19 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Risk Factors of Supply Chain Management in Indian Manufacturing Organizations

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    Today organizations of any magnitude have heavily integrated supply chain. The supply chain management consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly in fulfilling customer request. There is an immense growth which has expanded from the traditional point of view as not only of physical distribution of materials but also to services. Implementing supply chain risk management has been troubleshooting in many organizations. In practice assessing risk management in supply chain is rather underdeveloped and often dealt with informal and reactive manner. As risk management issues today is subjected to substantial research and the organizations are trying to mitigate the risk issues so as to maintain the smooth operation of supply chain. The purpose of this paper is to identify and prioritize the risk factors in context to supply chain management of Indian manufacturing organizations. The research presented here is specifically targeted to Indian manufacturing organizations which are managing the supply chain operations. This paper deals with the risk issues and thus empirically assesses which risk factors are most influencing one in supply chain operations which must be given careful attention

    Supply Chain Coordination Competency and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study

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    Thispaper presents a model to conduct an empirical study in Indian industries toimprove the performance of their supply chain. The present research focuses onvarious variables that affect coordination and performance of supply chain of amanufacturing company. In a survey, variables helping in improving coordinationand performance of the supply chain have been gauged. With the help of factoranalysis, top priority variables have been identified. The findings show that contracts, standardizationof rules, joint cost minimization, risk and reward sharing and uses ofelectronic data interchange (EDI) have a significant influence on the coordination.Learning and growth, better product quality, reduced customer complaints, profitsmargin and customer service level are emerged as top level performance indicatorsof manufacturing organizations. Further, a framework is suggested, thatincludes the relationship between top priority variables of supply chaincoordination and firm performance. Keywords: Supply chain management, Supplychain coordination, coordination mechanisms, Firm performance, Factor analysi

    e-HR Systems Implementation: A Conceptual Framework

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) enable innovative ways of carrying on routine organizational tasks via the power of virtual work environment. Piggy-backing on the success of E-commerce systems, organizations are increasingly making use of Web-based Human Resource Management (e-HR) systems. These systems offer organizations the promise of huge performance improvement as well as of overhauling the entire HR function itself. This latter possibility is expected to offer competitive advantage to organizations. However, it is not known (a) at what level of sophistication should organizations pitch their e-HR systems and (b) what contextual factors moderate the relationship between e-HR systems implementation and their benefits. In this research-in-progress paper we offer a conceptual framework and a research plan to develop a theory of e-HR systems implementation

    Theory borrowing in IT-rich contexts : lessons from IS strategy research

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    While indigenous theorizing in information systems has clear merits, theory borrowing will not, and should not, be eschewed given its appeal and usefulness. In this article, we aim at increasing our understanding of modifying of borrowed theories in IT-rich contexts. We present a framework in which we discuss how two recontextualization approaches of specification and distinction help with increasing the IT-richness of borrowed constructs and relationships. In doing so, we use several illustrative examples from information systems strategy. The framework can be used by researchers as a tool to explore the multitude of ways in which a theory from another discipline can yield the understanding of IT phenomena

    Hubungan antara Tipologi Strategi Kompetitif, Kematangan Teknologi Informasi, dan Ukuran Perusahaan Perbankan dengan Respon Strategik dalam Menghadapi Globalisasi

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    The globalization of competition has caused many banking firms in the financial service industry to integrate their information systems. Based on a selective review of literature in strategic and information management disciplines, this research is developed to study the banking firms' strategic response in order to face APEC Free Trade Agreements. This study describes the relationship between competitive strategy typology, information technology maturity, and firms’ size with firms' strategic response to APEC Free Trade Agreements. The firms' strategic response is reflected by the firms' willingness to increase the information technology investment.According to a survey of 66 banking firms in the financial service industry, competitive strategy typology does not have relationship with the banking firms' willingness to increase the information technology investment. Nevertheless, this study shows that information technology maturity and firms' size have relationship with the banking firms' willingness in order to increase the information technology investment

    Organisational Size Measurement in IS Research: Implications and Consequences of Using Different Metrics

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    Organisational size is an important research variable in information systems research. Prior research has identified a large number of organisational size metrics in use in the published information systems research literature. However, many researchers offer little supportive discussion for their choice of size metric. This paper documents a pilot study to determine the effects of using different organisational size metrics. The study takes a dataset from an existing study and analyses a group of research hypotheses in terms of different organisational size metrics in an operational research context. It is the thesis of this paper that if researchers do not pay attention to the size metric in use, they risk delivering erroneous results. Additionally, due to the high amount of extant literature available, researchers are easily able to unwittingly justify these results. The paper makes several important findings. First, the outcome of hypothesis testing depends on the metric used. Second, this effect does not appear to be systematic. Third, regardless of the outcome of this hypothesis testing, the results can be justified

    Defining CSFs for information systems strategic planning in holding companies: a case study of an Iranian managerial holding company (system group)

