29,392 research outputs found


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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) automatically retrieves similar images to the query image by using the visual contents (features) of the image like color, texture and shape. Effective CBIR is based on efficient feature extraction for indexing and on effective query image matching with the indexed images for retrieval. However the main issue in CBIR is that how to extract the features efficiently because the efficient features describe well the image and they are used efficiently in matching of the images to get robust retrieval. This issue is the main inspiration for this thesis to develop a hybrid CBIR with high performance in the spatial and frequency domains. We propose various approaches, in which different techniques are fused to extract the statistical color and texture features efficiently in both domains. In spatial domain, the statistical color histogram features are computed using the pixel distribution of the Laplacian filtered sharpened images based on the different quantization schemes. However color histogram does not provide the spatial information. The solution is by using the histogram refinement method in which the statistical features of the regions in histogram bins of the filtered image are extracted but it leads to high computational cost, which is reduced by dividing the image into the sub-blocks of different sizes, to extract the color and texture features. To improve further the performance, color and texture features are combined using sub-blocks due to the less computational cos

    Image Retrieval Berdasarkan Fitur Warna, Bentuk, dan Tekstur

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    Along with the times, information retrieval is no longer just on textual data, but also the visual data. The technique was originally used is Text-Based Image Retrieval (TBIR), but the technique still has some shortcomings such as the relevance of the picture successfully retrieved, and the specific space required to store meta-data in the image. Seeing the shortage of Text-Based Image Retrieval techniques, then other techniques were developed, namely Image Retrieval based on content or commonly called Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). In this research, CBIR will be discussed based on color, shape and texture using a color histogram, Gabor and SIFT. This study aimed to compare the results of image retrieval with some of these techniques. The results obtained are by combining color, shape and texture features, the performance of the system can be improved

    Analysis of combined approaches of CBIR systems by clustering at varying precision levels

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    The image retrieving system is used to retrieve images from the image database. Two types of Image retrieval techniques are commonly used: content-based and text-based techniques. One of the well-known image retrieval techniques that extract the images in an unsupervised way, known as the cluster-based image retrieval technique. In this cluster-based image retrieval, all visual features of an image are combined to find a better retrieval rate and precisions. The objectives of the study were to develop a new model by combining the three traits i.e., color, shape, and texture of an image. The color-shape and color-texture models were compared to a threshold value with various precision levels. A union was formed of a newly developed model with a color-shape, and color-texture model to find the retrieval rate in terms of precisions of the image retrieval system. The results were experimented on on the COREL standard database and it was found that the union of three models gives better results than the image retrieval from the individual models. The newly developed model and the union of the given models also gives better results than the existing system named cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning (CLUE)

    An Efficient CBIR Technique with YUV Color Space and Texture Features

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    In areas of government, academia and hospitals, large collections of digital images are being created. These image collections are the product of digitizing existing collections of analogue photographs, diagrams, drawings, paintings, and prints. Retrieving the specified similar image from a large dataset is very difficult. A new image retrieval system is presented in this paper, which used YUV color space and wavelet transform approach for feature extraction. Firstly, the color space is quantified in non-equal intervals, then constructed one dimension feature vector and represented the color feature. Similarly, the texture feature extraction is obtained by using wavelet. Finally, color feature and texture feature are combined based on wavelet transform. The image retrieval experiments specified that visual features were sensitive for different type images. The color features opted to the rich color image with simple variety. Texture feature opted to the complex images. At the same time, experiments reveal that YUV texture feature based on wavelet transform has better effective performance and stability than the RGB and HSV. The same work is performed for the RGB and HSV color space and their results are compared with the proposed system. The result shows that CBIR with the YUV color space retrieves image with more accuracy and reduced retrieval time. Keywords---Content based image retrieval, Wavelet transforms, YUV, HSV, RG

    Content Based Image Retrieval based on Shape with Texture Features

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    In areas of state, domain and hospitals, massive collections of digital pictures are being created. These image collections are the merchandise of digitizing existing collections of analogue images, diagrams, drawings, paintings, and prints. Retrieving the specified similar image from a large dataset is very difficult. A new image retrieval system is obtainable in this paper, for feature extraction HSV color space and wavelet transform approach are used. Initially constructed one dimension feature vector and represented the color feature it is made by that the color space is quantified in non-equal intervals. Then with the help of wavelet texture feature extraction is obtained. At last by using of wavelet transform combined the color feature and texture feature method. The illustration features are susceptible for different type images in image retrieval experiments. The color features opted to the rich color image with simple variety. Texture feature opted to the complex images. At the same time, experiments reveal that HSV texture feature based on wavelet transform has better effective performance and stability than the RGB. The same work is performed for the RGB color space and their results are compared with the proposed system. The result shows that CBIR with the HSV color space is retrieves image with more accuracy and reduced retrieval time. Keywords--Content Based Image Retrieval, HSV, RG


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    International audienceA new approach for color textured image retrieval based on the combination of color and texture features is proposed. The features are extracted in DCT domain. For texture featuring, Texture-Pattern is proposed to be constructed by using three groups of AC coefficients of each DCT block from the luminance component. And for color featuring, LumaColor-Pattern is constructed by using the DC coefficients from the luminance and chroma components. The histograms of dominant components of these two patterns are constructed and their combination is used for image retrieval. Experimental results on VisTex database have shown that the proposed method yields higher performance than referred approaches which are reported in recently published literature

    A Smart Content-Based Image Retrieval Approach Based on Texture Feature and Slantlet Transform

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    With the advancement of digital storing and capturing technologies in recent years, an image retrieval system has been widely known for Internet usage. Several image retrieval methods have been proposed to find similar images from a collection of digital images to a specified query image. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a subfield of image retrieval techniques that extracts features and descriptions content such as color, texture, and shapes from a huge database of images. This paper proposes a two-tier image retrieval approach, a coarse matching phase, and a fine-matching phase. The first phase is used to extract spatial features, and the second phase extracts texture features based on the Slantlet transform. The findings of this study revealed that texture features are reliable and capable of producing excellent results and unsusceptible to low resolution and proved that the SLT-based texture feature is the perfect mate. The proposed method\u27s experimental results have outperformed the benchmark results with precision gaps of 28.0 % for the Caltech 101 dataset. The results demonstrate that the two-tier strategy performed well with the successive phase (fine-matching) and the preceding phase (coarse matching) working hand in hand harmoniously