1,863 research outputs found

    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world

    Intraoperative Navigation Systems for Image-Guided Surgery

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    Recent technological advancements in medical imaging equipment have resulted in a dramatic improvement of image accuracy, now capable of providing useful information previously not available to clinicians. In the surgical context, intraoperative imaging provides a crucial value for the success of the operation. Many nontrivial scientific and technical problems need to be addressed in order to efficiently exploit the different information sources nowadays available in advanced operating rooms. In particular, it is necessary to provide: (i) accurate tracking of surgical instruments, (ii) real-time matching of images from different modalities, and (iii) reliable guidance toward the surgical target. Satisfying all of these requisites is needed to realize effective intraoperative navigation systems for image-guided surgery. Various solutions have been proposed and successfully tested in the field of image navigation systems in the last ten years; nevertheless several problems still arise in most of the applications regarding precision, usability and capabilities of the existing systems. Identifying and solving these issues represents an urgent scientific challenge. This thesis investigates the current state of the art in the field of intraoperative navigation systems, focusing in particular on the challenges related to efficient and effective usage of ultrasound imaging during surgery. The main contribution of this thesis to the state of the art are related to: Techniques for automatic motion compensation and therapy monitoring applied to a novel ultrasound-guided surgical robotic platform in the context of abdominal tumor thermoablation. Novel image-fusion based navigation systems for ultrasound-guided neurosurgery in the context of brain tumor resection, highlighting their applicability as off-line surgical training instruments. The proposed systems, which were designed and developed in the framework of two international research projects, have been tested in real or simulated surgical scenarios, showing promising results toward their application in clinical practice

    Computational ultrasound tissue characterisation for brain tumour resection

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    In brain tumour resection, it is vital to know where critical neurovascular structuresand tumours are located to minimise surgical injuries and cancer recurrence. Theaim of this thesis was to improve intraoperative guidance during brain tumourresection by integrating both ultrasound standard imaging and elastography in thesurgical workflow. Brain tumour resection requires surgeons to identify the tumourboundaries to preserve healthy brain tissue and prevent cancer recurrence. Thisthesis proposes to use ultrasound elastography in combination with conventionalultrasound B-mode imaging to better characterise tumour tissue during surgery.Ultrasound elastography comprises a set of techniques that measure tissue stiffness,which is a known biomarker of brain tumours. The objectives of the researchreported in this thesis are to implement novel learning-based methods for ultrasoundelastography and to integrate them in an image-guided intervention framework.Accurate and real-time intraoperative estimation of tissue elasticity can guide towardsbetter delineation of brain tumours and improve the outcome of neurosurgery. We firstinvestigated current challenges in quasi-static elastography, which evaluates tissuedeformation (strain) by estimating the displacement between successive ultrasoundframes, acquired before and after applying manual compression. Recent approachesin ultrasound elastography have demonstrated that convolutional neural networkscan capture ultrasound high-frequency content and produce accurate strain estimates.We proposed a new unsupervised deep learning method for strain prediction, wherethe training of the network is driven by a regularised cost function, composed of asimilarity metric and a regularisation term that preserves displacement continuityby directly optimising the strain smoothness. We further improved the accuracy of our method by proposing a recurrent network architecture with convolutional long-short-term memory decoder blocks to improve displacement estimation and spatio-temporal continuity between time series ultrasound frames. We then demonstrateinitial results towards extending our ultrasound displacement estimation method toshear wave elastography, which provides a quantitative estimation of tissue stiffness.Furthermore, this thesis describes the development of an open-source image-guidedintervention platform, specifically designed to combine intra-operative ultrasoundimaging with a neuronavigation system and perform real-time ultrasound tissuecharacterisation. The integration was conducted using commercial hardware andvalidated on an anatomical phantom. Finally, preliminary results on the feasibilityand safety of the use of a novel intraoperative ultrasound probe designed for pituitarysurgery are presented. Prior to the clinical assessment of our image-guided platform,the ability of the ultrasound probe to be used alongside standard surgical equipmentwas demonstrated in 5 pituitary cases

    Augmented Reality Ultrasound Guidance in Anesthesiology

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    Real-time ultrasound has become a mainstay in many image-guided interventions and increasingly popular in several percutaneous procedures in anesthesiology. One of the main constraints of ultrasound-guided needle interventions is identifying and distinguishing the needle tip from needle shaft in the image. Augmented reality (AR) environments have been employed to address challenges surrounding surgical tool visualization, navigation, and positioning in many image-guided interventions. The motivation behind this work was to explore the feasibility and utility of such visualization techniques in anesthesiology to address some of the specific limitations of ultrasound-guided needle interventions. This thesis brings together the goals, guidelines, and best development practices of functional AR ultrasound image guidance (AR-UIG) systems, examines the general structure of such systems suitable for applications in anesthesiology, and provides a series of recommendations for their development. The main components of such systems, including ultrasound calibration and system interface design, as well as applications of AR-UIG systems for quantitative skill assessment, were also examined in this thesis. The effects of ultrasound image reconstruction techniques, as well as phantom material and geometry on ultrasound calibration, were investigated. Ultrasound calibration error was reduced by 10% with synthetic transmit aperture imaging compared with B-mode ultrasound. Phantom properties were shown to have a significant effect on calibration error, which is a variable based on ultrasound beamforming techniques. This finding has the potential to alter how calibration phantoms are designed cognizant of the ultrasound imaging technique. Performance of an AR-UIG guidance system tailored to central line insertions was evaluated in novice and expert user studies. While the system outperformed ultrasound-only guidance with novice users, it did not significantly affect the performance of experienced operators. Although the extensive experience of the users with ultrasound may have affected the results, certain aspects of the AR-UIG system contributed to the lackluster outcomes, which were analyzed via a thorough critique of the design decisions. The application of an AR-UIG system in quantitative skill assessment was investigated, and the first quantitative analysis of needle tip localization error in ultrasound in a simulated central line procedure, performed by experienced operators, is presented. Most participants did not closely follow the needle tip in ultrasound, resulting in 42% unsuccessful needle placements and a 33% complication rate. Compared to successful trials, unsuccessful procedures featured a significantly greater (p=0.04) needle-tip to image-plane distance. Professional experience with ultrasound does not necessarily lead to expert level performance. Along with deliberate practice, quantitative skill assessment may reinforce clinical best practices in ultrasound-guided needle insertions. Based on the development guidelines, an AR-UIG system was developed to address the challenges in ultrasound-guided epidural injections. For improved needle positioning, this system integrated A-mode ultrasound signal obtained from a transducer housed at the tip of the needle. Improved needle navigation was achieved via enhanced visualization of the needle in an AR environment, in which B-mode and A-mode ultrasound data were incorporated. The technical feasibility of the AR-UIG system was evaluated in a preliminary user study. The results suggested that the AR-UIG system has the potential to outperform ultrasound-only guidance

