35,595 research outputs found

    Is Ignorance Bliss?

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    This project explores the ethics of telling someone factual information, even if it could hurt them. Specifically, the main question is: If a person were to learn that our world was just The Matrix, would they be obligated to tell people to be truthful or keep it to themselves to spare the feelings of others


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    I den siste tiden har personvern pĂ„ nett og innsamling av data vĂŠrt en diskusjon i samfunnet. Bedrifter samler inn data om brukere ved bruk av cookies og andre mĂ„ter. Å gi samtykke til bruk av cookies pĂ„ nett gjĂžr at bedrifter kan samle inn de besĂžkendes digitale atferd og informasjon. Bruk av innsamlede data er i dag en viktig del for bedrifter som driver med mĂ„lrettet markedsfĂžring. 25 Mai slĂ„r EU sin nye personvernlovgivning General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) inn, som medfĂžrer store endringer i behandling av personlig data. GDPR tvinger bedrifter til Ă„ informere hva slags data de samler inn til hver besĂžkende og hva de bruker dataen til. FormĂ„let med oppgaven er Ă„ undersĂžke hvor stor betydning merkekjennskap har pĂ„ samtykke til deling av personlig informasjon pĂ„ nett og om kunnskap om GDPR kommer til Ă„ pĂ„virke oppfattet risiko ved samtykke. PĂ„ bakgrunn av teori og antakelser utviklet vi tre hypoteser med utgangspunkt i at det foreligger en sammenheng mellom oppfattet risiko og samtykke. Videre Ăžnsket vi Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvilken mĂ„te grad av merkekjennskap spilte inn pĂ„ oppfattet risiko. Vi Ăžnsket ogsĂ„ Ă„ se hvordan det nye GDPR regelverket kom til Ă„ pĂ„virke den oppfattede risikoen. Disse spekulasjonene dannet grunnlag for vĂ„r siste hypotese hvor vi ser nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvordan oppfattet risiko pĂ„virker samtykke til deling av informasjon pĂ„ nettet. I den sammenheng har vi tatt utgangspunkt i atferdsbaserte teorier, som en forklaringsmekanisme pĂ„ forbrukeres beslutningsprosess og handlingsmĂžnster pĂ„ nett. Vi benyttet oss av en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi for Ă„ pĂ„vise Ă„rsakssammenhenger mellom variablene. Eksperimentet ble gjennomfĂžrt med en 2x2 faktorielt design. Utvalget er studenter ved HĂžyskolen Kristiania. Vi fikk ingen signifikant stĂžtte pĂ„ noen av hypotesene vĂ„re, men vi fikk signifikant stĂžtte pĂ„ vĂ„r logistiske regresjon der vi testet medieringen. Det ble signifikante direkte effekter mellom risiko og samtykke samt fryktkommunikasjon og samtykke. VĂ„r mediering var ikke signifikant. Det kan vĂŠre flere grunner til at vi ikke fikk signifikante funn, respondentene kan ha hatt informasjon om GDPR fra fĂžr eller ikke tatt til seg teksten. Oppgavens hovedfunn er nĂ„r kunnskap om GDPR er lav sĂ„ spiller merke omtrent ingen rolle, men nĂ„r kunnskapen om GDPR er tilstede sĂ„ er det tydelig at merkekjennskap betyr noe for samtykke

    Ignorance is Bliss

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    This article reads Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko: or, the Royal Slave (1688) as a rewriting of the paradise story of Adam and Eve largely identified with John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667) by literary circles. Meeting the true colours of civilization via slavery, the paradisal innocence of Oroonoko and Imoinda grows into a horrible experience that brings their downfall from African paradise, similar to Adam and Eve losing their innocence for the sake of knowledge. Drawing on the principles of primitivism, Behn emblematicizes a black Adam and Eve as representatives of mankind which subverts colonial and patriarchal discourses all in the same breath. In this respect, the article finally asserts that Oroonoko serves as a microcosm of humanity at large which delineates the unremitting war between nature and civilization, and innocence and experience as foregrounded in recent ecological studies, as well as men and women

    Equitable Mootness: Ignorance is Bliss and Unconstitutional

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    Ignorance Is Bliss: Matching in Auctions with an Uninformed Seller

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    In many auctions, matching between the bidder and seller raises the value of the contract for both parties. However, information about the quality of the match may be incomplete. We consider the case in which each bidder observes the quality of his match with the seller but the seller does not observe the quality of his matches with the bidders. Our objective is to determine whether it is in the seller's interest to observe the matches before selecting the winner. It is shown that the seller’s value for the information may be negative: the seller’s knowledge of the matches generates an asymmetry across bidders which depresses bids. The more matching matters, the greater the penalty associated with observing the matches.Asymmetries, Auctions, Auction Theory, Bidding, Information Revelation, Matching, Signaling

    Ignorance is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching With Few Queries

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    The stochastic matching problem deals with finding a maximum matching in a graph whose edges are unknown but can be accessed via queries. This is a special case of stochastic kk-set packing, where the problem is to find a maximum packing of sets, each of which exists with some probability. In this paper, we provide edge and set query algorithms for these two problems, respectively, that provably achieve some fraction of the omniscient optimal solution. Our main theoretical result for the stochastic matching (i.e., 22-set packing) problem is the design of an \emph{adaptive} algorithm that queries only a constant number of edges per vertex and achieves a (1−ϔ)(1-\epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, for an arbitrarily small Ï”>0\epsilon>0. Moreover, this adaptive algorithm performs the queries in only a constant number of rounds. We complement this result with a \emph{non-adaptive} (i.e., one round of queries) algorithm that achieves a (0.5−ϔ)(0.5 - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimum. We also extend both our results to stochastic kk-set packing by designing an adaptive algorithm that achieves a (2k−ϔ)(\frac{2}{k} - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, again with only O(1)O(1) queries per element. This guarantee is close to the best known polynomial-time approximation ratio of 3k+1−ϔ\frac{3}{k+1} -\epsilon for the \emph{deterministic} kk-set packing problem [Furer and Yu, 2013] We empirically explore the application of (adaptations of) these algorithms to the kidney exchange problem, where patients with end-stage renal failure swap willing but incompatible donors. We show on both generated data and on real data from the first 169 match runs of the UNOS nationwide kidney exchange that even a very small number of non-adaptive edge queries per vertex results in large gains in expected successful matches
