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    Image segmentation based on prior probabilistic shape models

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    Dynamical models and machine learning for supervised segmentation

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    This thesis is concerned with the problem of how to outline regions of interest in medical images, when the boundaries are weak or ambiguous and the region shapes are irregular. The focus on machine learning and interactivity leads to a common theme of the need to balance conflicting requirements. First, any machine learning method must strike a balance between how much it can learn and how well it generalises. Second, interactive methods must balance minimal user demand with maximal user control. To address the problem of weak boundaries,methods of supervised texture classification are investigated that do not use explicit texture features. These methods enable prior knowledge about the image to benefit any segmentation framework. A chosen dynamic contour model, based on probabilistic boundary tracking, combines these image priors with efficient modes of interaction. We show the benefits of the texture classifiers over intensity and gradient-based image models, in both classification and boundary extraction. To address the problem of irregular region shape, we devise a new type of statistical shape model (SSM) that does not use explicit boundary features or assume high-level similarity between region shapes. First, the models are used for shape discrimination, to constrain any segmentation framework by way of regularisation. Second, the SSMs are used for shape generation, allowing probabilistic segmentation frameworks to draw shapes from a prior distribution. The generative models also include novel methods to constrain shape generation according to information from both the image and user interactions. The shape models are first evaluated in terms of discrimination capability, and shown to out-perform other shape descriptors. Experiments also show that the shape models can benefit a standard type of segmentation algorithm by providing shape regularisers. We finally show how to exploit the shape models in supervised segmentation frameworks, and evaluate their benefits in user trials

    Posterior shape models

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    We present a method to compute the conditional distribution of a statistical shape model given partial data. The result is a "posterior shape model", which is again a statistical shape model of the same form as the original model. This allows its direct use in the variety of algorithms that include prior knowledge about the variability of a class of shapes with a statistical shape model. Posterior shape models then provide a statistically sound yet easy method to integrate partial data into these algorithms. Usually, shape models represent a complete organ, for instance in our experiments the femur bone, modeled by a multivariate normal distribution. But because in many application certain parts of the shape are known a priori, it is of great interest to model the posterior distribution of the whole shape given the known parts. These could be isolated landmark points or larger portions of the shape, like the healthy part of a pathological or damaged organ. However, because for most shape models the dimensionality of the data is much higher than the number of examples, the normal distribution is singular, and the conditional distribution not readily available. In this paper, we present two main contributions: First, we show how the posterior model can be efficiently computed as a statistical shape model in standard form and used in any shape model algorithm. We complement this paper with a freely available implementation of our algorithms. Second, we show that most common approaches put forth in the literature to overcome this are equivalent to probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA), and Gaussian Process regression. To illustrate the use of posterior shape models, we apply them on two problems from medical image analysis: model-based image segmentation incorporating prior knowledge from landmarks, and the prediction of anatomically correct knee shapes for trochlear dysplasia patients, which constitutes a novel medical application. Our experiments confirm that the use of conditional shape models for image segmentation improves the overall segmentation accuracy and robustness

    Probabilistic and geometric shape based segmentation methods.

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    Image segmentation is one of the most important problems in image processing, object recognition, computer vision, medical imaging, etc. In general, the objective of the segmentation is to partition the image into the meaningful areas using the existing (low level) information in the image and prior (high level) information which can be obtained using a number of features of an object. As stated in [1,2], the human vision system aims to extract and use as much information as possible in the image including but not limited to the intensity, possible motion of the object (in sequential images), spatial relations (interaction) as the existing information, and the shape of the object which is learnt from the experience as the prior information. The main objective of this dissertation is to couple the prior information with the existing information since the machine vision system cannot predict the prior information unless it is given. To label the image into meaningful areas, the chosen information is modelled to fit progressively in each of the regions by an optimization process. The intensity and spatial interaction (as the existing information) and shape (as the prior information) are modeled to obtain the optimum segmentation in this study. The intensity information is modelled using the Gaussian distribution. Spatial interaction that describes the relation between neighboring pixels/voxels is modelled by assuming that the pixel intensity depends on the intensities of the neighboring pixels. The shape model is obtained using occurrences of histogram of training shape pixels or voxels. The main objective is to capture the shape variation of the object of interest. Each pixel in the image will have three probabilities to be an object and a background class based on the intensity, spatial interaction, and shape models. These probabilistic values will guide the energy (cost) functionals in the optimization process. This dissertation proposes segmentation frameworks which has the following properties: i) original to solve some of the existing problems, ii) robust under various segmentation challenges, and iii) fast enough to be used in the real applications. In this dissertation, the models are integrated into different methods to obtain the optimum segmentation: 1) variational (can be considered as the spatially continuous), and 2) statistical (can be considered as the spatially discrete) methods. The proposed segmentation frameworks start with obtaining the initial segmentation using the intensity / spatial interaction models. The shape model, which is obtained using the training shapes, is registered to the image domain. Finally, the optimal segmentation is obtained using the optimization of the energy functionals. Experiments show that the use of the shape prior improves considerably the accuracy of the alternative methods which use only existing or both information in the image. The proposed methods are tested on the synthetic and clinical images/shapes and they are shown to be robust under various noise levels, occlusions, and missing object information. Vertebral bodies (VBs) in clinical computed tomography (CT) are segmented using the proposed methods to help the bone mineral density measurements and fracture analysis in bones. Experimental results show that the proposed solutions eliminate some of the existing problems in the VB segmentation. One of the most important contributions of this study is to offer a segmentation framework which can be suitable to the clinical works

    Non-Parametric Probabilistic Image Segmentation

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    We propose a simple probabilistic generative model for image segmentation. Like other probabilistic algorithms (such as EM on a Mixture of Gaussians) the proposed model is principled, provides both hard and probabilistic cluster assignments, as well as the ability to naturally incorporate prior knowledge. While previous probabilistic approaches are restricted to parametric models of clusters (e.g., Gaussians) we eliminate this limitation. The suggested approach does not make heavy assumptions on the shape of the clusters and can thus handle complex structures. Our experiments show that the suggested approach outperforms previous work on a variety of image segmentation tasks

    Shape-Based Models for Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images

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    Accurate image segmentation is one of the key problems in computer vision. In domains such as radiation treatment planning, dosimetrists must manually trace the outlines of a few critical structures on large numbers of images. Considerable similarity can be seen in the shape of these regions, both between adjacent slices in a particular patient and across the spectrum of patients. Consequently we should be able to model this similarity and use it to assist in the process of segmentation. Previous work has demonstrated that a constraint-based 2D radial model can capture generic shape information for certain shape classes, and can reduce user interaction by a factor of three over purely manual segmentation. Additional simulation studies have shown that a probabilistic version of the model has the potential to further reduce user interaction. This paper describes an implementation of both models in a general-purpose imaging and graphics framework and compares the usefulness of the models on several shape classes
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