    Image-guided transcranial focused ultrasound stimulates human primary somatosensory cortex

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    Focused ultrasound (FUS) has recently been investigated as a new mode of non-invasive brain stimulation, which offers exquisite spatial resolution and depth control. We report on the elicitation of explicit somatosensory sensations as well as accompanying evoked electroencephalographic (EEG) potentials induced by FUS stimulation of the human somatosensory cortex. As guided by individual-specific neuroimage data, FUS was transcranially delivered to the hand somatosensory cortex among healthy volunteers. The sonication elicited transient tactile sensations on the hand area contralateral to the sonicated hemisphere, with anatomical specificity of up to a finger, while EEG recordings revealed the elicitation of sonication-specific evoked potentials. Retrospective numerical simulation of the acoustic propagation through the skull showed that a threshold of acoustic intensity may exist for successful cortical stimulation. The neurological and neuroradiological assessment before and after the sonication, along with strict safety considerations through the individual-specific estimation of effective acoustic intensity in situ and thermal effects, showed promising initial safety profile; however, equal/more rigorous precautionary procedures are advised for future studies. The transient and localized stimulation of the brain using image-guided transcranial FUS may serve as a novel tool for the non-invasive assessment and modification of region-specific brain functionopen43

    Theoretical investigation of transgastric and intraductal approaches for ultrasound-based thermal therapy of the pancreas.

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    BackgroundThe goal of this study was to theoretically investigate the feasibility of intraductal and transgastric approaches to ultrasound-based thermal therapy of pancreatic tumors, and to evaluate possible treatment strategies.MethodsThis study considered ultrasound applicators with 1.2 mm outer diameter tubular transducers, which are inserted into the tissue to be treated by an endoscopic approach, either via insertion through the gastric wall (transgastric) or within the pancreatic duct lumen (intraductal). 8 patient-specific, 3D, transient, biothermal and acoustic finite element models were generated to model hyperthermia (n = 2) and ablation (n = 6), using sectored (210°-270°, n = 4) and 360° (n = 4) transducers for treatment of 3.3-17.0 cm3 tumors in the head (n = 5), body (n = 2), and tail (n = 1) of the pancreas. A parametric study was performed to determine appropriate treatment parameters as a function of tissue attenuation, blood perfusion rates, and distance to sensitive anatomy.ResultsParametric studies indicated that pancreatic tumors up to 2.5 or 2.7 cm diameter can be ablated within 10 min with the transgastric and intraductal approaches, respectively. Patient-specific simulations demonstrated that 67.1-83.3% of the volumes of four sample 3.3-11.4 cm3 tumors could be ablated within 3-10 min using transgastric or intraductal approaches. 55.3-60.0% of the volume of a large 17.0 cm3 tumor could be ablated using multiple applicator positions within 20-30 min with either transgastric or intraductal approaches. 89.9-94.7% of the volume of two 4.4-11.4 cm3 tumors could be treated with intraductal hyperthermia. Sectored applicators are effective in directing acoustic output away from and preserving sensitive structures. When acoustic energy is directed towards sensitive structures, applicators should be placed at least 13.9-14.8 mm from major vessels like the aorta, 9.4-12.0 mm from other vessels, depending on the vessel size and flow rate, and 14 mm from the duodenum.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated the feasibility of generating shaped or conformal ablative or hyperthermic temperature distributions within pancreatic tumors using transgastric or intraductal ultrasound

    Review of photoacoustic imaging plus X

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    Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a novel modality in biomedical imaging technology that combines the rich optical contrast with the deep penetration of ultrasound. To date, PAI technology has found applications in various biomedical fields. In this review, we present an overview of the emerging research frontiers on PAI plus other advanced technologies, named as PAI plus X, which includes but not limited to PAI plus treatment, PAI plus new circuits design, PAI plus accurate positioning system, PAI plus fast scanning systems, PAI plus novel ultrasound sensors, PAI plus advanced laser sources, PAI plus deep learning, and PAI plus other imaging modalities. We will discuss each technology's current state, technical advantages, and prospects for application, reported mostly in recent three years. Lastly, we discuss and summarize the challenges and potential future work in PAI plus X area