1,048 research outputs found

    Self-similarity and wavelet forms for the compression of still image and video data

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    This thesis is concerned with the methods used to reduce the data volume required to represent still images and video sequences. The number of disparate still image and video coding methods increases almost daily. Recently, two new strategies have emerged and have stimulated widespread research. These are the fractal method and the wavelet transform. In this thesis, it will be argued that the two methods share a common principle: that of self-similarity. The two will be related concretely via an image coding algorithm which combines the two, normally disparate, strategies. The wavelet transform is an orientation selective transform. It will be shown that the selectivity of the conventional transform is not sufficient to allow exploitation of self-similarity while keeping computational cost low. To address this, a new wavelet transform is presented which allows for greater orientation selectivity, while maintaining the orthogonality and data volume of the conventional wavelet transform. Many designs for vector quantizers have been published recently and another is added to the gamut by this work. The tree structured vector quantizer presented here is on-line and self structuring, requiring no distinct training phase. Combining these into a still image data compression system produces results which are among the best that have been published to date. An extension of the two dimensional wavelet transform to encompass the time dimension is straightforward and this work attempts to extrapolate some of its properties into three dimensions. The vector quantizer is then applied to three dimensional image data to produce a video coding system which, while not optimal, produces very encouraging results

    Fast Edge Preserving Fractal System

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    Electrical Engineerin

    Formal Representation of the SS-DB Benchmark and Experimental Evaluation in EXTASCID

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    Evaluating the performance of scientific data processing systems is a difficult task considering the plethora of application-specific solutions available in this landscape and the lack of a generally-accepted benchmark. The dual structure of scientific data coupled with the complex nature of processing complicate the evaluation procedure further. SS-DB is the first attempt to define a general benchmark for complex scientific processing over raw and derived data. It fails to draw sufficient attention though because of the ambiguous plain language specification and the extraordinary SciDB results. In this paper, we remedy the shortcomings of the original SS-DB specification by providing a formal representation in terms of ArrayQL algebra operators and ArrayQL/SciQL constructs. These are the first formal representations of the SS-DB benchmark. Starting from the formal representation, we give a reference implementation and present benchmark results in EXTASCID, a novel system for scientific data processing. EXTASCID is complete in providing native support both for array and relational data and extensible in executing any user code inside the system by the means of a configurable metaoperator. These features result in an order of magnitude improvement over SciDB at data loading, extracting derived data, and operations over derived data.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Giving eyes to ICT!, or How does a computer recognize a cow?

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    Het door Schouten en andere onderzoekers op het CWI ontwikkelde systeem berust op het beschrijven van beelden met behulp van fractale meetkunde. De menselijke waarneming blijkt mede daardoor zo efficiënt omdat zij sterk werkt met gelijkenissen. Het ligt dus voor de hand het te zoeken in wiskundige methoden die dat ook doen. Schouten heeft daarom beeldcodering met behulp van 'fractals' onderzocht. Fractals zijn zelfgelijkende meetkundige figuren, opgebouwd door herhaalde transformatie (iteratie) van een eenvoudig basispatroon, dat zich daardoor op steeds kleinere schalen vertakt. Op elk niveau van detaillering lijkt een fractal op zichzelf (Droste-effect). Met fractals kan men vrij eenvoudig bedrieglijk echte natuurvoorstellingen maken. Fractale beeldcodering gaat ervan uit dat het omgekeerde ook geldt: een beeld effectief opslaan in de vorm van de basispatronen van een klein aantal fractals, samen met het voorschrift hoe het oorspronkelijke beeld daaruit te reconstrueren. Het op het CWI in samenwerking met onderzoekers uit Leuven ontwikkelde systeem is mede gebaseerd op deze methode. ISBN 906196502

    Composite Correlation Quantization for Efficient Multimodal Retrieval

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    Efficient similarity retrieval from large-scale multimodal database is pervasive in modern search engines and social networks. To support queries across content modalities, the system should enable cross-modal correlation and computation-efficient indexing. While hashing methods have shown great potential in achieving this goal, current attempts generally fail to learn isomorphic hash codes in a seamless scheme, that is, they embed multiple modalities in a continuous isomorphic space and separately threshold embeddings into binary codes, which incurs substantial loss of retrieval accuracy. In this paper, we approach seamless multimodal hashing by proposing a novel Composite Correlation Quantization (CCQ) model. Specifically, CCQ jointly finds correlation-maximal mappings that transform different modalities into isomorphic latent space, and learns composite quantizers that convert the isomorphic latent features into compact binary codes. An optimization framework is devised to preserve both intra-modal similarity and inter-modal correlation through minimizing both reconstruction and quantization errors, which can be trained from both paired and partially paired data in linear time. A comprehensive set of experiments clearly show the superior effectiveness and efficiency of CCQ against the state of the art hashing methods for both unimodal and cross-modal retrieval

