4,063 research outputs found

    Compact radio emission from z~0.2 X-ray bright AGN

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    Radio and X-ray emission of AGN appears to be correlated. The details of the underlying physical processes, however, are still not fully understood, i.e., to what extent is the X-ray and radio emission originating from the same relativistic particles or from the accretion-disk or corona or both. We study the cm radio emission of an SDSS/ROSAT/FIRST matched sample of 13 X-raying AGN in the redshift range 0.11< z < 0.37 at high angular resolution with the goal of searching for jet structures or diffuse, extended emission on sub-kpc scales. We use MERLIN at 18 cm for all objects and Western EVN at 18 cm for four objects to study the radio emission on scales of ~500 pc and ~40 pc for the MERLIN and EVN observations, respectively. The detected emission is dominated by compact nuclear radio structures. We find no kpc collimated jet structures. The EVN data indicate for compact nuclei on 40 pc scales, with brightness temperatures typical for accretion-disk scenarios. Comparison with FIRST shows that the 18 cm emission is resolved out up to 50% by MERLIN. Star-formation rates based on large aperture SDSS spectra are generally too small to produce considerable contamination of the nuclear radio emission. We can, therefore, assume the 18 cm flux densities to be produced in the nuclei of the AGN. Together with the ROSAT soft X-ray luminosities and black hole mass estimates from the literature, our sample objects follow closely the Merloni et al. (2003) fundamental plane relation, which appears to trace the accretion processes. Detailed X-ray spectral modeling from deeper hard X-ray observations and higher angular resolution at radio wavelengths are required to further proceed in the disentangling of jet and accretion related processes.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&

    A comprehensive CFD methodology for the simulation of Spark Ignited Engines

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    In this work, a Computational Fluid Dynamic methodology for the simulation of the charge formation process in Gasoline Direct Injection engines is presented. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology suitable in an industrial environment to drive and support the development process of modern GDI engines. A big emphasis is placed on the comparison of the proposed CFD models with experimental data obtained using a single-cylinder optical engine. Chapter 1 describes the working context and sets the aim of the work. After a brief recall of the theoretical background of CFD in chapter 2, an overview of the optical techniques interesting for Internal Combustion Engine applications is presented in chapter 3, and the basic principles of spray atomization theory are reviewed in chapter 4. In chapter 5 the CFD simulations for the charge motion in-cylinder are described. Two different engines were investigated, and the effect of different turbulence models and numerical schemes are analyzed, comparing the results with optical experimental data. The standard k-eps model, together with the MARS numerical scheme, showed the better capability to reproduce the charge motion and turbulence pattern in-cylinder, and therefore they were used for the remaining part of the work. In chapter 7 the injection model used is discussed. Despite a traditional Lagrangian-Eulerian approach, the model presents an innovative procedure capable to reproduce also the liquid core. After that the effects of the use of the liquid core and a bi-component fuel are analyzed, the in-cylinder injection results for the two investigated engines are presented. The injection model shows its capability to correctly reproduce the spray shape and penetration in different operating conditions and for different injector types, using a reduced amount of calibration parameters. Finally, chapter 8 presents some "diagnostic indexes" capable to resume the results of the CFD simulations in a reduced number of parameters. In particular, some indexes to assess the quality of the mixture and the wall impingement tendency are proposed, allowing to use the CFD simulations to address these crucial aspects in the choice of injector targeting and actuation strategy. The proposed methodology allows to use CFD simulations to support the engine development process, and was successfully applied to many different spark ignited engine

    Escape Survival and Scale Damage Assessment of Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) during Bottom Trawling in the Central Mediterranean Sea

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    Stock assessments routinely evaluate the status of commercially harvested species, but seldom account for the possible mortality of released or escaping fish. This study presents a method for estimating the escape survival of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) from demersal trawling in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Fish escaping from the trawl codend were collected in a detachable cage, which was lined to reduce water flow and protect the sampled fish from further fatigue and injury. Control fish (from an open codend) showed high survival, 94% (87–97%, 95% Confidence Interval), and minimal injuries, while fish escaping through codend meshes had significantly increased injuries and reduced survival, 63% (55–70%). During 7 days of captive monitoring, treatment group mortality was highest in the first 24 h and ceased for both groups within 48 h. Conflicting length-related mortality was observed, where larger treatment fish had a higher probability of dying, while the opposite was observed in the controls. Analysis showed that treatment fish were significantly more injured than control fish, with treatment fish predominantly injured in the head zone. In conclusion, this improved methodology should be repeated to provide accurate escape mortality estimates for the improved stock assessment of the red mullet in the Central Mediterranean

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Techniques utilized in the simulated altitude testing of a 2D-CD vectoring and reversing nozzle

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    Simulated altitude testing of a two-dimensional, convergent-divergent, thrust vectoring and reversing exhaust nozzle was accomplished. An important objective of this test was to develop test hardware and techniques to properly operate a vectoring and reversing nozzle within the confines of an altitude test facility. This report presents detailed information on the major test support systems utilized, the operational performance of the systems and the problems encountered, and test equipment improvements recommended for future tests. The most challenging support systems included the multi-axis thrust measurement system, vectored and reverse exhaust gas collection systems, and infrared temperature measurement systems used to evaluate and monitor the nozzle. The feasibility of testing a vectoring and reversing nozzle of this type in an altitude chamber was successfully demonstrated. Supporting systems performed as required. During reverser operation, engine exhaust gases were successfully captured and turned downstream. However, a small amount of exhaust gas spilled out the collector ducts' inlet openings when the reverser was opened more than 60 percent. The spillage did not affect engine or nozzle performance. The three infrared systems which viewed the nozzle through the exhaust collection system worked remarkably well considering the harsh environment

