10 research outputs found

    Identity-Based Authenticated Asymmetric Group Key Agreement Protocol

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    In identity-based public-key cryptography, an entity\u27s public key can be easily derived from its identity. The direct derivation of public keys in identity-based public-key cryptography eliminates the need for certificates and solves certain public key management problems in traditional public-key cryptosystems. Recently, the notion of asymmetric group key agreement was introduced, in which the group members merely negotiate a common encryption key which is accessible to any entity, but they hold respective secret decryption keys. In this paper, we first propose a security model for identity-based authenticated asymmetric group key agreement (IB-AAGKA) protocols. We then propose an IB-AAGKA protocol which is proven secure under the Bilinear Di±e-Hellman Exponent assumption. Our protocol is also efficient, and readily adaptable to provide broadcast encryption

    Improving Security in Group Data Sharing Using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we study Group key agreement means multiple parties want to create a common secret key to be used to exchange information securely. The group key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each user is only aware of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of other users. Further, he has no information about the network topology. We implement the existing system with more time efficient manner and provide a multicast key generation server which is expected in future scope by current authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol by a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to one and one to many functionality. We also tend to implement a strong symmetric encryption for improving file security in the system

    A Review on Group Key Agreement Protocols

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    In this paper, we study Group key agreement means multiple parties want to create a common secret key to be used to exchange information securely. The group key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each user is only aware of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of other users. Further, he has no information about the network topology. We implement the existing system with more time efficient manner and provide a multicast key generation server which is expected in future scope by current authors. We find the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol should be replaced by a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to one and one to many functionality. We also tend to implement a strong symmetric encryption for improving file security in the system

    Survey on Security User Data in Local Connectivity Using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we study Group key agreement means multiple parties want to create a common secret key to be used to exchange information securely. The group key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each user is only aware of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of other users. Further, he has no information about the network topology. We implement the existing system with more time efficient manner and provide a multicast key generation server which is expected in future scope by current authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol by a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to one and one to many functionality. We also tend to implement a strong symmetric encryption for improving file security in the system

    Efficiency in MANET Systems using Energy efficient encryption algorithm

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    In this paper, we study Group key agreement means multiple parties want to create a common secret key to be used to exchange information securely. The group key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each user is only aware of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of other users. Further, he has no information about the network topology. We implement the existing system with more time efficient manner and provide a multicast key generation server which is expected in future scope by current authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol by a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to one and one to many functionality. We also tend to implement a strong symmetric encryption for improving file security in the s

    Security of User Data in Local Connectivity Using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we be trained team key contract approach a couple of parties need to create a usual secret key to be used to alternate understanding securely. The staff key contract with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is simplest mindful of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of different customers. Additional, he has no knowledge concerning the community topology. We put into effect the existing approach with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key generation server which is predicted in future scope with the aid of present authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol through a brand new multicast key exchange protocol that may work with one to 1 and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to put into effect a robust symmetric encryption for improving file safety within the process

    Securing User Data in Local Connectivity using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we gain knowledge of crew key contract means more than one parties need to create a original secret key for use to alternate know-how securely. The staff key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is most effective aware of his neighbor and has no expertise concerning the existence of alternative users. Extra, he has no expertise concerning the community topology. We implement the present procedure with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key new release server which is expected in future scope with the aid of current authors. We exchange the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol by using a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to at least one and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to enforce a robust symmetric encryption for bettering file protection in the procedure


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    In this paper, we study Group key Agreement which mean multiple parties want to create a common secret key to be used to exchange information securely. The group key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each user is only aware of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of other users. Further, he has no information about the network topology. We implement the existing system with more efficient manner and provide a multicast key generation protocol. We replace the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol by a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with One to One and One to Many functionality. We also tend to implement a strong symmetric key encryption for improving file security in the system

