100 research outputs found

    Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries

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    With advanced image journaling tools, one can easily alter the semantic meaning of an image by exploiting certain manipulation techniques such as copy-clone, object splicing, and removal, which mislead the viewers. In contrast, the identification of these manipulations becomes a very challenging task as manipulated regions are not visually apparent. This paper proposes a high-confidence manipulation localization architecture which utilizes resampling features, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells, and encoder-decoder network to segment out manipulated regions from non-manipulated ones. Resampling features are used to capture artifacts like JPEG quality loss, upsampling, downsampling, rotation, and shearing. The proposed network exploits larger receptive fields (spatial maps) and frequency domain correlation to analyze the discriminative characteristics between manipulated and non-manipulated regions by incorporating encoder and LSTM network. Finally, decoder network learns the mapping from low-resolution feature maps to pixel-wise predictions for image tamper localization. With predicted mask provided by final layer (softmax) of the proposed architecture, end-to-end training is performed to learn the network parameters through back-propagation using ground-truth masks. Furthermore, a large image splicing dataset is introduced to guide the training process. The proposed method is capable of localizing image manipulations at pixel level with high precision, which is demonstrated through rigorous experimentation on three diverse datasets

    Resiliency Assessment and Enhancement of Intrinsic Fingerprinting

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    Intrinsic fingerprinting is a class of digital forensic technology that can detect traces left in digital multimedia data in order to reveal data processing history and determine data integrity. Many existing intrinsic fingerprinting schemes have implicitly assumed favorable operating conditions whose validity may become uncertain in reality. In order to establish intrinsic fingerprinting as a credible approach to digital multimedia authentication, it is important to understand and enhance its resiliency under unfavorable scenarios. This dissertation addresses various resiliency aspects that can appear in a broad range of intrinsic fingerprints. The first aspect concerns intrinsic fingerprints that are designed to identify a particular component in the processing chain. Such fingerprints are potentially subject to changes due to input content variations and/or post-processing, and it is desirable to ensure their identifiability in such situations. Taking an image-based intrinsic fingerprinting technique for source camera model identification as a representative example, our investigations reveal that the fingerprints have a substantial dependency on image content. Such dependency limits the achievable identification accuracy, which is penalized by a mismatch between training and testing image content. To mitigate such a mismatch, we propose schemes to incorporate image content into training image selection and significantly improve the identification performance. We also consider the effect of post-processing against intrinsic fingerprinting, and study source camera identification based on imaging noise extracted from low-bit-rate compressed videos. While such compression reduces the fingerprint quality, we exploit different compression levels within the same video to achieve more efficient and accurate identification. The second aspect of resiliency addresses anti-forensics, namely, adversarial actions that intentionally manipulate intrinsic fingerprints. We investigate the cost-effectiveness of anti-forensic operations that counteract color interpolation identification. Our analysis pinpoints the inherent vulnerabilities of color interpolation identification, and motivates countermeasures and refined anti-forensic strategies. We also study the anti-forensics of an emerging space-time localization technique for digital recordings based on electrical network frequency analysis. Detection schemes against anti-forensic operations are devised under a mathematical framework. For both problems, game-theoretic approaches are employed to characterize the interplay between forensic analysts and adversaries and to derive optimal strategies. The third aspect regards the resilient and robust representation of intrinsic fingerprints for multiple forensic identification tasks. We propose to use the empirical frequency response as a generic type of intrinsic fingerprint that can facilitate the identification of various linear and shift-invariant (LSI) and non-LSI operations

    Novel framework for optimized digital forensic for mitigating complex image attacks

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    Digital Image Forensic is significantly becoming popular owing to the increasing usage of the images as a media of information propagation. However, owing to the presence of various image editing tools and softwares, there is also an increasing threats over image content security. Reviewing the existing approaches of identify the traces or artifacts states that there is a large scope of optimization to be implmentation to further enhance teh processing. Therfore, this paper presents a novel framework that performs cost effective optmization of digital forensic tehnqiue with an idea of accurately localizing teh area of tampering as well as offers a capability to mitigate the attacks of various form. The study outcome shows that propsoed system offers better outcome in contrast to existing system to a significant scale to prove that minor novelty in design attribute could induce better improvement with respect to accuracy as well as resilience toward all potential image threats

    An efficient computational approach to balance the trade-off between image forensics and perceptual image quality

