647 research outputs found

    Survey of review spam detection using machine learning techniques

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    Imbalanced data classification and its application in cyber security

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    Cyber security, also known as information technology security or simply as information security, aims to protect government organizations, companies and individuals by defending their computers, servers, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. With the advancement of client-side on the fly web content generation techniques, it becomes easier for attackers to modify the content of a website dynamically and gain access to valuable information. The impact of cybercrime to the global economy is now more than ever, and it is growing day by day. Among various types of cybercrimes, financial attacks are widely spread and the financial sector is among most targeted. Both corporations and individuals are losing a huge amount of money each year. The majority portion of financial attacks is carried out by banking malware and web-based attacks. The end users are not always skilled enough to differentiate between injected content and actual contents of a webpage. Designing a real-time security system for ensuring a safe browsing experience is a challenging task. Some of the existing solutions are designed for client side and all the users have to install it in their system, which is very difficult to implement. In addition, various platforms and tools are used by organizations and individuals, therefore, different solutions are needed to be designed. The existing server-side solution often focuses on sanitizing and filtering the inputs. It will fail to detect obfuscated and hidden scripts. This is a realtime security system and any significant delay will hamper user experience. Therefore, finding the most optimized and efficient solution is very important. To ensure an easy installation and integration capabilities of any solution with the existing system is also a critical factor to consider. If the solution is efficient but difficult to integrate, then it may not be a feasible solution for practical use. Unsupervised and supervised data classification techniques have been widely applied to design algorithms for solving cyber security problems. The performance of these algorithms varies depending on types of cyber security problems and size of datasets. To date, existing algorithms do not achieve high accuracy in detecting malware activities. Datasets in cyber security and, especially those from financial sectors, are predominantly imbalanced datasets as the number of malware activities is significantly less than the number of normal activities. This means that classifiers for imbalanced datasets can be used to develop supervised data classification algorithms to detect malware activities. Development of classifiers for imbalanced data sets has been subject of research over the last decade. Most of these classifiers are based on oversampling and undersampling techniques and are not efficient in many situations as such techniques are applied globally. In this thesis, we develop two new algorithms for solving supervised data classification problems in imbalanced datasets and then apply them to solve malware detection problems. The first algorithm is designed using the piecewise linear classifiers by formulating this problem as an optimization problem and by applying the penalty function method. More specifically, we add more penalty to the objective function for misclassified points from minority classes. The second method is based on the combination of the supervised and unsupervised (clustering) algorithms. Such an approach allows one to identify areas in the input space where minority classes are located and to apply local oversampling or undersampling. This approach leads to the design of more efficient and accurate classifiers. The proposed algorithms are tested using real-world datasets. Results clearly demonstrate superiority of newly introduced algorithms. Then we apply these algorithms to design classifiers to detect malwares.Doctor of Philosoph

    A reduced labeled samples (RLS) framework for classification of imbalanced concept-drifting streaming data.

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    Stream processing frameworks are designed to process the streaming data that arrives in time. An example of such data is stream of emails that a user receives every day. Most of the real world data streams are also imbalanced as is in the stream of emails, which contains few spam emails compared to a lot of legitimate emails. The classification of the imbalanced data stream is challenging due to the several reasons: First of all, data streams are huge and they can not be stored in the memory for one time processing. Second, if the data is imbalanced, the accuracy of the majority class mostly dominates the results. Third, data streams are changing over time, and that causes degradation in the model performance. Hence the model should get updated when such changes are detected. Finally, the true labels of the all samples are not available immediately after classification, and only a fraction of the data is possible to get labeled in real world applications. That is because the labeling is expensive and time consuming. In this thesis, a framework for modeling the streaming data when the classes of the data samples are imbalanced is proposed. This framework is called Reduced Labeled Samples (RLS). RLS is a chunk based learning framework that builds a model using partially labeled data stream, when the characteristics of the data change. In RLS, a fraction of the samples are labeled and are used in modeling, and the performance is not significantly different from that of the 100% labeling. RLS maintains an ensemble of classifiers to boost the performance. RLS uses the information from labeled data in a supervised fashion, and also is extended to use the information from unlabeled data in a semi supervised fashion. RLS addresses both binary and multi class partially labeled data stream and the results show the basis of RLS is effective even in the context of multi class classification problems. Overall, the RLS is shown to be an effective framework for processing imbalanced and partially labeled data streams

