4 research outputs found

    Hierarchical classification of liver tumor from CT images based on difference-of-features (DOF)

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    This manuscript presents an automated classification approach to classifying lesions into four categories of liver diseases, based on Computer Tomography (CT) images. The four diseases types are Cyst, Hemangioma, Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and Metastasis. The novelty of the proposed approach is attributed to utilising the difference of features (DOF) between the lesion area and the surrounding normal liver tissue. The DOF (texture and intensity) is used as the new feature vector that feeds the classifier. The classification system consists of two phases. The first phase differentiates between Benign and Malignant lesions, using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The second phase further classifies the Benign into Hemangioma or Cyst and the Malignant into Metastasis or HCC, using a Na茂ve Bayes (NB) classifier. The experimental results show promising improvements to classify the liver lesion diseases. Furthermore, the proposed approach can overcome the problems of varying intensity ranges, textures between patients, demographics, and imaging devices and settings

    Visual character N-grams for classification and retrieval of radiological images

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    Diagnostic radiology struggles to maintain high interpretation accuracy. Retrieval of past similar cases would help the inexperienced radiologist in the interpretation process. Character n-gram model has been effective in text retrieval context in languages such as Chinese where there are no clear word boundaries. We propose the use of visual character n-gram model for representation of image for classification and retrieval purposes. Regions of interests in mammographic images are represented with the character n-gram features. These features are then used as input to back-propagation neural network for classification of regions into normal and abnormal categories. Experiments on miniMIAS database show that character n-gram features are useful in classifying the regions into normal and abnormal categories. Promising classification accuracies are observed (83.33%) for fatty background tissue warranting further investigation. We argue that Classifying regions of interests would reduce the number of comparisons necessary for finding similar images from the database and hence would reduce the time required for retrieval of past similar cases