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    The increasing trends of image processing applications play a very crucial role in the modern-day information propagation with the ease of cost effectiveness. As image transmission or broadcasting is the simplest form communication which determines easy, fastest and effective way of network resource utilization, thereby since past one decade it has gained significant attention among various research communities. As most of the image attributes often contains visual entities corresponding to any individual, hence, exploration and forging of such attributes with malicious intention often leads to social and personal life violation and also causes intellectual property right violation when social media, matrimonial and business applications are concerned. Although an extensive research effort endeavored pertaining to image forensics in the past, but existing techniques lack effectiveness towards maintaining equilibrium in between both image forensics and image quality assessment performances from computational viewpoint. Addressing this limitation associated with the existing system, this proposed study has come up with a novel solution which achieves higher degree of image forensics without compromising the visual perception of an image. The study formulates an intelligent empirical framework which determines cost-effective authentication of an image object from both complexity and quality viewpoint. Finally, the study also presented a numerical simulation outcome to ensure the performance efficiency of the system

    Multimedia Forensic Analysis via Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fingerprints

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    Digital imaging has experienced tremendous growth in recent decades, and digital images have been used in a growing number of applications. With such increasing popularity of imaging devices and the availability of low-cost image editing software, the integrity of image content can no longer be taken for granted. A number of forensic and provenance questions often arise, including how an image was generated; from where an image was from; what has been done on the image since its creation, by whom, when and how. This thesis presents two different sets of techniques to address the problem via intrinsic and extrinsic fingerprints. The first part of this thesis introduces a new methodology based on intrinsic fingerprints for forensic analysis of digital images. The proposed method is motivated by the observation that many processing operations, both inside and outside acquisition devices, leave distinct intrinsic traces on the final output data. We present methods to identify these intrinsic fingerprints via component forensic analysis, and demonstrate that these traces can serve as useful features for such forensic applications as to build a robust device identifier and to identify potential technology infringement or licensing. Building upon component forensics, we develop a general authentication and provenance framework to reconstruct the processing history of digital images. We model post-device processing as a manipulation filter and estimate its coefficients using a linear time invariant approximation. Absence of in-device fingerprints, presence of new post-device fingerprints, or any inconsistencies in the estimated fingerprints across different regions of the test image all suggest that the image is not a direct device output and has possibly undergone some kind of processing, such as content tampering or steganographic embedding, after device capture. While component forensics is widely applicable in a number of scenarios, it has performance limitations. To understand the fundamental limits of component forensics, we develop a new theoretical framework based on estimation and pattern classification theories, and define formal notions of forensic identifiability and classifiability of components. We show that the proposed framework provides a solid foundation to study information forensics and helps design optimal input patterns to improve parameter estimation accuracy via semi non-intrusive forensics. The final part of the thesis investigates a complementing extrinsic approach via image hashing that can be used for content-based image authentication and other media security applications. We show that the proposed hashing algorithm is robust to common signal processing operations and present a systematic evaluation of the security of image hash against estimation and forgery attacks

    Investigation And Development Of Convolutional Neural Network Based Image Splicing Detection

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    Image splicing detection is an area of studies that have been studied widely all around the world recently. The importance to do image splicing detection is not only for the authorities but also for common user. Image splicing detection requires several steps to be completed and a huge dataset is needed to be used. This study is aimed to investigate and develop CNN based method for image splicing detection. Three preliminary experiments are done according to previous work to observe how pre-processing affects CNN performance. Based on the preliminary experiments, an architecture with reduced number of CNN layers are proposed without any pre-processing. Ten-fold cross validation is used to demonstrate CNN performance. Preliminary experiments shows that CNN performance are critically affected by input image size. Therefore, the proposed architecture are tested with different input image sizes. Three different input image sizes are tested which are 28×28 pixel, 64×64 pixel and 128×128 pixels. From cross validation is can be concluded that 64×64 pixels input image is the most suitable input image size for CNN image splicing detection. At the end of this study, it is observed that by using the proposed architecture, CNN can be used for image splicing detection without any pre-processing

    Novel Methods for Forensic Multimedia Data Analysis: Part I

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    The increased usage of digital media in daily life has resulted in the demand for novel multimedia data analysis techniques that can help to use these data for forensic purposes. Processing of such data for police investigation and as evidence in a court of law, such that data interpretation is reliable, trustworthy, and efficient in terms of human time and other resources required, will help greatly to speed up investigation and make investigation more effective. If such data are to be used as evidence in a court of law, techniques that can confirm origin and integrity are necessary. In this chapter, we are proposing a new concept for new multimedia processing techniques for varied multimedia sources. We describe the background and motivation for our work. The overall system architecture is explained. We present the data to be used. After a review of the state of the art of related work of the multimedia data we consider in this work, we describe the method and techniques we are developing that go beyond the state of the art. The work will be continued in a Chapter Part II of this topic