    Numerical studies of gasoline direct injection engine processes

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    The GDI engine has a number of practical advantages over the more traditional port-fuel injection strategy, however a number of challenges remain the subject of continued research in an attempt to fully exploit the advantages of the GDI engine. These include complex in-cylinder flow fields and fuel-air mixing strategies, and significant temporal variation, both through an engine cycle and on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Despite advances in experimental techniques, the relative difficulty and cost of taking detailed measurements remains high, thus computational techniques are an integral part of research activities. The research work presented in this thesis has focused on the use of detailed 3D-CFD techniques for investigating physical phenomena of the in-cylinder flow field and fuel injection process in a single cylinder GDI engine with early injection event. A detailed validation of the numerical predictions of the in-cylinder flow field using both the RANS RNG k-ε turbulence model and the Smagorinsky LES SGS turbulence model was completed with both models showing good agreement against available experimental results. A detailed validation of the numerical predictions of the fuel injection process using a Lagrangian DDM and both RANS RNG k-ε turbulence model and Smagorinsky LES SGS turbulence model was completed with both models showing excellent agreement against experimental data. The model was then used to investigate the in-cylinder flow field and fuel injection process including research into: the three dimensional nature of the flow field; intake valve jet flapping, characterisation, causality and CCV, and whether it could account for CCV of the mixture field at spark timing; the anisotropic characteristics of the flow field using both the fluctuating velocity and turbulence intensity, including the increase in anisotropy due to the fuel injection event; the use of POD for quantitatively analysing the in-cylinder flow field; investigations into the intake valve, cylinder liner and piston crown spray plume impingement processes, including the use of a multi-component fuel surrogate and CCV of the formed liquid film; characterisation and CCV of the mixture field though the intake and compression strokes up to spark timing. Finally, the predicted turbulence characteristics were used to evaluate the resultant premixed turbulent combustion event using combustion regime diagrams

    Development and Implementation of a Computational Modeling Tool for Evaluation of THA Component Position

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    The human body is a complicated structure with muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints. Modeling human body with computational tools are becoming a trend [1]. More importantly, using computational tools to evaluate human body is a non-invasive technique that could help surgeons and researchers evaluate implant products [2]. Therefore, the development of a model which can analyze both implant sizing suggestion and kinematics of subject specific data could prove valuable. For total hip arthroplasty, one common complication is in vivo separation and dislocation of the femoral head within the acetabular cup [3] [4]. Developing a successful computational tool to address this issue includes developing a dynamic model of hip joint, implementing implant sizing suggestion algorithms and computing component alignments. Due to advancement in technology, the current focus has been to develop patient-specific solutions, a combined program of both hip model and implant suggestion model has been developed. In this dissertation, the primary objective is to develop a fully functional hip analysis software that not only can suggestion and template the implant sizing and position, but the software can also utilize the patient specific data to run simulation with different activities. The second objective of this dissertation is to conduct hip analysis studies using hip analysis software. Overall, the results in this dissertation discuss the effect of different stem positions and surgeon preferences on the outcome of the Total Hip Arthroplasty

    Design and Analysis of a Disk-oriented Engine Combustor

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    In a novel approach to gas-turbine power production, an engine was designed and analyzed to use both a single-stage centrifugal compressor and single-stage radial in- ow turbine configured back-to-back. This air path reduced the axial length of the engine up to 60%, providing additional modularity in a gas-turbine engine that could be used to improve mobility of ground-based power units or increase the survivability of aircraft through the use of distributive propulsion. This increased modularity was made possible by the use of a circumferential ow combustor that substantially decreased the axial length of the burner and negated the need to return compressor radial ow to the axial direction, as found in conventional combustion approaches. The Disk-Oriented Engine was designed to incorporate swirling inlet ow from a centrifugal compressor and exhaust directly into a radial in-ow turbine, while still maintaining the initial swirl pattern out of the compressor. The configuration of the combustion cavity was evaluated through computational fluid dynamics. An iterative design approach was used to achieve desired ow characteristics and combustion dynamics through geometry shaping and placement of air supply holes. The result of this design process was a computational combustor model that accepted swirling inlet ow, dispersed that air and fuel about a unique u-bend circumferential combustion cavity, and exhausted in the radial direction to feed a radial in-ow turbine. Sustained combustion was simulated at design conditions with a 3% total pressure loss in the combustor and a turbine inlet pattern factor of 0.24, indicating that such a design could operate as a gas-turbine engine, while reducing axial length up to 60% compared to traditional systems of similar size and performance. Computational results were compared to experimental tests on fuel-air swirl injectors, providing qualitative and quantitative insight into the stability of the flame anchoring system. From this design, a full-scale physical model of the Disk-Oriented Engine Combustor was designed and built for combustion analysis and characterization
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