    Fractal image compression and the self-affinity assumption : a stochastic signal modelling perspective

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    Bibliography: p. 208-225.Fractal image compression is a comparatively new technique which has gained considerable attention in the popular technical press, and more recently in the research literature. The most significant advantages claimed are high reconstruction quality at low coding rates, rapid decoding, and "resolution independence" in the sense that an encoded image may be decoded at a higher resolution than the original. While many of the claims published in the popular technical press are clearly extravagant, it appears from the rapidly growing body of published research that fractal image compression is capable of performance comparable with that of other techniques enjoying the benefit of a considerably more robust theoretical foundation. . So called because of the similarities between the form of image representation and a mechanism widely used in generating deterministic fractal images, fractal compression represents an image by the parameters of a set of affine transforms on image blocks under which the image is approximately invariant. Although the conditions imposed on these transforms may be shown to be sufficient to guarantee that an approximation of the original image can be reconstructed, there is no obvious theoretical reason to expect this to represent an efficient representation for image coding purposes. The usual analogy with vector quantisation, in which each image is considered to be represented in terms of code vectors extracted from the image itself is instructive, but transforms the fundamental problem into one of understanding why this construction results in an efficient codebook. The signal property required for such a codebook to be effective, termed "self-affinity", is poorly understood. A stochastic signal model based examination of this property is the primary contribution of this dissertation. The most significant findings (subject to some important restrictions} are that "self-affinity" is not a natural consequence of common statistical assumptions but requires particular conditions which are inadequately characterised by second order statistics, and that "natural" images are only marginally "self-affine", to the extent that fractal image compression is effective, but not more so than comparable standard vector quantisation techniques

    Computer Vision for Timber Harvesting

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    Parallel implementation of fractal image compression

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.Fractal image compression exploits the piecewise self-similarity present in real images as a form of information redundancy that can be eliminated to achieve compression. This theory based on Partitioned Iterated Function Systems is presented. As an alternative to the established JPEG, it provides a similar compression-ratio to fidelity trade-off. Fractal techniques promise faster decoding and potentially higher fidelity, but the computationally intensive compression process has prevented commercial acceptance. This thesis presents an algorithm mapping the problem onto a parallel processor architecture, with the goal of reducing the encoding time. The experimental work involved implementation of this approach on the Texas Instruments TMS320C80 parallel processor system. Results indicate that the fractal compression process is unusually well suited to parallelism with speed gains approximately linearly related to the number of processors used. Parallel processing issues such as coherency, management and interfacing are discussed. The code designed incorporates pipelining and parallelism on all conceptual and practical levels ensuring that all resources are fully utilised, achieving close to optimal efficiency. The computational intensity was reduced by several means, including conventional classification of image sub-blocks by content with comparisons across class boundaries prohibited. A faster approach adopted was to perform estimate comparisons between blocks based on pixel value variance, identifying candidates for more time-consuming, accurate RMS inter-block comparisons. These techniques, combined with the parallelism, allow compression of 512x512 pixel x 8 bit images in under 20 seconds, while maintaining a 30dB PSNR. This is up to an order of magnitude faster than reported for conventional sequential processor implementations. Fractal based compression of colour images and video sequences is also considered. The work confirms the potential of fractal compression techniques, and demonstrates that a parallel implementation is appropriate for addressing the compression time problem. The processor system used in these investigations is faster than currently available PC platforms, but the relevance lies in the anticipation that future generations of affordable processors will exceed its performance. The advantages of fractal image compression may then be accessible to the average computer user, leading to commercial acceptance

    Efficient Parallel Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries by Using a Centroid-based and Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

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    The k-Nearest Neighbor method is one of the most popular techniques for both classification and regression purposes. Because of its operation, the application of this classification may be limited to problems with a certain number of instances, particularly, when run time is a consideration. However, the classification of large amounts of data has become a fundamental task in many real-world applications. It is logical to scale the k-Nearest Neighbor method to large scale datasets. This paper proposes a new k-Nearest Neighbor classification method (KNN-CCL) which uses a parallel centroid-based and hierarchical clustering algorithm to separate the sample of training dataset into multiple parts. The introduced clustering algorithm uses four stages of successive refinements and generates high quality clusters. The k-Nearest Neighbor approach subsequently makes use of them to predict the test datasets. Finally, sets of experiments are conducted on the UCI datasets. The experimental results confirm that the proposed k-Nearest Neighbor classification method performs well with regard to classification accuracy and performance