566 research outputs found

    Maximized Posteriori Attributes Selection from Facial Salient Landmarks for Face Recognition

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    This paper presents a robust and dynamic face recognition technique based on the extraction and matching of devised probabilistic graphs drawn on SIFT features related to independent face areas. The face matching strategy is based on matching individual salient facial graph characterized by SIFT features as connected to facial landmarks such as the eyes and the mouth. In order to reduce the face matching errors, the Dempster-Shafer decision theory is applied to fuse the individual matching scores obtained from each pair of salient facial features. The proposed algorithm is evaluated with the ORL and the IITK face databases. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed face recognition technique also in case of partially occluded faces.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Reference face graph for face recognition

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    Face recognition has been studied extensively; however, real-world face recognition still remains a challenging task. The demand for unconstrained practical face recognition is rising with the explosion of online multimedia such as social networks, and video surveillance footage where face analysis is of significant importance. In this paper, we approach face recognition in the context of graph theory. We recognize an unknown face using an external reference face graph (RFG). An RFG is generated and recognition of a given face is achieved by comparing it to the faces in the constructed RFG. Centrality measures are utilized to identify distinctive faces in the reference face graph. The proposed RFG-based face recognition algorithm is robust to the changes in pose and it is also alignment free. The RFG recognition is used in conjunction with DCT locality sensitive hashing for efficient retrieval to ensure scalability. Experiments are conducted on several publicly available databases and the results show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods without any preprocessing necessities such as face alignment. Due to the richness in the reference set construction, the proposed method can also handle illumination and expression variation

    Achieving illumination invariance using image filters

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    In this chapter we described a novel framework for automatic face recognition in the presence of varying illumination, primarily applicable to matching face sets or sequences. The framework is based on simple image processing filters that compete with unprocessed greyscale input to yield a single matching score between individuals. By performing all numerically consuming computation offline, our method both (i) retains the matching efficiency of simple image filters, but (ii) with a greatly increased robustness, as all online processing is performed in closed-form. Evaluated on a large, real-world data corpus, the proposed framework was shown to be successful in video-based recognition across a wide range of illumination, pose and face motion pattern change

    Hybrid component-based face recognition.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Facial recognition (FR) is the trusted biometric method for authentication. Compared to other biometrics such as signature; which can be compromised, facial recognition is non-intrusive and it can be apprehended at a distance in a concealed manner. It has a significant role in conveying the identity of a person in social interaction and its performance largely depends on a variety of factors such as illumination, facial pose, expression, age span, hair, facial wear, and motion. In the light of these considerations this dissertation proposes a hybrid component-based approach that seeks to utilise any successfully detected components. This research proposes a facial recognition technique to recognize faces at component level. It employs the texture descriptors Grey-Level Co-occurrence (GLCM), Gabor Filters, Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) and Scale Invariant Feature Transforms (SIFT), and the shape descriptor Zernike Moments. The advantage of using the texture attributes is their simplicity. However, they cannot completely characterise the whole face recognition, hence the Zernike Moments descriptor was used to compute the shape properties of the selected facial components. These descriptors are effective facial components feature representations and are robust to illumination and pose changes. Experiments were performed on four different state of the art facial databases, the FERET, FEI, SCface and CMU and Error-Correcting Output Code (ECOC) was used for classification. The results show that component-based facial recognition is more effective than whole face and the proposed methods achieve 98.75% of recognition accuracy rate. This approach performs well compared to other componentbased facial recognition approaches

    Recognizing faces prone to occlusions and common variations using optimal face subgraphs

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    An intuitive graph optimization face recognition approach called Harmony Search Oriented-EBGM (HSO-EBGM) inspired by the classical Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM) graphical model is proposed in this contribution. In the proposed HSO-EBGM, a recent evolutionary approach called harmony search optimization is tailored to automatically determine optimal facial landmarks. A novel notion of face subgraphs have been formulated with the aid of these automated landmarks that maximizes the similarity entailed by the subgraphs. For experimental evaluation, two sets of de facto databases (i.e., AR and Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) ver2.0) are used to validate and analyze the behavior of the proposed HSO-EBGM in terms of number of subgraphs, varying occlusion sizes, face images under controlled/ideal conditions, realistic partial occlusions, expression variations and varying illumination conditions. For a number of experiments, results justify that the HSO-EBGM shows improved recognition performance when compared to recent state-of-the-art face recognition approaches
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