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    Holding companies (HCs) differ in their nature and behavior from other types of companies. Their role is to support, control and budget their subsidiaries. In general, HCs do not compete directly with one another, as it is difficult to find two HCs with the same product and service portfolios. Competition occurs instead at the subsidiary level against companies, which may or may not be part of other HCs, in overlapping markets with similar products and services. This concept of competition, which differs from that of typical commercial companies, is central to the development of HC strategies for supporting and controlling their subsidiaries. Information Systems Strategic Planning (ISSP) attempts to align information systems strategy with business strategy by directing the investment in information systems so as to satisfy strategic goals. Traditionally, ISSP methodologies have addressed the definition of information systems for Strategic Business Units (SBU). This research demonstrates, using a case study of an Iranian Managerial Holding Company, how ISSP can be applied instead to Strategic Business Processes (SBP). It illustrates how to define Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Information System Needs (ISN) on Strategic Processes instead of Strategic Units. Moreover, this study combines the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) with a statistical questionnaire survey to define strategic processes

    Stakeholder Involvement in Business Process Management Agenda-Setting and Implementation

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    Process management serves the design of IT and organizations, while multiple actors have stakes in setting the agenda and implementing process innovations. These stakeholders, from both inside and outside an organization‟s boundaries, constitute integral elements of a larger network of actors. The stimulation and utilization of such networks are critical success factors for process management and innovation initiatives. Without the inclusion of stakeholders, adaption of organizational processes to a dynamic environment can be expected to be less effective and less successful. Although the importance of process management networks and stakeholder inclusion is widely acknowledged in the literature, current research lacks a thorough empirically informed understanding of the phenomenon. Taking the public sector example, this paper sets out to study empirically the involvement of different stakeholders and to develop a theory for analysis of process management collaboration. We conduct a comprehensive quantitative survey of more than 350 organizations and apply principle component analysis to identify distinct sets of stakeholders. Empirical evidence is provided for collaborative patterns of internal actors, vertical collaboration partners, horizontal collaboration partners, political actors, commercial actors, and customers. These patterns can serve as generic theory constructs, building blocks, for future research on process management stakeholders and solving issue in research and practice regarding stakeholder involvement

    Evaluation of Process Management in Production Systems

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    Oblast procesního řízení zastává stále zvyšující se význam ve fungování organizací a má pozitivní vliv na jejich úspěšnost. S ohledem na dynamicky se rozvíjející tržní prostředí je jeho neodmyslitelný význam také součástí strategického rozvoje podniků. Pokud se organizace rozhodne zavádět procesní řízení a své aktivity řídit, měla by být také schopna své procesy měřit a vyhodnocovat. To ji dává možnost účelně a efektivně řídit procesy a odhalovat nedostatky pro tvorbu strategie postavení podniku na konkurenčním trhu. Disertační práce přichází s novým modelem hodnocení procesního řízení v produkčních systémech, který podniky mohou využít jako vodítko pro svůj další rozvoj. V práci uvedené poznatky a skutečnosti přinášejí zcela nový pohled na oblast procesního řízení a jeho hodnocení u produkčních systémů. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce je navrhnout hodnocení úrovně procesního řízení v produkčních systémech na základě teoretického výzkumu a praktických zkušeností podniků z řešené oblasti. Navržené řešení pak bylo ověřeno terénním výzkumem ve vybraných podnicích.Business Process Management, the object of this thesis, has still growing importance in the functioning of the organization, and has a positive impact on its success. In the view of a dynamic market environment, Business Process Management has an inherent importance in the strategic business development. When an organization decides to implement process control and manage its activities, it should be also able to measure its processes and evaluate them. This ability gives the organization the possibility to efficiently and effectively manage processes and identify shortcomings for creation of business strategy on a competitive market. This dissertation presents a new evaluation model of a process control in the production systems, which organizations can use as a guide for further development. This work brings a new perspective in the field of process control and its evaluation of the production systems. The main objective of this dissertation is to design the assessment of the process control levels in the production systems on the basis of theoretical research and practical experience. The proposed solution was then verified by field research in selected organizations.


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    Tujuan penelitian – Penelitian ini ditunjukan untuk melihat perbedaan pengukuran kinerja akuntansi pada dua tipe strategi organisasional prospector dan defender. Kemudian juga bertujuan untuk menguji variabel independen yang di proyeksikan dari pertumbuhan laba, pertumbuhan penjualan, deviden payout ratio dan return on investment terhadap return saham.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Analisis yang digunakan adalah Principal Component Analysis. Sampel dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan diperoleh 32 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel.Temuan – Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan secara signifikan antara pertumbuhan laba dan pertumbuhan penjualan perusahaan prospector dan defender. Rata-rata pembayaran deviden perusahaan prospector lebih kecil dari perusahaan defender namun tidak signifikan. Rata-rata return on investment (ROI) perusahaan prospector lebih tinggi dari perusahaan defender dan perbedaan ini signifikan.Keterbatasan penelitian – Penelitian ini menggunakan empat variabel yaitu, rasio jumlah karyawan terhadap jumlah penjualan bersih (KARPEN), rasio Price to Book Value (PBV), rasio belanja modal terhadap total aset (CETA), dan rasio belanja modal terhadap nilai pasar ekuitas (CEMVE).Originality/value – Penelitian ini menambahkan variabel return on investment (ROI) sebagai indikator pengukuran kinerja akuntansi, seperti yang disarankan oleh Habbe dan Hartono (2001) serta Saraswati dan Atmini (2007) pada penelitian terdahulu. Keywords: Prospector   dan   Defender,   Pertumbuhan   Laba,   Pertumbuhan Penjualan, Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Return On Investment (ROI), Return Saham