5 research outputs found

    A Hybrid data dependent dissimilarity measure for image retrieval

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    Abstract— In image retrieval, an effective dissimilarity measure is required to retrieve the perceptually similar images. Minkowski-type (lp ) distance is widely used for image retrieval, however it has its limitations. It focuses on distance between image features and ignores the data distribution of the image features, which can play an important role in measuring perceptual similarity of images. !! also favours the most dominant components in calculating the total dissimilarity. A data dependent measure, named !! -dissimilarity, which estimates the dissimilarity using the data distribution, has been proposed recently. Rather than relying on geometric distance, it measures the dissimilarity between two instances in each dimension as a probability mass in a region that encloses the two instances. It considers two instances in a sparse region to be more similar than in a dense region. Using the probability of data mass enables all the dimensions of feature vectors to contribute in the final estimate of dissimilarity, so it does not just heavily bias towards the most dominant components. However, relying only on data distribution and completely ignoring the geometric distance raise another limitation. This can result in finding two instances similar only due to being in a sparse region, however if the geometric distance between them is large then they are not perceptually similar. To address this limitation we proposed a new hybrid data dependent dissimilarity (HDDD) measure that considers both data distribution as well as geometric distance. Our experimental results using Corel database and Caltech 101 show that (HDDD) leads to higher image retrieval performance than lp distance (lpD) and mp

    ImageCLEF 2014: Overview and analysis of the results

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    This paper presents an overview of the ImageCLEF 2014 evaluation lab. Since its first edition in 2003, ImageCLEF has become one of the key initiatives promoting the benchmark evaluation of algorithms for the annotation and retrieval of images in various domains, such as public and personal images, to data acquired by mobile robot platforms and medical archives. Over the years, by providing new data collections and challenging tasks to the community of interest, the ImageCLEF lab has achieved an unique position in the image annotation and retrieval research landscape. The 2014 edition consists of four tasks: domain adaptation, scalable concept image annotation, liver CT image annotation and robot vision. This paper describes the tasks and the 2014 competition, giving a unifying perspective of the present activities of the lab while discussing future challenges and opportunities.This work has been partially supported by the tranScriptorium FP7 project under grant #600707 (M. V., R. P.).Caputo, B.; Müller, H.; Martinez-Gomez, J.; Villegas Santamaría, M.; Acar, B.; Patricia, N.; Marvasti, N.... (2014). ImageCLEF 2014: Overview and analysis of the results. En Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 5th International Conference of the CLEF Initiative, CLEF 2014, Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014. Proceedings. Springer Verlag (Germany). 192-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11382-1_18S192211Bosch, A., Zisserman, A.: Image classification using random forests and ferns. In: Proc. CVPR (2007)Caputo, B., Müller, H., Martinez-Gomez, J., Villegas, M., Acar, B., Patricia, N., Marvasti, N., Üsküdarlı, S., Paredes, R., Cazorla, M., Garcia-Varea, I., Morell, V.: ImageCLEF 2014: Overview and analysis of the results. In: Kanoulas, E., et al. (eds.) CLEF 2014. LNCS, vol. 8685, Springer, Heidelberg (2014)Caputo, B., Patricia, N.: Overview of the ImageCLEF 2014 Domain Adaptation Task. 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    Image content annotation using Bayesian framework and complement components analysis

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    Detection and description of pulmonary nodules through 2D and 3D clustering

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    Precise 3D automated detection, description and classification of pulmonary nodules offer the potential for early diagnosis of cancer and greater efficiency in the reading of computerised tomography (CT) images. CT scan centres are currently experiencing high loads and experts shortage, especially in developing countries such as Iraq where the results of the current research will be used. This motivates the researchers to address these problems and challenges by developing automated processes for the early detection and efficient description of cancer cases. This research attempts to reduce workloads, enhance the patient throughput and improve the diagnosis performance. To achieve this goal, the study selects techniques for segmentation, classification, detection and implements the best candidates alongside a novel automated approach. Techniques for each stage in the process are quantitatively evaluated to select the best performance against standard data for lung cancer. In addition, the ideal approach is identified by comparing them against other works in detecting and describing pulmonary nodules. This work detects and describes the nodules and their characteristics in several stages: automated lung segmentation from the background, automated 2D and 3D clustering of vessels and nodules, applying shape and textures features, classification and automatic measurement of nodule characteristics. This work is tested on standard CT lung image data and shows promising results, matching or close to experts’ diagnosis in the nodules number and their features (size/volume, location) and in terms the accuracy and automation. It also achieved a classification accuracy of 98% and efficient results in measuring the nodules’ volume automatically