    Research on security and privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Los sistemas de redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANET) tienen como objetivo proporcionar una plataforma para diversas aplicaciones que pueden mejorar la seguridad vial, la eficiencia del tráfico, la asistencia a la conducción, la regulación del transporte, etc. o que pueden proveer de una mejor información y entretenimiento a los usuarios de los vehículos. Actualmente se está llevando a cabo un gran esfuerzo industrial y de investigación para desarrollar un mercado que se estima alcance en un futuro varios miles de millones de euros. Mientras que los enormes beneficios que se esperan de las comunicaciones vehiculares y el gran número de vehículos son los puntos fuertes de las VANET, su principal debilidad es la vulnerabilidad a los ataques contra la seguridad y la privacidad.En esta tesis proponemos cuatro protocolos para conseguir comunicaciones seguras entre vehículos. En nuestra primera propuesta empleamos a todas las unidades en carretera (RSU) para mantener y gestionar un grupo en tiempo real dentro de su rango de comunicación. Los vehículos que entren al grupo de forma anónima pueden emitir mensajes vehículo a vehículo (V2V) que inmediatamente pueden ser verificados por los vehículos del mismo grupo (y grupos de vecinos). Sin embargo, en la primera fase del despliegue de este sistema las RSU pueden no estar bien distribuídas. Consecuentemente, se propone un conjunto de mecanismos para hacer frente a la seguridad, privacidad y los requisitos de gestión de una VANET a gran escala sin la suposición de que las RSU estén densamente distribuidas. La tercera propuesta se centra principalmente en la compresión de las evidencias criptográficas que nos permitirán demostrar, por ejemplo, quien era el culpable en caso de accidente. Por último, investigamos los requisitos de seguridad de los sistemas basados en localización (LBS) sobre VANETs y proponemos un nuevo esquema para la preservación de la privacidad de la localización en estos sistemas sobre dichas redes.Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) systems aim at providing a platform for various applications that can improve traffic safety and efficiency, driver assistance, transportation regulation, infotainment, etc. There is substantial research and industrial effort to develop this market. It is estimated that the market for vehicular communications will reach several billion euros. While the tremendous benefits expected from vehicular communications and the huge number of vehicles are strong points of VANETs, their weakness is vulnerability to attacks against security and privacy.In this thesis, we propose four protocols for secure vehicle communications. In our first proposal, we employ each road-side unit (RSU) to maintain and manage an on-the-fly group within its communication range. Vehicles entering the group can anonymously broadcast vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) messages, which can be instantly verified by the vehicles in the same group (and neighbor groups). However, at the early stage of VANET deployment, the RSUs may not be well distributed. We then propose a set of mechanisms to address the security, privacy, and management requirements of a large-scale VANET without the assumption of densely distributed RSUs. The third proposal is mainly focused on compressing cryptographic witnesses in VANETs. Finally, we investigate the security requirements of LBS in VANETs and propose a new privacy-preserving LBS scheme for those networks

    SEMAN - uma proposta de Middleware seguro para as redes ad hoc móveis

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Pessoa AlbiniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/04/2014Inclui referênciasResumo: Devido às particularidades das redes ad hoc móveis (MANETs - Mobile Ad Hoc Networks), como a topologia dinâmica, a ausência de infraestrutura e a sua característica decentralizada, a implementação de aplicações complexas e flexíveis para estas redes torna-se um desafio. Para permitir o desenvolvimento dessas aplicações, diversas soluções de middleware foram propostas. Contudo, as soluções encontradas não consideram plenamente os requisitos de segurança dessas redes. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo dos middlewares propostos para as MANETs, relatando o seu funcionamento e apresentando um comparativo das funcionalidades disponíveis. Esses middlewares são categorizados de acordo com a seguinte classificação, proposta neste trabalho: baseados em espaços de tuplas, baseados em P2P, baseados em contexto, cross-layer e orientados à aplicação. Em seguida, com base nas limitações estudadas, é proposto um novo middleware de segurança para as MANETs, chamado de SEcure Middleware for Ad hoc Mobile Networks (SEMAN - Middleware seguro para as redes ad hoc móveis), que fornece um conjunto de serviços de segurança para facilitar o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas, complexas e flexíveis. Para fornecer tais serviços e garantir a segurança, o SEMAN considera o contexto das aplicações e organiza os nós em grupos, também baseados nesses contextos. O middleware prevê três módulos: serviço, processamento e segurança. O módulo de serviço é responsável por manter todos os serviços e aplicações que são disponibilizados pelo nó hospedeiro a outros nós da rede. O módulo de processamento é responsável por manter o funcionamento central do middleware, atendendo os pedidos e gerenciando o registro dos serviços e componentes disponíveis. O módulo de segurança é o ponto principal do middleware e o foco desta tese. Ele possui os componentes de gerenciamento de chaves, de confiança e de grupos. Todos esses componentes foram desenvolvidos pelo autor e são descritos neste trabalho. Eles são suportados por um núcleo de operações criptográficas e atuam de acordo com regras e políticas de segurança. A integração desses componentes fornece garantias de segurança contra ataques às aplicações que utilizam o middleware.Abstract: Due to the particularities of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), as their dynamic topology, lack of infrastructure and decentralized characteristic, the implementation of complex and flexible applications is a challenge. To enable the deployment of these applications, several middleware solutions were proposed. However, these solutions do not completely consider the security requirements of these networks. This thesis presents middleware solutions for MANETs, by describing their operations and presenting a comparative of the available functionalities. The middlewares were grouped according to this classification: tuple space-based, P2P-based, context-based, cross-layer and applicationoriented. Then, based on the limitations of the studied solutions, a new secure middleware is proposed, called SEcure Middleware for Ad hoc Networks (SEMAN), which provides a set of basic and secure services to MANETs aiming to facilitate the development of distributed, complex and flexible applications. To provide such services and ensure security to the applications, SEMAN considers the context of applications and organizes nodes into groups, also based on these contexts. The middleware includes three modules: service, processing, and security. Service module is responsible for maintaining all services and applications hosted by nodes. The processing module is responsible for maintaining the middleware core operation, listening the requests and managing the registry of available services and components. The security module is the main part of the middleware and the focus of this thesis. It has the following components: key management, trust management and group management. All these components were developed and are described in this work. They are supported by a cryptographic core and behave according to security rules and policies. The integration of these components provides security assurance against attacks to the applications that use the middleware