    Process-Oriented Stream Classification Pipeline:A Literature Review

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    Featured Application: Nowadays, many applications and disciplines work on the basis of stream data. Common examples are the IoT sector (e.g., sensor data analysis), or video, image, and text analysis applications (e.g., in social media analytics or astronomy). With our work, we gather different approaches and terminology, and give a broad overview over the topic. Our main target groups are practitioners and newcomers to the field of data stream classification. Due to the rise of continuous data-generating applications, analyzing data streams has gained increasing attention over the past decades. A core research area in stream data is stream classification, which categorizes or detects data points within an evolving stream of observations. Areas of stream classification are diverse—ranging, e.g., from monitoring sensor data to analyzing a wide range of (social) media applications. Research in stream classification is related to developing methods that adapt to the changing and potentially volatile data stream. It focuses on individual aspects of the stream classification pipeline, e.g., designing suitable algorithm architectures, an efficient train and test procedure, or detecting so-called concept drifts. As a result of the many different research questions and strands, the field is challenging to grasp, especially for beginners. This survey explores, summarizes, and categorizes work within the domain of stream classification and identifies core research threads over the past few years. It is structured based on the stream classification process to facilitate coordination within this complex topic, including common application scenarios and benchmarking data sets. Thus, both newcomers to the field and experts who want to widen their scope can gain (additional) insight into this research area and find starting points and pointers to more in-depth literature on specific issues and research directions in the field.</p

    Dynamic adversarial mining - effectively applying machine learning in adversarial non-stationary environments.

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    While understanding of machine learning and data mining is still in its budding stages, the engineering applications of the same has found immense acceptance and success. Cybersecurity applications such as intrusion detection systems, spam filtering, and CAPTCHA authentication, have all begun adopting machine learning as a viable technique to deal with large scale adversarial activity. However, the naive usage of machine learning in an adversarial setting is prone to reverse engineering and evasion attacks, as most of these techniques were designed primarily for a static setting. The security domain is a dynamic landscape, with an ongoing never ending arms race between the system designer and the attackers. Any solution designed for such a domain needs to take into account an active adversary and needs to evolve over time, in the face of emerging threats. We term this as the ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’ problem, and the presented work provides the foundation for this new interdisciplinary area of research, at the crossroads of Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and Streaming Data Mining. We start with a white hat analysis of the vulnerabilities of classification systems to exploratory attack. The proposed ‘Seed-Explore-Exploit’ framework provides characterization and modeling of attacks, ranging from simple random evasion attacks to sophisticated reverse engineering. It is observed that, even systems having prediction accuracy close to 100%, can be easily evaded with more than 90% precision. This evasion can be performed without any information about the underlying classifier, training dataset, or the domain of application. Attacks on machine learning systems cause the data to exhibit non stationarity (i.e., the training and the testing data have different distributions). It is necessary to detect these changes in distribution, called concept drift, as they could cause the prediction performance of the model to degrade over time. However, the detection cannot overly rely on labeled data to compute performance explicitly and monitor a drop, as labeling is expensive and time consuming, and at times may not be a possibility altogether. As such, we propose the ‘Margin Density Drift Detection (MD3)’ algorithm, which can reliably detect concept drift from unlabeled data only. MD3 provides high detection accuracy with a low false alarm rate, making it suitable for cybersecurity applications; where excessive false alarms are expensive and can lead to loss of trust in the warning system. Additionally, MD3 is designed as a classifier independent and streaming algorithm for usage in a variety of continuous never-ending learning systems. We then propose a ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’ based learning framework, for learning in non-stationary and adversarial environments, which provides ‘security by design’. The proposed ‘Predict-Detect’ classifier framework, aims to provide: robustness against attacks, ease of attack detection using unlabeled data, and swift recovery from attacks. Ideas of feature hiding and obfuscation of feature importance are proposed as strategies to enhance the learning framework\u27s security. Metrics for evaluating the dynamic security of a system and recover-ability after an attack are introduced to provide a practical way of measuring efficacy of dynamic security strategies. The framework is developed as a streaming data methodology, capable of continually functioning with limited supervision and effectively responding to adversarial dynamics. The developed ideas, methodology, algorithms, and experimental analysis, aim to provide a foundation for future work in the area of ‘Dynamic Adversarial Mining’, wherein a holistic approach to machine learning based security is motivated

