582 research outputs found

    Beyond Gazing, Pointing, and Reaching: A Survey of Developmental Robotics

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    Developmental robotics is an emerging field located at the intersection of developmental psychology and robotics, that has lately attracted quite some attention. This paper gives a survey of a variety of research projects dealing with or inspired by developmental issues, and outlines possible future directions

    Transformer-based deep imitation learning for dual-arm robot manipulation

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    Deep imitation learning is promising for solving dexterous manipulation tasks because it does not require an environment model and pre-programmed robot behavior. However, its application to dual-arm manipulation tasks remains challenging. In a dual-arm manipulation setup, the increased number of state dimensions caused by the additional robot manipulators causes distractions and results in poor performance of the neural networks. We address this issue using a self-attention mechanism that computes dependencies between elements in a sequential input and focuses on important elements. A Transformer, a variant of self-attention architecture, is applied to deep imitation learning to solve dual-arm manipulation tasks in the real world. The proposed method has been tested on dual-arm manipulation tasks using a real robot. The experimental results demonstrated that the Transformer-based deep imitation learning architecture can attend to the important features among the sensory inputs, therefore reducing distractions and improving manipulation performance when compared with the baseline architecture without the self-attention mechanisms.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted in 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    An Energy-based Approach to Ensure the Stability of Learned Dynamical Systems

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    Non-linear dynamical systems represent a compact, flexible, and robust tool for reactive motion generation. The effectiveness of dynamical systems relies on their ability to accurately represent stable motions. Several approaches have been proposed to learn stable and accurate motions from demonstration. Some approaches work by separating accuracy and stability into two learning problems, which increases the number of open parameters and the overall training time. Alternative solutions exploit single-step learning but restrict the applicability to one regression technique. This paper presents a single-step approach to learn stable and accurate motions that work with any regression technique. The approach makes energy considerations on the learned dynamics to stabilize the system at run-time while introducing small deviations from the demonstrated motion. Since the initial value of the energy injected into the system affects the reproduction accuracy, it is estimated from training data using an efficient procedure. Experiments on a real robot and a comparison on a public benchmark shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 202

    Merging Position and Orientation Motion Primitives

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    In this paper, we focus on generating complex robotic trajectories by merging sequential motion primitives. A robotic trajectory is a time series of positions and orientations ending at a desired target. Hence, we first discuss the generation of converging pose trajectories via dynamical systems, providing a rigorous stability analysis. Then, we present approaches to merge motion primitives which represent both the position and the orientation part of the motion. Developed approaches preserve the shape of each learned movement and allow for continuous transitions among succeeding motion primitives. Presented methodologies are theoretically described and experimentally evaluated, showing that it is possible to generate a smooth pose trajectory out of multiple motion primitives

    Interactive Imitation Learning of Bimanual Movement Primitives

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    Performing bimanual tasks with dual robotic setups can drastically increase the impact on industrial and daily life applications. However, performing a bimanual task brings many challenges, like synchronization and coordination of the single-arm policies. This article proposes the Safe, Interactive Movement Primitives Learning (SIMPLe) algorithm, to teach and correct single or dual arm impedance policies directly from human kinesthetic demonstrations. Moreover, it proposes a novel graph encoding of the policy based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) where the single-arm motion is guaranteed to converge close to the trajectory and then towards the demonstrated goal. Regulation of the robot stiffness according to the epistemic uncertainty of the policy allows for easily reshaping the motion with human feedback and/or adapting to external perturbations. We tested the SIMPLe algorithm on a real dual-arm setup where the teacher gave separate single-arm demonstrations and then successfully synchronized them only using kinesthetic feedback or where the original bimanual demonstration was locally reshaped to pick a box at a different height

    Flexible Task Execution and Cognitive Control in Human-Robot Interaction

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    A robotic system that interacts with humans is expected to flexibly execute structured cooperative tasks while reacting to unexpected events and behaviors. In this thesis, these issues are faced presenting a framework that integrates cognitive control, executive attention, structured task execution and learning. In the proposed approach, the execution of structured tasks is guided by top-down (task-oriented) and bottom-up (stimuli-driven) attentional processes that affect behavior selection and activation, while resolving conflicts and decisional impasses. Specifically, attention is here deployed to stimulate the activations of multiple hierarchical behaviors orienting them towards the execution of finalized and interactive activities. On the other hand, this framework allows a human to indirectly and smoothly influence the robotic task execution exploiting attention manipulation. We provide an overview of the overall system architecture discussing the framework at work in different applicative contexts. In particular, we show that multiple concurrent tasks/plans can be effectively orchestrated and interleaved in a flexible manner; moreover, in a human-robot interaction setting, we test and assess the effectiveness of attention manipulation and learning processes

    Imitation Learning-based Visual Servoing for Tracking Moving Objects

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    In everyday life collaboration tasks between human operators and robots, the former necessitate simple ways for programming new skills, the latter have to show adaptive capabilities to cope with environmental changes. The joint use of visual servoing and imitation learning allows us to pursue the objective of realizing friendly robotic interfaces that (i) are able to adapt to the environment thanks to the use of visual perception and (ii) avoid explicit programming thanks to the emulation of previous demonstrations. This work aims to exploit imitation learning for the visual servoing paradigm to address the specific problem of tracking moving objects. In particular, we show that it is possible to infer from data the compensation term required for realizing the tracking controller, avoiding the explicit implementation of estimators or observers. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been validated through simulations with a robotic manipulator.Comment: International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR), 202

    Symbolic Task Compression in Structured Task Learning

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    Learning everyday tasks from human demonstrations requires unsupervised segmentation of seamless demonstrations, which may result in highly fragmented and widely spread symbolic representations. Since the time needed to plan the task depends on the amount of possible behaviors, it is preferable to keep the number of behaviors as low as possible. In this work, we present an approach to simplify the symbolic representation of a learned task which leads to a reduction of the number of possible behaviors. The simplification is achieved by merging sequential behaviors, i.e. behaviors which are logically sequential and act on the same object. Assuming that the task at hand is encoded in a rooted tree, the approach traverses the tree searching for sequential nodes (behaviors) to merge. Using simple rules to assign pre- and post-conditions to each node, our approach significantly reduces the number of nodes, while keeping unaltered the task flexibility and avoiding perceptual aliasing. Experiments on automatically generated and learned tasks show a significant reduction of the planning time
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