8 research outputs found

    Image reducing words and subgroups of free groups

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    AbstractA word w over a finite alphabet Σ is said to be n-collapsing if for an arbitrary finite automaton A=〈Q,Σ−·−〉, the inequality |Q·w|⩽|Q|−n holds provided that |Q·u|⩽|Q|−n for some word u (depending on A). We give an algorithm to test whether a word is 2-collapsing. To this aim we associate to every word w a finite family of finitely generated subgroups in finitely generated free groups and prove that the property of being 2-collapsing reflects in the property that each of these subgroups has index at most 2 in the corresponding free group. We also find a similar characterization for the closely related class of so-called 2-synchronizing words

    2-сжимающие слова и проблема реконструкции последовательности

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    Для данного слова свойство быть 2-сжимаемым (2-синхронизирующим) существенно зависит от свойств некоторого специального множества S его факторов. Мы изучаем возможность реконструкции 2-сжимающего (2-синхронизирующего) слова по этому множеству. Переходя от множества S ко множеству Xs его факторов длины три, мы показываем, что 2-сжимающее (2-синхронизирующее) слово является накрывающим для Xs

    A Combinatorial Approach to Collapsing Words

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    An algorithm for recognition of n-collapsing words

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    AbstractA word w over a finite alphabet Σ is n-collapsing if for an arbitrary deterministic finite automaton A=〈Q,Σ,δ〉, the inequality |δ(Q,w)|≤|Q|−n holds provided that |δ(Q,u)|≤|Q|−n for some word u∈Σ+ (depending on A). We prove that the property of n-collapsing is algorithmically recognizable for any given positive integer n. We also prove that the language of all n-collapsing words is context-sensitive

    On the length of shortest 2-collapsing words

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    Automata, Logic and Semantic