3 research outputs found

    Pemahaman pelajar tingkatan lima katering terhadap bab kaedah memasak dalam mata pelajaran teknologi katering

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    Bab Kaedah Memasak merupakan salah satu bab yang penting dalam mata pelajaran Teknologi Katering. Faktor terpenting adalah memastikan pelajar menguasai serta memahami konsepnya adalah melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang betul. Tinjauan awal di Sekolah Menengah Teknik yang menawarkan Kursus Katering, menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan pelajar sukar untuk menguasai dan memahami bab tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan , pengkaji ingin mengenalpasti pemasalahan dalam memahami bab tersebut. Di samping itu juga, pengkaji ingin mengenalpasti adakah pencapaian pelajar dalam PMR, minat, motivasi dan gaya pembelajaran mempengaruhi pemahaman pelajar, Kajian rintis telah dilakukan terhadap 10 orang responden dengan nilai alpha 0.91. Ini menunjukkan kebolehpercayaan terhadap kajian di jalankan adalah tinggi. Responden adalah terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar Tingkatan Lima (ERT) Sekolah Menengah Teknik Muar, Johor. Keputusan skor min keseluruhan menunjukkan pelajar berminat dan mempunyai motivasi ynag baik dalam bidang ini. Namun begitu, gaya pembelajaran yang diamalkan tidak sesuai dan antara pemyebab wujudnya pemasalahan dalam memahami bab Kaedah Memasak. Ujian kolerasi menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang hubungan signifikan antara pencapaian PMR pelajar dengan pemahaman bab tersebut. Sementara minat, motivasi dan gaya pembelajaran membuktikan ada hubungan signifikan dengan pemahaman pelajar dalam bab Kaedah Memasak

    Immune systems inspired multi-robot cooperative shepherding

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    Certain tasks require multiple robots to cooperate in order to solve them. The main problem with multi-robot systems is that they are inherently complex and usually situated in a dynamic environment. Now, biological immune systems possess a natural distributed control and exhibit real-time adaptivity, properties that are required to solve problems in multi-robot systems. In this thesis, biological immune systems and their response to external elements to maintain an organism's health state are researched. The objective of this research is to propose immune-inspired approaches to cooperation, to establish an adaptive cooperation algorithm, and to determine the refinements that can be applied in relation to cooperation. Two immune-inspired models that are based on the immune network theory are proposed, namely the Immune Network T-cell-regulated---with Memory (INT-M) and the Immune Network T-cell-regulated---Cross-Reactive (INT-X) models. The INT-M model is further studied where the results have suggested that the model is feasible and suitable to be used, especially in the multi-robot cooperative shepherding domain. The Collecting task in the RoboShepherd scenario and the application of the INT-M algorithm for multi-robot cooperation are discussed. This scenario provides a highly dynamic and complex situation that has wide applicability in real-world problems. The underlying 'mechanism of cooperation' in the immune inspired model (INT-M) is verified to be adaptive in this chosen scenario. Several multi-robot cooperative shepherding factors are studied and refinements proposed, notably methods used for Shepherds' Approach, Shepherds' Formation and Steering Points' Distance. This study also recognises the importance of flock identification in relation to cooperative shepherding, and the Connected Components Labelling method to overcome the related problem is presented. Further work is suggested on the proposed INT-X model that was not implemented in this study, since it builds on top of the INT-M algorithm and its refinements. This study can also be extended to include other shepherding behaviours, further investigation of other useful features of biological immune systems, and the application of the proposed models to other cooperative tasks

    Immuno-inspired heterogeneous mobile robotic systems

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