    Feature Partitioning for the Co-Traning Setting

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    Supervised learning algorithms rely on availability of labeled data. Labeled data is either scarce or involves substantial human effort in the labeling process. These two factors, along with the abundance of unlabeled data, have spurred research initiatives that exploit unlabeled data to boost supervised learning. This genre of learning algorithms that utilize unlabeled data alongside a small set of labeled data are known as semi-supervised learning algorithms. Data characteristics, such as the presence of a generative model, provide the foundation for applying these learning algorithms. Co-training is one such al gorithm that leverages existence of two redundant views for a data instance. Based on these two views, the co-training algorithm trains two classifiers using the labeled data. The small set of labeled data results in a pair of weak classi fiers. With the help of the unlabeled data the two classifiers alternately boost each other to achieve a high-accuracy classifier. The conditions imposed by the co-training algorithm regarding the data characteristics restrict its application to data that possesses a natural split of the feature set. In this thesis we study the co-training setting and propose to overcome the above mentioned constraint by manufacturing feature splits. We pose and investigate the following questions: 1 . Can a feature split be constructed for a dataset such that the co-training algorithm can be applied to it? 2. If a feature split can be engineered, would splitting the features into more than two partitions give a better classifier? In essence, does moving from co-training (2 classifiers) to k-training (k-classifiers) help? 3. Is there an optimal number of views for a dataset such that k-training leads to an optimal classifier? The task of obtaining feature splits is approached by modeling the problem as a graph partitioning problem. Experiments are conducted on a breadth of text datasets. Results of k-training using constructed feature sets are compared with that of the expectation-maximization algorithm, which has been successful in a semi-supervised setting

    Approximation contexts in addressing graph data structures

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    While the application of machine learning algorithms to practical problems has been expanded from fixed sized input data to sequences, trees or graphs input data, the composition of learning system has developed from a single model to integrated ones. Recent advances in graph based learning algorithms include: the SOMSD (Self Organizing Map for Structured Data), PMGraphSOM (Probability Measure Graph Self Organizing Map,GNN (Graph Neural Network) and GLSVM (Graph Laplacian Support Vector Machine). A main motivation of this thesis is to investigate if such algorithms, whether by themselves individually or modified, or in various combinations, would provide better performance over the more traditional artificial neural networks or kernel machine methods on some practical challenging problems. More succinctly, this thesis seeks to answer the main research question: when or under what conditions/contexts could graph based models be adjusted and tailored to be most efficacious in terms of predictive or classification performance on some challenging practical problems? There emerges a range of sub-questions including: how do we craft an effective neural learning system which can be an integration of several graph and non-graph based models? Integration of various graph based and non graph based kernel machine algorithms; enhancing the capability of the integrated model in working with challenging problems; tackling the problem of long term dependency issues which aggravate the performance of layer-wise graph based neural systems. This thesis will answer these questions. Recent research on multiple staged learning models has demonstrated the efficacy of multiple layers of alternating unsupervised and supervised learning approaches. This underlies the very successful front-end feature extraction techniques in deep neural networks. However much exploration is still possible with the investigation of the number of layers required, and the types of unsupervised or supervised learning models which should be used. Such issues have not been considered so far, when the underlying input data structure is in the form of a graph. We will explore empirically the capabilities of models of increasing complexities, the combination of the unsupervised learning algorithms, SOM, or PMGraphSOM, with or without a cascade connection with a multilayer perceptron, and with or without being followed by multiple layers of GNN. Such studies explore the effects of including or ignoring context. A parallel study involving kernel machines with or without graph inputs has also been conducted empirically


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    This dissertation focuses on the problem of evolving social bots in online social networks, particularly Twitter. Such accounts spread misinformation and inflate social network content to mislead the masses. The main objective of this dissertation is to propose a stream-based evolving bot detection framework (SEBD), which was constructed using both graph- and feature-based models. It was built using Python, a real-time streaming engine (Apache Kafka version 3.2), and our pretrained model (bot multi-view graph attention network (Bot-MGAT)). The feature-based model was used to identify predictive features for bot detection and evaluate the SEBD predictions. The graph-based model was used to facilitate multiview graph attention networks (GATs) with fellowship links to build our framework for predicting account labels from streams. A probably approximately correct learning framework was applied to confirm the accuracy and confidence levels of SEBD.The results showed that the SEBD can effectively identify bots from streams and profile features are sufficient for detecting social bots. The pretrained Bot-MGAT model uses fellowship links to reveal hidden information that can aid in identifying bot accounts. The significant contributions of this study are the development of a stream based bot detection framework for detecting social bots based on a given hashtag and the proposal of a hybrid approach for feature selection to identify predictive features for identifying bot accounts. Our findings indicate that Twitter has a higher percentage of active bots than humans in hashtags. The results indicated that stream-based detection is more effective than offline detection by achieving accuracy score 96.9%. Finally, semi supervised learning (SSL) can solve the issue of labeled data in bot detection tasks
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