer screen or head-mounted displays and instructed them to use these virtual worlds as a template for a memory palace. However, most studies did not investigate the users’ attitude to actually use such a tool in everyday situations. This study addresses this research gap by an experiment and a correlation and regression analysis. Results show significant correlations between the learning success and important factors of the users intention to use a virtual memory palace

    Imaginary Versus Virtual Loci: Evaluating the Memorization Accuracy in a Virtual Memory Palace

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    The Method of Loci (MOL) is a mnemonic strategy to memorize declarative knowledge. In the late 90s researchers started to experimentally analyze the MOL by providing their participants a virtual world. This digital environment was meant to serve the users as a template for their personal memory palace. Past studies differed in central aspects of their experimental design. One difference is that earlier studies integrated the learning content in multiple and different ways. The design of the learning content is an essential aspect and should make a difference based on cognitive theories. This study analyzes if participants perform better with virtually presented learning content or if the MOL works better when users have to imagine the content. Results encourage future concepts of the virtual MOL to implement the learning content in the environment

    Misplacing memories? An enactive approach to the virtual memory palace

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    In this paper, we evaluate the pragmatic turn towards embodied, enactive thinking in cognitive science, in the context of recent empirical research on the memory palace technique. The memory palace is a powerful method for remembering yet it faces two problems. First, cognitive scientists are currently unable to clarify its efficacy. Second, the technique faces significant practical challenges to its users. Virtual reality devices are sometimes presented as a way to solve these practical challenges, but currently fall short of delivering on that promise. We address both issues in this paper. First, we argue that an embodied, enactive approach to memory can better help us understand the effectiveness of the memory palace. Second, we present design recommendations for a virtual memory palace. Our theoretical proposal and design recommendations contribute to solving both problems and provide reasons for preferring an embodied, enactive account over an information-processing treatment of the memory palace

    Virtuelle GedÀchtnispalÀste: Der Einfluss der Gestaltung auf die Erinnerungsleistung

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of an innovative learning software that combines modern technology with an ancient learning method. The introduction briefly describes the current situation on education in the digital transformation and explains how an ancient mnemonic technique, the loci method (or "memory palace"), is being revived in current research. In the traditional version, one must imagine a familiar environment, which then serves as a memory palace. In this memory palace, the learning content is memorized along a route with unusual images. This process is repeated until one is able to walk through the memory palace again in one's mind and "pick up" the contents. The software-supported variant of the loci method is called "virtual memory palace". Here, the training is no longer done in thought, but with the help of a virtual environment, for example on a computer screen. The introduction is followed by theoretical basics on the topics of learning, the loci method, and the aspect of design. This is followed by a structured literature review, which leads to the research question of whether the design of a virtual memory palace has an influence on memory performance. An appropriate research methodology is then evaluated. The argument derives a design-oriented approach used to investigate a research model with multiple cycles and three identified design-relevant domains. The results of the research show that the design of a virtual memory palace does indeed have a significant impact on memory performance. The following implications, hints for future research projects on this topic, as well as a general conclusion are described in the last chapter.Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung einer innovativen Lern-Software, die moderne Technologie mit einer antiken Lernmethode verknĂŒpft. Die Einleitung beschreibt in KĂŒrze die aktuelle Situation zum Thema Bildung in der digitalen Transformation und erklĂ€rt wie eine antike Mnemotechnik, die Loci-Methode (oder auch „GedĂ€chtnispalast“), in der aktuellen Forschung wiederbelebt wird. In der traditionellen Variante muss man sich eine gewohnte Umgebung vorstellen, die dann als GedĂ€chtnispalast dient. Die Lerninhalte werden in diesem GedĂ€chtnispalast entlang einer Route mit ungewöhnlichen Bildern eingeprĂ€gt. Dieser Vorgang wird wiederholt, bis man in der Lage ist seinen GedĂ€chtnispalast in Gedanken erneut abzulaufen, und die Inhalte „abzuholen“. Die softwaregestĂŒtzte Variante der Loci- Methode nennt sich „virtueller GedĂ€chtnispalast“. Hierbei erfolgt das Training nicht mehr in Gedanken, sondern mithilfe einer virtuellen Umgebung, zum Beispiel an einem Computer Bildschirm. Nach der Einleitung folgen theoretische Grund- lagen zu den Themen Lernen, der Loci-Methode und dem Aspekt Design. Daraufhin wird eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse beschrieben, die in der Forschungsfrage mĂŒndet, ob das Design eines virtuellen GedĂ€chtnispalastes einen Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Danach wird eine passende Forschungsmethodik evaluiert. Die Argumentation leitet eine gestaltungsorientierte Herangehensweise her, die dazu dient ein Forschungsmodell mit mehreren Zyklen und drei identifizierten gestaltungsrelevanten Bereichen zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Gestaltung eines virtuellen GedĂ€chtnispalastes tatsĂ€chlich signifikanten Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Daraus folgende Implikationen, Hinweise fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschungsvorhaben in diesem Thema, als auch eine allgemeine Schlussfolgerung werden im letzten Kapitel beschrieben